The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

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Tin: NASHVILLE AMKKICAX AVXDX11SDAY MORXINO TUXi: 2S 1800 DAILY CITY STATISTICS ABOUT THE COURT-HOUSE HAS OUESTIBI! IS EQUEiEIII HILL Sill BE HERO FOB THIS BAH Ing of the North American Baergerbund: Heyne Busch Cka Dueffelbrel Paul Zwlrntr Cha Bloejtner Henry Gochcnbarh A Thurman Adolph Abeg-glon Sunil and wife Byru Ctas Evers John Gurenlgen Ernest Goebel and Albert Gruumlnper Among these who accompanied the members of the widely were Will Utx-sa and C'bas Heuser Boveral others hit Monday night The party ail return Friday night Jtnr 1 ITOTIUnDTJTLOR CASE AWARDS PLAINTIFF IMIKH) 1 DAMAGES TAX ASSESSOR 4 ILIJAH1 HAS COM PEETED HIS LIST FOB CITY AND COUNTY I COMMI rTFB OF CITY COlhCIL SlELrrS RUT AD I It 3 ITH-OIT AOTIOY GOOD SEWS FOR THE BOVS WHO AKE REORGANIZING THE STATE Gl'AHD Real Estate 1 rnnafera Union Bank Trust Company assignee to McHenry lot on North Vine $87 56 'Williams et ux to Ida Ilronon lot fen Williams avenue $27'0 Mra Mclver et at to Oeorge Whit et al lot In Ninth District $283 Ewing trustee to It cad land In Eighteenth District $10215 96 Palmer receiver to Craig lot tn Waverty Place $350 John Kirkpatrick et ux to Waddle lot on Fain $i00 Malon and Tully Brown executors to Mrs Bailie Trice lot on Nell avenue $1206 Rufftn et ux to Mrs Add! McCullough lot on Josephine street fooo A Fentress et ui to IL Elliott lot on Dickerson $221 WEHK DIS APPOINTED CALL OF CASES IN CHANCERY SHOWS A HEALTHY INCREASE OWNERS OF PROPERTY APPEAL WILL FIT- OUT 1800 Adjt Gen Lamb Not Ready to Master in C'at Surton'e Cnuysny Capt West Morton's cominny met last I night at the Chamber of Commerce It was expected that Adjt Grti Lanlb would be ready to muster the company Into service I but they wore disappointed A there wai no bustne-s before the meeting an adjourn meat was taken There are over fifty Three Divorce Rills Arc Other Salta In Chancery General Court Stai and the Record Assessment In Whole Feaaty larger by 433160 Than Iast Farts and Tables of Inter est te Taxpayers Eastman Carrey Returns From 'Washington Where II Settled With the er Capitol hewn Lonlavllle Property Company Objects Damage iweaned for Church Street Viaduct Board of Fabllc Works An aril Contract Tt fury In the case of Willie Bt at hard I names on the muster rolls and it la ex-snd others against Freetou Taylor In the prated that the company will be mustered 'Second Circuit Court yesterday brought In J0 latter rart of the week verdict for $4000 for the plaintiff Ths Death Record June 26 Wm Bugg 223 North Market aged 22 June 27 llorte Ueveror 301 Spruce aged 8 Colored June 26 John Davis $13 Warren aged 87 Ernest Clendcnon South Fourth street aged 8 John Nix 623 Wood aged 1 year snd 1 month CHOWS BITTER IIT Tip? tax assresment compilation for 1819 wa completed by Assessor Matt Will-tame and made public yesterday The fig' urea In connection with It are Interesting as allowing an advance In valupa and a healthy growth a compared w(A previous year There la an Increase this year In aggregate value of realty In the county of $104 080 There la an increase In personalty of $1082080 making altogether an Increase of $1385160 over the assessment of 1898 The realty assessment having been made for three years Is the same as last year the tncreaa representing Improvements new Building Permit 8 Weinbaum repairs 620 Ash $300 George Jerulgan 2H8 McLemore brick addition Bumpous 4 Br Claiborne street stable $100 Tle was a peculiar suit for damages The plaintiff was administratrix of Aun Blothard an old colored woman and all the parties were colored It wa alleged that the old woman bad a quarrel with Taylor over a year ago In which he struck her In the breast The Injury auatatned they alleged developed into heart trouble and other complications and her death a year later was claimed as a result Su't was brought for damages against Taylor who denied every having struck Th gas committee of the City Council met la the Mayor's office yesterday after noon to take eomp action on the bill to grant franchise now pending before tho Council There were preaeut Messrs Un derwood Canfield Coodloo Tolmie and Moore A Marks of the Tennessee Gas Com-(any was present and asked that the com mil tea defer action for a few days He stated ibat Dr Dudley Bar-tlell and others wished to meet with the commit tea and that it waa Impvwslble for them to be present at that time After some dls utelon the committee agreed to adjourn until Friday July The Cruiser Chattanooga as She Will Appear When Afloat Chattanooga Times PEARS RKTUtlED FROM 1IONDIRA8 HAS A ROAST FOR MIMXTRIt HCN TER CIGARETTES BY BILLIONS The Birth Record June 21 to Jacob snd Mary Nuss 1702 State a girt Colored June 23 to Carleton and Fannie Creighton 1020 Qy a boy the woman The Judgment wa somewhat JHE KILLING OF FRANK PEARS buildings etc of a surprise to the spectators Marriage Llernse White Joseph Morgan and Margaret John II Washington Gen Rrlen and Ewing represented the plaintiff and 8 A McElwee the defendant when definite action will be taken and some recommendation made to the Council This meeting will a week before th next regular meeting of the Council Claim Mad the Minister Takes Ns Steps In Demands fe Indemnity s( American Citlsena The assessment by districts la given In the tables