The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)

EIGHT MADISONVILLE MESSENGER MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1963 More Schools Than Soldiers In Costa Rica By MORRIS W. ROSENBERG SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP)Costa Ricans, hosts this week to the meeting of President Kennedy with the presidents of Central American countries and Panama, are especially proud of two things: 1. This is a country where the Constitution has abolished the army, instead of the usual reverse pattern. The 1,200 members of the Civil Guard are the nation's only armed force. They perform police duties.

2. Costa Rica has more schools than soldiers. Illiteracy is 20 per cent, compared to an average of about 60 per cent in the rest of Central America. This dual effort of raising education and reducing militarism has paid off by giving Costa Rica a tradition of democracy. In this century there have been only two changes of by force "In 1917 President Alfredo Gonzalez Flores--a man obviously far ahead of the Alliance for Progress -became unpopular by instituting a graduated income tax and trying to raise real estate taxes.

His minister of war. Federico Tinoco. took over the presidency but. popular pressure mounted against Tinoco and he was thrown out of the country in 1919. (Costa Rica later got income The next violent change occurred in the elections of 1948 when Teodoro Picado was president.

Otilio U'late defeated Rafael Calderon Guardia but Picado's pro-Caldreon regime tried to have If you see flying ants you may have termites! FOR INFORMATION CALL: Ruby Lumber Co. Phone TA 1-3870 Fowler- Turner Lumber Co. Phone TA 1-4080 Fulkerson Lumber Co. Phone TA 1-4758 Wholesale Lumber Co. Phone 821-5774 BRUCE TERMINIX CO.

36th year in Termite Control. World's largest termite control company. Professional pest control. All termite control contracts Call 821-5181 for free inspecton and estimate. Nationally known.

Locally operated low cost termite control. Easy Pay Plan. BRUCE the National Assembly annul the elections. A widespread protest strike followed. A farmer turned politician, Jose (Pepe) Figueres, led a popular uprising which threw out Picado.

Figueres took over the government as head of a junta but turned the presidency over to Ulate in 1949. Since then Costa Rican elections have been acclaimed for fairness and freedom. Opposition parties have won every election since 1948. The current president is Francisco Orlich. House Republican Lays Down Blueprint For Budget Slash By BARRY WASHINGTON (AP)--A House Republican has laid down a blueprint for cuts in the Kennedy administration's record budget.

beginning with a $3-billion slash in education and other nondefense spending proposals. "And I don't think that defense: is immune. nor is space," Rep. John W. Brynes of Wisconsin.

ranking Republican on the taxwriting Ways and Means Committee, said Sunday as he called for holding government spending at current levels. If it can be done. he said. he would support a tax cut and even go the administration one better sla-hing revenues $7.5 billion in the first by reducing corporate rates to 47 per cent and step, cutting individual income tax rates across the board by $5 billion. The Kennedy administration has proposed a budget for the fiscal year beginning July An deficit is the official forecast and the President has placed in the congressional: hopper a proposed net tax cut of $10.2 billion a year.

to take effect in three stages. SCHWEID The prospect of a large- deficit while taxes are being cut has nettled economy-minded Congress members. Some have said they would support a tax reduction if spending is cut at the same time. Administration supporters have called for specifics -or dent Kennedy said recently "We have beer generalized Appearing on a radio-television interview program. Brynes, chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee.

was asked what he would favor cutting now. First. he said. a proposed increase 171 nondefense spending should he blocked Foreign assistance and foreign aid have to be cut back. he said.

and aid to colleges and universities should be confined to construction. cutting another $15 billion from the administration's education program. In addition. Brynes said the budget calls for 46.000 new fedemployes, more than are reiquired. But.

at the same time he said Republicans are not suggesting cuts in unemployment compensation and vocational training: America's New Junior Miss Still Can't Believe She Won MOBILE. Ala. 'AP) A soft-1 spoken Diane Sawyer. America's Junior Miss of 1963 who claims a love for life's simple beauties. heads for New York today and a heavy round of interviews and personal appearances.

Miss Sawyer 17. of Louisville, was loaded with roses. orchids and congratualtory tele. grams. Among them was a bouquet of orchids from the 49 other contestants.

Miss Sawyer spent Sunday with the four runnersup at Belingrath Gardens near Mobile. They posed for photographers. listened to pageant officials explain their scholarship program, and took a boat ride. Can't Believe it Yet In New York Miss Sawyer will appear on two national television programs, meet with several mazazines for picture layouts. and meet public officials.

"I wish all girls could have this opportunity." she said. "I can't believe it vet. And all these girlare so wholesome. I've never met 19 more wonderful girls. "We had more fun during the rehearsals than anywhere.

We laughed at ourselves and each other's The blonde. blue-eyed junior miss plans to take the $6.000 scholarship that went with the crown and study at Wellesley for a career in the foreign service. probably Europe where she has toured. Europeans take their time to enjoy the simple things of life. I was most impressed with the sense for beauty that they have.

