April~ 2002~On the Trail of My Ralston Roots from Kings Creek, Brooke co VA/WV-& the Family Data collected along the way~with (2024)

*Please contact Kim Dresser W/ any information you can share

April~ 2002~On the Trail of My Ralston Roots from Kings Creek, Brooke co VA/WV-& the Family Data collected along the way ~ with the help of many wonderful cousins I’ve met along the journey.

The Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants=list a Joseph Ralston BW, on card 20 of 77 in the electronic card index VA genweb site; Joseph Ralston soldier Army affidavit -David Steel, late Capt. bottom of the card says see papers Ro /or Rc. Vance 1806 with a check mark? 18??-?9 at bottom of page 6643 or 6673? ** Papers in the VA library in Richmond VA= copied Summer 2000 by Milt Ralston of Richmond VA, for me =are the listing of soldiers in the 13th regiment Augusta Co VA- list of names & some place they were from, on page 13 "Joseph Ralston private died in the army" one of the pages dated 1776- 1777, signed by Robert Vance, & Capt David Steel = (all it says, not where he was born or died or buried or date he died>OH shucks.now what.

Sims Index of Land grants- Heritage quest booksonline. P 579,

Ralston, Joseph 100 acres, Kings Creek 1795, book 3 p 58,

“ Joseph Jr. 400 acres, Kings Creek 1795, book 3 p 56

“ Joseph Jr. 380 acres, Kings Creek 1795, book 2 p 559

“ Samuel 744 acres Kings Creek 1795, book 3 p 57

= Land office Patents & Grants- VA electronic card index, Land grants dated 2 Dec 1795

· Card 19 of 76= grants 33 p 319 for Joseph Ralston on Kings Creek 100 acres on the south side of South fork of Kings Creek adjoining Nath Davis

· Card 20 = Joseph Ralston Ohio Co VA 380 acres In the fork of Kings Creek on the heads of a run known by the name of the Lick run adjoining George Beelor /Wm McClean & C. grants 32 p 455

· Card 21= Joseph Jr. Ohio Co 400 acres on Kings Creek including his settlement made in 1775-6, grants 33 p. 315

· Card #29 2 Dec 1795 Samuel Ralston Ohio Co 744 acres on Kings Creek adjoining Joseph Ralston settlement grants 33 p 316.

· Card #28= 1 Aug 1809 Samuel Ralston of Brooke Co 42 acres adjoining the land of Robert Parks and John Gardiner, grants 59 1809-10, p 82

~~Joseph Ralston land office Treasury warrant No 21, 212 issued the 5th day of Dec. 1783, 100 acres;

100 acres by survey bearing date the 6th day of March 1791, lying and being in the county of Ohio on the south side of the south fork of Kings Creek and bounded as followed to wit; "Beginning at a white oak corner to Nathaniel Davis, thence with his line, N 88 W 981/2 poles to a white oak corner to James Audries, thence with his line N 16 E 156 poles to a white oak; thence N 42 W 100 poles to a white oak standing on the side of a hill; thence S 87 E 120 poles to 2 dogwoods; thence with Samuel Ralston's line S 200 poles to the beginning with its appurtairces, Signed by Robert Brooke Esquire, Governor of the commonwealth of VA.

~~Joseph Ralston Jr. assignee of Joseph Ralston 400 acres, a certificate in right of settlement given by the Commissioners for adjusting the titles to ???? lands in the district of Monongalia, Yohoyania and Ohio and in consideration of the ancient composition of 40 shillings sterling paid into the Treasurey of this common wealth. 400 acres by survey bearing date the 2nd day of Nov 1788, lying and being in the county of Ohio, on Kings Creek, including his settlement made thereon in the year 1775, and bounded as follows to wit; "Beginning at a large stone in the edge of the bottom marked I.C (or J.C.() on the East side & I.R (or J.R.??) on the West; thence running S. 85 poles crossing Kings Creek to a black oak, thence W 166 poles to a white-oak; thence N 373 poles crossing said creek back again to a sugar Tree in a line of James Kennedy; thence with his line E. 122 poles to a white oak corner to ? astate survey of George Belers; hence E. 44 poles to a Spanish oak; thence leaving said Bielers (hard to make out? kd) line S. 288 poles to the beginning with its appurtenaries. signed 2nd Dec 1795 by Robert Brooke Gov of Commonwealth of VA.