below The First District represent the various war da of th city and la given in a table by Itself It realty shows up $28375240 and Its personalty $7753310 It has 13551 pulls' In the other or country districts there THE R0UNDLAP BALE GREAT STRIDES 11 JIASlgAfTtllB AND DEVELOPMENT OF LEG ITT Chancellor Cook want over the entire docket of bis court yesterday nelectlng uch cases as were ready for trial About fifty were announced as ready foe Immediate hearing and these will be called at Mate latch prise $EW ORLEANS June Pear la an aggregate of 316078 acre and 10397 the brother of Frank Fetor who was mur- lots the total valuation being $11213 AY IRRESISTIBLE DFM (ID EXISTS 'FOR COTTON PACKED IT TIIK SEW WAY the ret of five per day beginning to-day I dered In San Tedro Spanish Honduras on The personalty in $30! 4730 and there are INDUSTRIES FOR THE QUARTER Solicitors who were detained In other Jan 31 and whose killing was made the Burch attorney lor tho Louisville Property Company ha notified iUcofler Byrn that ba will oppeal from the de-eUlon of the Jury of view appointed to award damage for the property condemned In building the Church street viaduct Thla roperty couelatt of a strip of fire or six lots in th Academy plan on (hurck street and was condemned to make roocu for ths abutment wall of th ChuicU street viaduct The damages awarded were $6109 eorn-ts and could not attend yeeterday may subject of official Inquiry by th United have other ease which are ready added to gutei reathed New Orlenn on the steam- Exceed by SO Per Cem Those Start ed Daring the Same 1 rrlnd Last Year Oomparlsoas Made 5613 poll The table showing the amounts by district and wards Is a a follows Ward Ural ond Third Fi urth Filth Some Facia Abont the methods of th American fottoa Company and Its Proflts In Ihe IXcvv Method of Ruling Seventh Eighth the Hat by banding a memorandum of the earn to the Clerk and Mooter on or before Monday July 3 All cases called will he continued If not tried The call for to-day will be as follow No 377 Dudley Bon vs et al No 378 Youngstown MR Co va Napier et al No 379 Cleaves vs Napier et al No SSI Lnaky et al vs Green-bgige No 404 Turley receiver Julia Murrell et al Tenth l-leventh Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Bex enteenth Ktchteeilth i itremtt Twentieth If the War Department follows up tbs promise made to Eastman Cis m-v a to has Just returned from Washington tit equipment for the State Cuard will be In tbe armory at the Capitol In lets than thru weeks This is encouraging news to th various companies which being organized throughout tho Plate Soon after th TVnnoftsc volunteer regt znents were disbanded a number of the oflt-eers snd men desired to re-eptist In th State Gusrd but tho question srae as to th existence of a 8 vat Guard onJ ft a finally decided that the guard bxsiue et tlnct when It was mtmterfd Into vobm teer service Steps were thereupon takes reorganize The delay In securing any encouragement as to equipment served In a meaeure to dampen the military enthusiasm whhh wagv rampant throughout the State but the bp that the equipment Is soon to arrive wilt revive this enthusiasm and give aa impel ug to the organization Vi'hea tho National Guard went Into th volunteer army practbally all th equips Bient cf tho State was taken A good pore tion of this was condemned by tbe tev-v ernmeat and ni-w equipment Iseucd Owtrg to the alia nee of complete records of tb dirpcvtilon of this properly Mr Currey hd txMuildcTahle difflc-ulty is reaching on agreement with the Government The greatest obstruitlon be ran scalnot was an oplrlon from the Attorn-y General to the rff-ct that tbe ordnance stores Quartermaster's stores and other equipment thofi were bul to th several State an tor tin act of 107 wore th property of the Government sod only held In th ns tody of th Ft ate snd being th properly of th Government th Bute waa not entW 9 to ny return for that taken Into tho volunteer army Ths State wmihl ln ly Iwi given credit for tho return orlerert to drop then equipment on the annual returns nJ re! loved from further ftccountubllfty After eonnidorstdo trouble Col Currey) ftuooecded In sivuilng an order for the rs turn to Tennessc of the oi J-nrv aior-4 and criHlpvmnta smounttng to $l7f Under this arrangement th State 111 receive among other ordnance 1180 gttna Tin Qua rtei stores tiuh ss rooking titenrils and tent will not be resumed AAtil In Ttsfthlngtirn requisition wag also made on tb Government for flOflnq worth of Quartermaster's ton-a whhti ronie cut of tho nigwoprlaticn of lost year At the end of the present month whl Stooends thfl-isl yeer of the Government tb fit ate will have to Its ere-ltt somethin over $1 606 after tbe resent reqn li fiem been deducted After Jnly 1 tho appropriation for next year hold good whi amounts to ataut $11 Vdl So it 111 be seen that the Rule Guard will have ample fun la to equip It In every detail Alrh the equipment returned br th Government and the requisition for Quar-termaftier'oslnrcs made It It estimated that tb Rfiita can equip at least lMto meo Th best part of the Dews Is that the equipment Is expected here In the next few weeks Gor MiMIllln received a letter yest-rda from the ordnance department to the effect that the Reek Island Arsenal had bea ordered to ship tb equipment at once Muster rolls have been sont out