They know how to relax and enjoy such things as the beauty of a flower or sunset." Linda Sawyer, her older sister. was runnerup in the contest two years ago. "But I didn't think I would win." Diane said. "I hard not won a single trophy in any of the preliminary nights." Diane almost missed the Junior Miss convertible parade last Mondev because of a However she entered the procession ruling in a closed Wayne Laffoon, 42, Dies WANTED MEN WOMEN from ages 18 to 52. Prepare Lincoln Service helps thou now for IN U.S.

Civil Service job sands. prepare for these tests 12 every year. It 15 one of the openings this area during the next months. Government positions pay as largest and oldest privately bigh as $446 00 a month to owned schools of its kind and start." They provide much IS not connected with the Gov greater security, than private ernment. employment and excellent opportunity for advancement.

For FREE information on Many positions require little Government jobs, including or 00 specialized education or list of positions and salaries. experience fill out coupon and mai at But to get one of these Jobs. once TODAY. You will also you must pass a test. The get full details on how you competition 1s keen and 10 can prepare yourself for these some cases only one out of tests five pass.

Don't delay ACT NOW! Wavne Laffoon. 42. Maddisonville a veteran of World War I. died in Veterans Research Hospial in Chicago at 10:15 p.m. Saturday after an extended illness Mr.

Laffoon formerly operated a service station on t'S-41 ju-1 south of Madisonville and al one time was associated with the late LINCOLN SERVICE. Dept, 6, Pekin Illinois Fam very muco interested. Piease send me absolutely FREE (1)1 A list of U.S. Government positions and salaries; (2) Information on how to qualify for a U.S. Government Job.

Name Age -o Street Phone City State When You THINK of Dining Out REMEMBER THE Hospitality House North Kentucky Ave. at North Street (By Hospital Parking Lot) DINING ROOM COUNTER SERVICE -OUT ORDERS Phone TA 1-4100 MRS. ORA KEEFE DIES IN EVANSVILLE Mrs. Ora B. a former Earlington dent.

died Sunday afternoon. Kefee. a native of Nebo, in Evansville for twenty Her husband, John Keefe, 1939. Surviving are a daughter, Ora Winstead, Evansville: sons, Keefe, Fairfax, Sea and L. T.

Keefe. Portland, a sister. Mrs. Mary K. Francisco, California; a M.

W. Taylor, Athens, and six grandchildren. Funeral arrangements been announced this body is at Alexander Home in Evansville. resi- S.D. (AP) The concerned because they had seen Mrs.

family of Nelson Zephier-father, no sign of the Zephiers. had lived mother and seven children, the The dead: Zephier, 29; his wife, years. Alberta. 27: Debra, Donna, died in eldest 8-was wiped out Saturday, Diana, 5: Donald, Dale, Carbon monoxide filled the home Darren, 1 and Darla, 6 months. Mrs.

and killed all. nine. Berndt said one possibility was two "It. had to be the furnace." that snow driven by strong winds had blocked the chimney until the Ohio: State's Atty. Leland Berndt said Zephiers were overcome, and that Day, Sunday night after a report by a the snow eventually dislodged.

brother, pathologist to Coroner Ray Miles. Mobridge is in north-central Alabama. A neighbor and a companion South Dakota, on the Missouri found the bodies after becoming River. I Nine Die As Fumes Fill Home of a a I Wall Street had not morning. The Funeral NEW YORK (AP) Softness in motor stocks was a feature of a scrambled stock market early this afternoon.

Trading was moderate. Gains and losses of most key stocks were fractional, but here and" there was a move of a point or so. Most of the major auto shares were lower. Chrysler dipped well over a point while other declines in this group were fractional. The trend was mildly lower among steels.

utilities. electrical equipments and oils. Rubbers: aerospace issues. building materials, tobaccos and nonferrous, balance. metals 'were slightly highThe Associated Press average of 60 stocks at noon was off 81 3565 with industrials 3.

rails off .1. and utilities. off .6. General Motors eased while Ford and American Motors dropped fractions. Du Pont declined more than point.

U'nion Carbide and East-: man Kodak were fractional losers among the chemicals. Dow bucked the trend. rising nearly 8 point. General Electric fell a point. Westinghouse Electric yielded a fraction.

Fractional losses were taken by Standard Oil (New Jersey) and Standard of Indiana. Among other fractional losers were Steel. Goodvear, IBM, Chesapeake Ohio and Pfizer. Johns-Manville. gained about point.

l'p fractionally were Gypsum, Illinois Central, Lockheed, U.S. Rubber Goodrich American Smelting. The Dow Jones lustrial average at noon was off 1.89 at 674.44. Prices were irregularly higher on the American Stock Exchange in slow trading. Virginia Awaits Word On Aid RICHMOND, Va.

(AP) -Southwest Virginia visited by damaging floods twice within a week, waited today for word from Washington that would give it major disaster designation. Last. Monday night and Tuesday cloudbursts over the southwest routed some 5.000 persons from their homes and caused an estimated $5. million damage. Then.

Saturday 'night and early Sunday heavy rains swept the flood area for a second time and the waters rose again. For a while Sunday it was feared the second flood might be As bad as the first but by noon most of the water was receding and the rain had given way to sunshine The Wise County community of Big Stone Gap appeared hardest hit by the second flooding. About 30 families left their homes for temporary shelter in the town armory. I the heght of the second flood, primary and secondary roads in several counties were blocked. Hunt For Bodies Ends The organized search for the body of one of three college students who were victims of the flood was discontinued -Sunday.

Officials announced that only spot checks will be made of the flood swollen Maury River in Rockbridge County where a Washington and Lee University student Theodore Thompson, 19. of Pelham. N. Y. drowned last Wednesday on a swimming expedition.

In Richmond the search has tapered off for two University of Richmond students William B. Beauchamp. Richmond and Robert C. Sandkam, 19, of Bon Air who were thrown into the the James River rapids last Friday when their canoe capsized. Cleanup Starts In 2nd Flood LOGAN.

W. Va. (AP) Southern West Virginia communities. besmeared with the aftermath of flooding for the second time within a week. planned to start ing up again today.

Crests of up to three feet above flood stage were expected today along the Tug and Guyandotte ported the water had started receding late Sunday. The new flood. triggered by heavy weekend rains, caused little damage when compared with the inundation which resulted in damage estimated at $10 million. That deluge resulted in designation by President Kennedy of 23 counties as federal disaster areas. A crest of 23 feet--three feet above flood was expected a Logan today.

No heavy damage was expected. The Tug raised to 30 feet at Williamson. where flood stage is but water covered only low-lying areas. Pope Escapes Injury In Fall VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope! John XXIII tripped and fell today as he was mounting his throne for A series of audiences. He was unnurt The 81-year-old Roman Catholic pontiff on the seventh step of the eight-step throne.

He somewhat to one side. breakhis tall by thrusting out hihand- As the Poe landed on the top step of the throne. he rolled over on his back. Andes him to his top: as priests in the audience room 01 Clementine Hall cheered. The Pope proceeded with the audi-, en a- if nothing had happened.

said the fall was an and had nothing 10 do with his physical condition. The Pope was semously ill ast November with a stomach disorder and anemia But his physicians gave him a routine checkup a -1 weekend and found his condition good. Cumberland On Rampage Again; Help Is Urged (Continued From Page One) businesses had been damaged. He asked the Office of Emergency Planning for an additional $100 000 for emerzency repairs. The Small Business Administration said it would open offices today at Prestonshurg.

Pikeville. Hazard. Harlan. Paintsville and Barbourville to accept applications for loans from persons whose homes or businesses were damaged. The 20 year loans carry three per cent interest.

An official said some still have loans in effect from 1957. The aim. he added. is to incorporate two loans and extend the time for payment. The World Clothing Fund of St.

Louis shipned, 1.000 pounds of clothes in Sunday for distribution to Eastern Kentucky. At Massapequa, N.Y., about 15.000 pounds of clothing and toys were collected for families in Hazard. Another 45 truckloads were collected in Louisville and more help was being planned in other areas. A inch rain in the Louisville area Saturday contributed to high water but only minor damage at Louisville. The Ohio River is expected to crest Wednesday about 8 feet above flood level.

Ashland and Cincinnati also re ported the Ohio River was rising but only minor damage was in sight. The common field mouse seldom lives more than a year. Since the tiny creature must devour its own weight in grass and seeds every day, it wears itself out in the never-ending hunt for food. The mouse also is the prey of many larger animals and birds. The main business and residential districts.

hit hard last week. were unharmed in Sunday's flooding. Water service was halted. however, when two pumps burned out. The Tug sent two feet of water trickling into North Matewan, and about one foot of water stood in parts of the business district.

Scores of families fled their homes temporarily, fearing a repeat of last week's deluge. Red Cross workers remaining in the state to deal with last week's flood victims were pressed into service again, handing out food and clothing. The U.S. Weather Bureau said the Ohio River would crest more than a foot below flood stage at Huntington tonight. JFK Stresses Middle-America Economic Boost (Continued From Page One) nedy would be able to sidestep the Cuban problem altogether.

The president -elect of Nicaragua. Rene Schick, told a news conference that the Cuban issue should be settled as soon as possible through regional action under the inter-American- system. The chairman of the Organiza-: tion of American States, Gonzalo J. Facio of Costa Rica, predicted in Washington Sunday that the conference would forge a joint policy to topple communism in Cuba. Prime Minister Castro derided the San Jose conference.