to all the companies desiring to organize and fa fa- only three of them have been returned A soon ns all Instructions at compile! wl'h ond Ihe muster rolls forwarded to th Adjutant General office tbe weak of mustering In the companies will begin The Board of Public Works yesterday swarded th following contracts: Jos Llghtman curbing and Bush A Co sidewalks on north side of Kstusey between Sixth and Seventh Smith eewer In alley between Summer and Cherry from Madison and Tavlor 11024 60 Sullivan A Campbell sower between Hayes and Church from Boyd seat to the main sewer $1105 27 Buie for laying temporary floor on th Intersection between tbe Broad rtreet snd Kayne avenue vtaducts Total iilurlri Be eond Third Fourth Filth Annabel Johnson through her solicitor Rutherford filed a bill In chancery yesterday asking a divorce from Johnson She alleges abandonment and failure to provide and asks alimony pendente lit ship Breakwater last night Air Pears said that United State God-fiey Hunter who passe-d through New Orleans some wetks ago en route to his station had taken absolutely no step tn the matter of pushing the demands of this Government Instead of going to Honduras ho went to Guatemala City where he has been ever since Th Pears family will again take up the case at Washington In the hope of speedily having redres for th killing of Frank Peers Pears Bays that the family does not care for the money Indemnity What he wants la the dismissal of Manuel Bonlllo who was In command of the Hou-durean troop In San Pedro when Frank Pears was killed by a sentry He baa been refused permission by ths Hondura authorities to disinter th body of Frank Pears The Breakwater also brought over John Richards and llarrla who were ejected from Guatemala by tba Government of that country under peculiarly aggravating circ*mstances The men both of whom are American citizens discovered a gold mine In the province of Zacapa wbere thuy washed out $17 worth of gold In one hour They went to Zacapw the capital of tha province to have their claim recorded and a day after their arrival were warned by th authorities that they Bluest leave the country Instead they went back to thetr data where on June 18 troop were sent for their appro-henrlon R'chanle wa srrestid Harris escaping and taken to Zuapa where bo was thrown into a filthy prison with tbirty- Bids will be received by the Board or $250 worth of ad and $270 worth of gravel to delivered on th cast side of the Cumberland River 3)4 174 14 7 Enormous Number ported From This losatry to Asia An Investigation based on the arrival tn Tacoma this week of thre carload of cigarettes for Iran shipment to Shanghai and Tokio on one of the North American Steamship Company' liners bring to light the enormous traffic In this line of luxuries that is carried on between th United State and nations of th Orient When th actual figures In carloads of the shipments from the Pacific Cpot this year are reduced to pounds and then to the number of cigarette In tho total figure are reached that ar amazing and almost Incalcu lable These thre carload weighed a total of 98127 pounds deducting th weight of casts pa-kagea etc amounting to 1473-173 perkages such as are sold In Beattie for and 10 cents each A each of theoe contains ten cigarettes this one shipment includes a total of 21531750 cigarettes But this single shipment of three cars Is In reality a small portion of ths traffic In this commodity As Dearly complete as tbe figure could be gotten yesterday It appears that sire the beginning of the jivr ho less than I'd carloads have been received on the coast which have been transferred to steamships and taken to the Orient principally to China and Japan although the people of th Philippine Island consume a considerable quantity The average weight of the content In cigarettes of three 198 cart was 32480 pounds excluding the weight of the case and paikagm making a total of 8531010 pounds of cigarcttre On the basis of 20 cigarettes to the pound which 1 ss nearly tho correct average as can be eottmated this give total of 1382760090 cigarette And strange ts It may seem these figure ate some hat below tho average as tho atecks that were rushed Into Japan net before the higher tariff law went Into efieet Jan 1 bare not been consumed It Is considered that the average consumption In Oriental countries of American cigarettes amount to approximately big) Carloads 13488000 pounds or 4872060000 In number Mr Ptevens a prominent exporter of Portland who wa in the city yoeterdsy wa doing a little figuring on Oriental buel-nees when he cams acmes some of the foregoing computations sad then ho went on to sav prospects of this Pavlflc Coaet country to realise an enormous commerce out of the Orient are aloiply Incomprehensible We are given to thinking big and talking big of the trans-Baclflc out- look but little do we really know of tho extent this commerce la bcund to assume We half th time forget that In direct lino with the coset live half ths people of the world and that they must do their trailing through th Wretcrn State of the Lnlon "There Is a great awakening among these aeml-clvtlired folk and It Is Increasing so rapidly that 1 am not exaggerating the prospects when I prophecy that within ten year the export of tho Pacific Coast will be more than equal to those of the entire Atlantic Those reining customers of ours ar a slow pconle to realize the blessings of civilization but when they do know what they tan get here their nnm-brs are so (feat mat th extent of their patronage will be ao prodigious aa to almost pass th ability of ta(itlclan to cotnpu te ttle Poet-Intelltgencer CHATTANOOGA Juns That the South has for Some time been making re markable stride In th field of legltlmsto manufacturing and development enter-pris-s has burn fully recognized and aoras details of this progress for tho first six month of thla year ara of more than passing interest Tho Tradesman Chattanooga ha carefully compiled a report of the new Industries authoritatively reports for tho second quarter of 1899 and this report show that tho new Industrie for the quarter ending July 1 D99 exceeds by 69 per cent that of the same period last year In commenting on this report the Tradesman say that the growth Induated during the quarter was general rather than special Th new Industrie reported for April May sod June 18 8 numbered 483 for the ame months thl year they are 773 a gain of 232 and thl gain 1 pretty well distributed among different branches of industry Cotton and lu product show the heaviest gain however On July I 198 there were noted 37 new compresses and gins 29 now textile mill and S3 cotton reed oil mills to-day's report show 45 tew gins and comprises 76 textile wills and 71 cotton reed oil wills M'wi lpal progress and prosperity may bo fairly lnfeired from th two Item of llghf snd water Thor are 28 now water-wotk sod 65 new electric light and power plant reported to-day against 22 waterworks acd 44 electric l'ght and power planu that were new a year ago Those are tho heavier guln Compared with the report for the first quarter of thl year th second quarter rhows a gain of 117 new Industrie Combining the two quarters the new Industries Neventh rt Eghth jri (tie Ninth irocsra Tenth 1W MO Eleventh 717 ie 1 welnh Thirteenth lM2tit Frurteentb g-screq The sat of the Prewltt-Spurr Company! plant to Gen Thru ston has been confirmed In the Chancery Court tn th case of Gardner va the said company 7' 4 Ml 314 4 31 2 MO a 4J2 0 2 M0 1 1 3 i40 1 4 0 Fi 7 0 12 14 0 M6 2 3 24 2lt0 The South la still eonflervstive hat ts no longer It ts sharing In the woo drrfut prosperity of tbe rest of th country It is through a nvolutios that is fixing Bft life aiid vnr te every brsnb of tiie cotton lLdufetry cjucpUag tbos members whhh hav ben hurtful inutrad of hUfu! to Its prosperity It is nfroplliylsg strengthening ted Ufting a economy In vh packing ttid handling of the staple Tb Koond ap tmthod of baling cottem Is growing rupiJiy In luvur adding to the proprujr of tbe planter whether he raises tno bales or two hundred and giving the gin owner sn opportunity to double th earning cipac ty of hts plant without irrreetiiiig investment Tb opposition to ths Houndlap bale on the part of compreHs owners sod ths iuii4 rn wboee has beta a burdens me taa ou the cuttcu planter bs rot the steady fntiodm lion of the met hlnery fug making the Knundlsp bale nd the eatlrfstioa of tbe farmer the gl-ser aud th mill owner Th inn ks fc ths Air mean Cor puny owura of th hMinuiap alsng romhiue bsv I and ors rripuious They ha bcn irrud of aitwiiptiug to gain a Ironopoly of umtig imthnd but gradually th (am ar ring btadmay that the Amnan ottn mpany Is only of thr concerns rn-gMgs-d la making round baling prcKera ttg lltHl it nnot sttjoy any dhijmaIv Thn aam objcidon In tua ie to the pnllny adopted by th eomjeny of Itoang Ifc -eUnery to the glo owner Itiatmd tf selling it Th l-aee ia effect a rejaity the anioimt of the rnfj! being Ived on the an unt of cotton baled tn th thua making the prottt and proef-erity of Uie ermpauy depend fC that of tbo amner I Uealiig ayiteta it la found the ri no rtk lien up none his tapnal and mahne at much prrflt out cf the bain-d atrachmuit to bi ginnery aa fmn the uncry (a wbhb his eapttai The edvantMjrfH nf tlw kmtnd'uu bale ovep Ih old atvle bale are many and great that Its general tntrodurti will le rapid and the aturra in tUe profits wiij I hr who pcrceie eanieet the temVney of the time and prepare thmlve to eup-ply tb pew demand Tba greater almpUrlty of the bale aving tle aud battMing Its greater aeurtfy from fir and consequent lew-r tfsetiranre ir aavlnr in shipping and It rapidly growing popularity in the mill bomw and abroad all mako up a nitoatJnn that rest a demand for the Roumlluo buls which count be supplied The rlty cffirials are making every effort to get the collection of unmetered water taxw off of their hand before July 1 at vhUh tme the collection of merchant' privilege taxes commences The office close at noon en Saturday and ss next Mooring la tus Fourth of July and holiday It makes the Um for work very limited lxeltnquents will shut off at tb expiration of twenty days from the dot of their card notice In the eaae of Mrs Mollie Hanifln against Mra the Chancery Court yesterday appointed the Union Pank A Trust Company receiver for the estate of Hanifln deceased with Instruction! to dispose of all the property Flteemh Sixteenth Pevente nth Pightetnth Nineteenth Twentieth Twer tv drat Twenly-aetond Twenty third Twenty-fourth 240 77 lw) 3 1 Too Ited'rt ii Ir 140 nr D2 3" Twontjr-Aftii Tote I $112185x0 $3011730 Mat The Criminal Court wu not In aesaion yesterday As previously announced the