"The imperialists know they are sitting on a volcano all over the Americas" he said over Havana television. Accompanying Kennedy to the conference were Secretary of State Dean Pusk. Assistant Secre-' tary Edwin M. Martin, specialist in affairs: doro Moscoso. coordinator inter for the Alliance for Progress, and i Sens.

J. W. Fulbright. Bourke B. Hickenlooper, R-Iowa.

and Wayne Morse. and Reps. Thomas E. Morgan. William S.

Maillard, and Armistead I. Selden D-Ala. Firestone COMBINATION "BEAU" SUMMERS OFFER Service Specialist FRONT WHEEL BRAKE ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT Returned to original orall 4 wheels: manufacturers specifications fluid included if needed BOTH FOR ONLY ANY AMERICAN MADE CAR Replacement parts if needed and Torsion Bar Adjustment not included 3 DAYS ONLY Just Say "Charge It" TUES. WED. THUR.

TERMS Firestone NEW TREADS APPLIED ON SOUND TIRE BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES WHITE SIZE NARROW OR WIDE DESIGN TUBELESS OR TUBE TYPE 4 FOR 4949 Plus tax and 4 tires A0 ROC Our New Treads, identified by Medallion and shop mark are GUARANTEED Against defects normal in road hazards workmanship (except and materials repairable during punctures) life of encoun- trued. tered in everyday passenger car use for 12 monthe. Replacements prorated on tread wear and based on lies at time of adjustment. A TO FREE CAR SAFETY CHECK! Firestone STORES 100 West Center Phone TA 1-5344 Madisonville, Kentucky USE OUR CONVENIENT PAY DAY TERMS WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS Knox in the coal His last work before he became In 1960 was with Globe ConCo. Mr.

Laffoon WaS horn August 1920 In the commonthe son of Cordie and Cora and was a lifelong restdent of Hopkins county. He maried to Maxine Parker in 1943 and to this union one child was born. He w'as a member of the Disabled American War an. of the Suthards Baptist Church. Surviving are the wife and the son Jackie Wayne Laffoon, botn of NAPAONN Robert and Gary James Parker.

both of Robinson mother. Mrs. Cora Laffoon. Farlingtorn. father.

Cordie Laffoon De. troit! four sisters. Mrs Raymond Lee LaGrange. Mrs. Sy bil Todd.

Henderson: Mrs. Barbara Matney Toledo Ohio; and Mrs. Pauline Ausenbaugh. Evansville: a brother Clifford Laffoon Anton: two half-brothers. Cecil Coffman.

Knoxville Tenn. and Owen Coffman Farlington: and three grandchildren Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Suthards Baptist Church. with the Rev. P.upert A.

I'tley and the Rev Gif-: ford Berry officiating. Burial will be in New Suthards Cemetery. The body is being flown to Reid Funeral Home in Farlington by ambulance plane today Friend-: may call at the funeral home after 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Missile Tests In Cuba Bared By Freed Woman (Continued From Page One) nothing.

If I thought they had paid any ransom for me, I wouldn't have come back." The other woman, Martha O'Neal, whose parents live in Orlando, wouldn't talk about the missiles. However, at one point she said, "I heard them so often that I became used them and didn't even notice the noise." They said they had been charged with counterrevolutionary activity and sentenced to 10 years. Neither would be specific about the charges. Mrs. O'Neal said she was arrested Dec.

15, 1960 at a friend's house. Mrs. Shamma said she. was arrested Nov. 4, 1960 at her home.

The first audience was for members of the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missionaries. Later he held an audience for a group of American nuns from the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph, founded by Blessed Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton. who was- beatified Sunday. The audience for the nuns was attended by Francis Cardinal Spellman.

archbishop of New York: Joseph Elmer Cardinal Ritter. archbishop of St. Louis. and Archbishop Lawrence J. Sheehan of Baltimore.

Md. At the audience for the Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missionaries. the Pope was given a model of a seminary being built on farm. land that once belonged to his family. The seminary will be in the north Italian village of Sotto: il Monte.

The Pope. son of a sharecropper. had grown up in Sotto il Monte under the mountain in the shadow of the Alps near the north Italian city of Bergamo. The Pontifical Institute of Forei.n Missionaries. which has its headquarters in Milan.

purchased the land from Italians who owned it most recently. The land had passed out of the hands of the Pope's family some years ago. Ours Only CoNNiE sayS a 0 DOLLAR BROS. "Dress shoes are excitingly different!" BROS Shoes, MATCHING BAG Thrilling styles not at all conventional! Curvy toplines, or side cut work, or patchwork on stacked heels! Choose, the elasticized style in radiant Spring colors, Neutrals, Black Patent, Red Patent. $995 AS SEEN IN MADEMOISELLE.

The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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