postponement of the Thomas murder case left the docket clean for a few days and Judge Andersen went to Murfreesboro to occupy the bench there on a murder trial Th Board yesterday purchased bore from A Mowcley for the use of the firs department Tbe price paid was $179 Total value of realty In warda 8 Tfv jto Total Value of realty In dtvtrlrt it jn Total vain of personalty in wards 7 7- -40 Total value of personalty in diatrfi ts 3 OH j) McMahon and wife through their I captives School bills for the past mobth were paid ly City Treasurer McCabe yesterday to the (mount of $1081 90 Total realty and personalty $co 3 SCO To tal realty In county $T8 ViO t-0 Total personalty in county i aom solicitors Morris A Turney filed a bill In chancery yesterday against Thoma and Maggio Clark seeking tha sale and division of certain land lu the Twenty-second District Tho contract for printing 72 600 of during the first six months of I funding toiKls wa let by Recorder Byrne 93 Total polls in county jy THOl RIE AT R1 IPS fH tPEL yesterday to tbe Brandon Trimlng Company Their bid was $71 He wired Mlnlufor Hunter and told him that he had been arrested without any cause whatever asking that he be secured a fair trial and stating that be wanted to go to trial Minister Hunter answered the telegram as follows "I have received your telegram of yesterday relative to your order of expulsion Tha authorities claim to have proof to Justify th order "GODFREY HUNTER On the second day after his arrest Rich ITSIOL IT HI PCX KET Inda Baldwin through her solicitors A Hrien and Frank Harrison filed a bill In chancery yeeterday agnlnM Martin Baldwin asking a dlvorie She alleges cruel and inhuman treatment and failure to provide and secured an Injunction to restrain the defendant front diaiioutng of hla Sheriff Stafford Hake an Olltrlal Ii VHtlKSttOB FIARKSV1LLE June Special Sheriff Stafford returned this morning from Rye's Chapel where he nuvlw an aids taken to the train at the end of I 'n'''flM8aRo Into tha riot alligcd to have a rope aud carried to Barrios under place at a barbocuo giveu there Sat 18J9 Intlude 39 brick and ttle works 15 canning factories 69 oompreBsr and gins 130 textile mills 93 electric light and power plants 138 flour and grist mills 59 Iron working and Iron making plsnts 47 Ice factoris 66 mines and quarries 161 cotton aeed oil mills 17 phosphate and fertilizer companies 21 tobacco factories 10 sugar wills 43 water-works and 274 wood-working plan These figures not only Justify using the languago of enthusiasm but render tu language unnecessary They epeak for them selves AT AUCTION guard At Fort Barrios he was Immedl- urfay Inrt He reixirta that the trouble TO-DAY TUB BiLATCi: OF Emily Clark through her solicitor I ately iir prisoned for two days without food I 1'n crlous cxA- ntun being ao badly ln- HIIf at Conntrymn Complain of Lom of Money to HI Harrow Hall a resident of Mt Pleasant complained to Officer Walsh et the Vnlon Station yesterday morning that he bad been robbed of $15 while taking In tho ton right before Offltr Walsh suggested that porsibly man was rot taken and darted to feel In his pocket for money as the roan aeemod to drinking and could not make a search hlinsolf While engaged in tbU Officer WaNh (Uncovered pistol In tb? roan pocket and sent him In Ia (Dtck) Brien asks a decree of divorce I There be Wa loaded upon tile Breakwater I Jired that hla recovery is by no means cer- He Mra Eamtltt'i 8tok DEATH OF Ifrom Janies Clark She allege desertion The couple have been married for more ihnn twenty-five years 1 Robertson Bros through their t-iln This was the mun Anthony Collins who appears to have been th chief ag gressor He received two blows either of which would have killed an ordinary man one from an ax across the baik of tho i solicitor flik Malone filed a bill in chancery yes To sold at auction to-day Finn Hat Rlhbonst Vet II ns Chiffons Laires all must be sold at No 203 North Summer street h-ad the other from heavy saasafras KJ4CAPKD CONVICT terday against Mrs Addia Cox to col-Wi a note for $110314 and his fare paid to this country found Harris on ths fame ship Kkbarda ami Harris are tndlgnaut over their treatment and propose to bring tho fin ts to the attention of the authorities at VVnbington Richard has been in Central America for live or six years 11c represented the whisky firm of Brown Co of Louisville in Costa Ittca until six months sgo when he aeeurod a position with tbe Guatemala Central Railroad While woiklng on a tie contract for that road it Is said be haiborcd the party of Americans known as the Kansas City filibusters and in that way he probably incurred the displeasure of the Guatemalan Goveriiunnl REOPETS Ills A 4 LOOT One Former ltf1ent of Thlo City Fnwi Ay at rnrtlnnd Ore Hubbard McDonald formerly of this city died yetrdfty hla home In Portland Ort Mr McDonald waa business manaRfr of Portland Telegram and waa 30 year old Mr McDonald waa born In Smith County this State and a your man removed to Nashville During his buaincm career he xvaa successively bookkeeper eashirr and In the revenue bill pawed by th laat Legislature a privilege tax of $129 per mil was placed on railroads net paying an a4 valorem tax with ths proviatca that any company to which this should apply might be relieved from th tax by obtigacttrus itself to pay In lieu of all other taxes $4509 peg annum for period of ten years and att the end of that time waive the charter exempt lun as to ad valorem taxation and to dismh pending litigation st the railroad' expense The Governor and Comp-trolley were empowered to execute th contract on the part of the State Tbe Knoxville A Ohio Railroad vhkbl has nbunt sixty miles of line to this State-was the only rood affected by tbta act tn Judge Shields attorney for the rost yesterday presented the contract to tb Gov era or snd Comptroller for their signature The compromise ws tgreoabte ts thn mi-d and as soon as the Governor return It will he formally closed THE COl IIT ItE(OM) Where Fuel is a Lnxury In Marseille at In Tarts I noticed that th fuel shops displayed samples of coal In glass jers aud deep dishes as if they were raro snd precious speximens From what the Amrlean Consuls tn all peris of Europe hsd to say fuel is actually both rare and precious It cost twle as inu as In ths Anthorltie Want John Smith IRON C1TT June (Special )-Con-iibrsble excitement has been occasioned In this vicinity by a report that an escaped cudgel over the top of th head Tom Munroo wag also badly injured with a club During the progress of the row Colllna started after a man named Lee with bis knife In hand Lee drew a pistol and threatened to shoot him If he came any further whereupon be turned bis attention another way He waa In the act of stabbing a man whom he bad down when be was struck w-ltb the ax In tho back of tho head Collins and bis pals bad sent word b'-foro tbe bsrbectio was held that If was held In that place they were going to break It up Warrants have been Issued for the artest of all partli concerned and the trial will take place before Baxter Watkins of the Fifteenth District Just as soon as the Injured men are able to taken to the court-room Not In acwslon yesterday ClltCl Jenkins vs Sweeney pending SECOND Stothard va Taylor fbr plalnilff for $40no Decrees and orders Hayes Shield trustee relieved order to pay ofct funds Gardner et al vs Trevvltt FJurr It decree confiunlrg sale Hjfi-ha va McNish Nashville Trust Company appointed receiver Daniel vs Ferrlng dls-nd cd Zkkler va Schultz dlsmlrecd convict from Mississippi for whom a re- nltrd States aud In consequence It Is pur- again bookkeeper of the Nashville Banner ard of $700 ha been offered for his esp-ThS Linl Ud prnKl)r IteslgnlrtK his position here lie went to ttire was a rooted st Center Star Ala Europe The family endures thTchVasTong near lphla wbere ha snd ho escaped from hi captors cams a possible and then stsrts a flbkerln fire opted po-itlon with his undo the late through this town and was approai hed by under "briquette" Tbe briquette I a J- R- Hubbard While there Mr Me- I a citizen of Loretto but on the production perforated brick made by compressing and Donald accepted a position with the St of huge knife with a warning not to ap-himlcitlr nrixtmp o( rosl el a snd water Paul Minn Globe as cashier Later he re- promch neares- the citizen allowed the parly IIIMIIR PKIKMirD Vexing Liquor Problem In Evidence nt Lenlsbnrg LEW ISBURG June 27 (Special Lew-Isburg ha been a dry town for only a short time but is po no longer as Massey has reopened bis ealuon Mr Mansoy secured license to Jell until July 12 before the law making the four-inlle law applicable to towns under 2000 Inhabitants was passed by tho last Legislature but closed his saloon immedtatily after the abolition of the charter of Lewlsburg However he has now derided to sell until the expiration of his license Tbe member of the bar of tbl place are divided upon the question to whether Mr Massey has the right to sell iLApTraUrely EuroTU I l8nefMan1 turned to Nashville accepting I to goon his way The supposed criminal I i A RfMlMflll AS Cimhlr n( th nsnitA A iin I An Taka Umlf It nrms rrviai'T tnan fnt a fWBitlou a cashier of the Banuer After John Smith one-armed on tnan formerly resident Of this oosinty and ts reported to have relatives In this county It 1ft further reported that he killed a Fheriff in MIsslastppl NEW CHI HC II lit IIDIAO Tho Ferret ary of S'ate yesterday grant a charter to the Montgomery Conopivw Company of Memphis with capital stork of $160600 Tbe incorporators are Montgomery Jtsse Shipway Fowlkes 1 lillum Bowles Jr aud Falls A charter was also granted the Botanic! Drag Company of Tullnboma with capital stock of $15609 Tbe Incorporator I- Barnee Otteniierg Ot-tenherg Ik Cascbcer ond 0 Iltoks I Tw-Dny'a (slesdar CIIMINAL (J Anderson Not in sc ln (o-day I (J Chlidreaa J)-Jenklns vs t-eeney pending PKVIND CIRCUIT 1J Bonner Biowi vs Rapid Transit Company Turnplko Company va Cm ur om va same (II NCERY (If II Cook Call of the cl iket Nob 37 7 378 279 381 and 4bl AMONG THE COOL ftcverul years sjictit hire he was tendered and accepted the position of Business Manager of the Portlaul Teh gram and he bad bei with that paper for tho pat six years Mr McDonald was married to Miss Lul Josiph of Eat Norhvllle daughter oi Mr and Mra Alexander Joseph His wife and two children eurvlv him Mr McDonald was a brother of Mis Miller cf this city Ho was a Knight of Pythias having been connected with Myrtle Lodge I while resident of Na'hvllle LA HO It DA Oil llinlr COFFEE FOR MOTHERS Department ut VVsshlnuton Denies Tkreit Vie Is to Illsme WASHINGTON Juno It la sutd at the State Department that the criticisms passed upon Minister Hunter in connection with tlie renre tsBe are entirely unwarranted by the facts It la said that so far from Mr Hunter being responsible for any delay In the prosecution of the claim aaRlnsl Honduras the Rtate Ikpartment has simply delayed further action on representations to It that the man Piars w-lio has Just arrived In New Orleans brings Important now tuts that tlie Department should have fine proceeding Already a claim for indemnity in tho amount of 1D00 on account of tbe kl'llng of ppar ha bun lodged and the Department has steadily refits to entertain Rny offer to arbitrate it The amount of the in lemnity is regarded as ample and the ease la said to he in goo-1 shape treasured Into brblu and sold at a good price Tbe railway companlis use these brick for locomotive tuel In the private house which I visited In Marseille two of these briquettes were rtnolderlug In the grate Thy nmke a lingering flro but you have to move up ileso in order to be convinred of the heat One needs to go to Kurfo and see the contracted farm observe the pinching eou-cmy of the people and note tlie siarilty of everyday necessities such as tuel and plain food iuDs to appreciate the peculiar advantage of own nuntry No wnndr that tho foreign peasant or laborer rreards Amerlia ss a paradise He has Parned that plenty of firewood a patch of garden and meat on the table are the prhllpge of wealth When he comes into poascsslou of these luxuries he knows how to make the best use of thorn A In Chicago Record During the torrid season when every one In tta Soutn Is locking for a rreort whor* hi alt and pleasure are t'umblned no uorllan if the country offer greater ut-trsetinn then the Allrghuny Mountains tn Treasurer Craig returned to East-brook yesterday Setfral Denomlniitlon lime One Frected at (oopertown rU'RKSVIUaE June 27 (Special A modern hutch building costing $1600 and beautifully tliu uted wen dedtratei Sunday Cnojertown Tbe dedicatory sermon was rreswhed by Ktv Gilliam of the First Ilftptlnt Chunh of Hpringfldd An audl enue cstlrneted at 2 000 people listened to tb discourse which irtti followed by a bucket dinner The bulhllnR is to be occupied alternately by the FTee Will Baptist he runiberlnnd PreebterinnH the Missionary Ilapttntg mid the Methodists Tlie Kind That hoarlftbes and Hup piles Food for Mother und hlld Mv husband has been unable to drink coffee lor keveral years so were very clad to give Food Milk tbe Mnslatrate TIN LEVINE Joo Smith by Ca rle Xewls 0 assault and battery tu -'s at 3 0 clock Lizzie While by N'i tie illlein malicious nilsihhf June 1 I MiCulloogh br David Prlnccg pea 1 proierdlngs to-day at 3 o'clock Orators Are DtweiisselOronsds Not Art Hrlreted The Labor Day Committee met last night I brio out the dv-licious flavor we have Coffee a trial and wbeji wo understood that by loug boiling it would 4 hurcU temerrt IGHISCURG June 27-(Fp Th young iHople of tbe Cumbeilind Tltsbyto-rlan Church of this place are rehearsing play entitled "Uncle Jcd't Ftchlity on the Cowboy Return'' which they will present to tho public toon 'Mi ITnMl a MI 084GK IMmWSWOKF IMVtK The follow Inpt census supervisors Karo been appointed Alabama Walter Simmons of Courtland for tho Eighth Oen-tis Dtrtrirt North Carol In Hoover Virginia Tho famous Greenbrier Hint Sulphur Hot Fprings Va Ihe Old Sww Sweet Ctalybiut Red Sulphur tb only re-ort whtre ronsumptlon is cured by tho ue of mineral wnters Rockbridge Alum Springs and numerous other retorts In tbs mountain is well ns Old Point t'omfort snd Virginia Beach along the coast la addition to the (asMonnUJe resort ther are hundreds of first clns branding places d'-llihtfully sltunlcO along tlie pie tufsnuo (htvnpcakc A Ohio Railway Tor bonrdtng house list and description of r-enrts ad Ires Rcn A 1 A A By Cincinnati 0 and for triform i-tlon regarding railroad extuislon rsts p-p'y to the ticket sgent of line connecting Louisville and Cincinnati with Chass-peale A Ohio Hallway Me then if WnoIivIIIc Vlarnnerrlinr iiiul 4 rlenil leave for Inelunall 'I ln tn low tug members of the Nashville Mm mu her lift li-t night for UlnctntHtl ahetc tiny go to rite ml the triennial meet- nvare i In thu cmumlttro room at ftorislu*t Hail The Committee on Grounds pisde thetr report which was discus ed and laid over until the next meeting- when final action will be tak-a- Becrctary Johnson announced that he had rectirwl letters from Presidmt Perkins advising ths committee to wrtto direct to Mr Woods of thn Union anl make arrangements with him in rson Ansvvtrs were received from several loading )rade union orators soyjng tlt previous engage ments would prevent them from accepting the Invitation of the committee to be present It ts possible that Frank Sargcant Of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen together with Mr Woods will be engaged Andrew lllnckurll Arrested PLAhKSVlLU: June Special Ikputv Kberllt Aalkcr litis morning: arrested Andrew Blackwell on the chaise of fttcaling a aaddle beloniuff to Andrew JohuHon of the Fifteenth Jllstrlct about three menths Blackwell ban rm In hiding for some time it Is alleged and waa caught near the Louisville A isjnshvtlle do-lot He waa brought befoie Caldwell and pleaded not guilty ITe was hound over to await the action cf the rrlmlnal Court under $700 bond Not being able to furnish or procure this be was remanded to the countv Jail I been highly pleased with it It ts one of the finest things fo nursing motheis that I have ever seen It keeps up tha mother's strength and increases the supply of nourishment for the child if puyinkea of freely I drank it between meals instead of water aod found it most beneficial Our flve-yenr-old boy lias been very delicate since birth and has developed slowly lie was hit and bloodless 1 began to give Poatum freely and you would be surprised at the change When any person remarks about the great improvement wa never fail to tell them that we attribute his gain in strength and general health to the fiee use ref Postum I'ood Coffee and this has led many friends to use it for thoimelves and children I have always rnutinned friends to whom I fluvp apoken about Dostum to follow directions in making it for unless it is boiled fifteen or twenty minutes it is quite tasteless (to the other band when properly made It is very delirious I want to thank you for thd benefits we have derived from the use ref vrenr Tostnm Coffee Mrs Ilamest 727 Bth avenue Helena Mont ilnlMimu Tension Money 1 Tl SCl'MBI June 27 -(S ceinl Th board of peoslou examiners of thla county bus examined and p-secd upon 128 Cou-fcxhrvte soldiers' applications for Suite pensions The averago amount to bo re-iclxed by each will approximate $23 double tbo amrunt ever before rcietvcd by the old soldiers the 3pprorlaUoii having ben lu-crerifted by the Inst IRlsIjittire to tins end Aa expectant mother had better I not take anylhlrf at all than those pcsitivcly darigerou mixtures to widely advertued to relieve her discomfort and nausea She ought to know that outside external treatment a the only way that can possibly be of any fcmefit She ought to know that t'loihor'B Frlond is tlie only remedy that will help her and it 1 an external liniment It takes her tlirocjh the entire period in comparative comfort shortens labor and childbirth is no longer to be dreaded More than that preserve her girh-h shape aftrr the ordeal and her lilt! one will come into the world perfect in form and health It (lour rtfr a Ufek'i Dorn lion 111 FATA HI SKA OUla June Hi 1 Tlip annual fniokti dam of the Indian huh baa ht'en In progr? all wk dowil last night Th amok dun oo It lway a event am on th Iii'tlftnf of II10 TorrUory and i gUfa every year by Hio Onacoa Tim dance wa hold in inded pinoe here on th bank of a creek Al nlyht th plate Is lighted nlth pin knot nni a clu lc of dark fuies around the half nukKl dancers presfnUa wprd pUlute Two bumlrid hlt IKTuons vtnltcd the danv yfttrdMy sltbouKb usually sre not allowrd to wit-m the ceremony The neighboring tribes sre iuvttfd to Uke pnrt aud gtot rally the ihffmnt tribes mo ttKHigned inum ds on which to triid (bitgatmn to tnko part FtfUdlty tbo ylnitors brluj puntrs and other I nents to hc Osucss but sometimes the blttrre the of ifl the ftlasMs wire here aui they were pro-ontivS with Ufiy poniind yards of rtH by th Owircii At ttuv (lunui lat night viral of tho Indiana aha wire evltbutly tired out wrr wliif by th Chiefs ord lecauo they did not display rnougb energy I4 tbe done Four of the drummers and five of the dancers are rivdiieUe of lodlsn Louis Oiob-Umocsat 1 Babies Take Cuticura Resolvent If the Ratty Is riming Teeth lie ftur and use that old and wrii tried remedy Mrs Winslow toothli Ryrnp for I'bil-dren ttetbing It soothes lh child softans to gums allays all pain cure wind colia and Is tbs bwt re medy tor diarrhoea Twcnty-fivs cents a tiotri- II Nl jntrntee that ni) Kiduejr Cur i 111 i ur t0 per cnt nil f'vriun of kMuey cni nint anl tu ffinnr tmUntirra tb tnoMf prlou( forma of PriRhi If (tUtMue com onm Ini it uilny tilil it ami ariuiio you fr hut to do ill MOV vui n-iii to nAith pf IM I Wiifin rnslnt'ss linftjte fit Mprinuflrld SUHINGKIFD June 27 txotal Ln py7lineil the entire atok lirow ft Co wholesale and Temll lliiuer 1 81 era to-day Dlls Is one ref the meat Important bustm-es rhangva tint lm been iade here In quite nwlille and was a surplse to the town Belt Bros will move the to to ttulr present headquartt on the Square I'rr-hy Icrl-u i'srainsae IHHISill HO June 27 iFpectol The rrcshytvrtan of this plain have dtw lded to rebuild to ir paromtAge whlih wns recently desiroyd by tire and work on name will be commenced at an early djto jy At sit dnif 2V Aft4 $7 1 A i Because It Is so pure and wholcisomo thick mothers can give it freely to elitfilr' of all ago Iloools and clc atwos the blood and is of the greatest value lu sjMcctUly curing dlxfiguring burning scaly humors rashes and imlatirins when taken In con-Dertcou with hrA fiatlis of ft net a Roxr and gentle anointings with Cura isa great skin cure and prrreet of emollient Get Mother's Friend at the drug store lor gl a buttle or send to Found Dead In Red Turns Dav sr old ngro man ws found deed In I Led yesterday morning at his rrovn at 714 Line street Di sth was due to' rheumatism of the brnrt TEE BRADriFLD PECULATOR CO ATLANTA GA Wrlle er I 8-fr-1 ft I Sncl i Per nanied wntn Hriruice ollcrt Inna Tha Internal rxvenuo colic tlous amounted to $6569 96 Herbert Alexander a small tmv at Greenville Miss was perhaps fatally (hot while playing with a gun An earthquake ahork of soma severity has bean felt at iPlaa and Florence Itsjy M4 fifrtifticriitthqi wt 4 fut Juftwa iiv Ui Uf 1 7.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.