~~Samuel Ralston assignee of Joseph Ralston 744 acres survey bearing date the 2nd day of November 1788, lying and being in the county of Ohio on Kings Creek and bounded as followeth, To-wit" Beginning at a black oak corner to said Joseph Ralston settlement survey, thence S. 67 poles to a white oak and black oak; thence S. 17 E 126 poles to a black oak corner to Richard Boys (Boyce?) and with his line N 150 poles to a large white oak; thence N 81 W 174 poles to a Spanish oak; thence leaving Boyos ? lines N 200 poles to 2 dogwoods; thence N ?80 W 184 poles to a white oak in the line of John Quick or (Iuick?) and with said line N 23 E 200 poles crossing Kings Creek to a hickory; thence N 53 E 190 poles to a black oak & 2 white oaks; thence N 38 poles to a dogwood corner to James Kennady; thence with his line E. 68 poles to a sugar tree corner to said Ralston's settlement and with the same S. 393 poles crossing the creek to a white-oak; thence E. 166 poles to the beginning with its appurt? (sp?) signed by Robert Brooke Esquire Gov of Commonwealth of VA, 2nd Dec 1795.

No 159 Wart recd 1 Mar 1786 Wart recd to BJ. As his property. Aug 13th 1785 Joseph Ralston locates 400 acs 1? adj Richd Boyce Alex Eadie & Thos. Best on the Waters of Kings creek, on Wart No 2462 dated 24 May 1783 Granted Benja Johnston Asse Geo Berry Asse Jno Trimble for 790 acs & by ad Johnston Assd 400 Acs to Jo. Ralston & 390 to Richard Boyce.

160 Wart recd & retd to B.J. Aug 14 Robt Duncan’s Entry should been entered fol 37 Nov 173 Richd Boyce locates 390 acs land adjg his actual settlement Thos Best Ph. Reall, Jo. Ralston & Jno. McDonald on the Waters of Harmon’s run on the remainder of Ralston’s wart (See entry No 159)

175, Wart d. Mar 1 1786 to Jos. Ralston Wart sent by B. Baxter to R. Woods 3d Mar 1786- Joseph Ralston locates 300 acs ld adjg his former Entry & Settlement to the North, by Wart No 21212 granted Saml Pearle 5th Decr. 1783 for 4166 ¾ acs land as Asse Jos. Young Asse Simon Harroll Asse sd Pearle.

176, Recd ½ Guinea I e 12/ See Entry No 1S. Mar 1 1786 Wart d to Mr. Jos. Ralston

Thomas Morehead Asse Jos Young Asse Sim. Harell Asse Saml Pearle locates 800 acs ld on lands joing the tempy line to include a place called sturgees flat & two improvements purchased on Stargees on Watt No 21212 for 4166 Acs granted sd Pearle 5th Decr. 1783.

177, Mar 1st 86 Wart d. Mr. Jos. Ralston pr. Rect See Entry No 175. Richd Boyce Asse Jos. Young, Asse Simon Harrell, Asse Sam. Pearle, locates 210 Acs Ld adjg his actual Settlemt & Jos Ralston on Wart No 1212 dated 5th Decr. 1 1783 granted sd Pearle for 4166 ¼ Acs.


Surveyed December the first 1807 for Samuel Rolstons 42 acres of land in Brooke County by virtue and in part of a land office Exchange Treasury warrant No 1506, for 781 acres granted Dec 10th 1803 to Francis McGuire who assigned the same to John Edie who assigned 90 acres of the same to Anthony Wilcoxton. 36 acres of which was by the said Anthony Wilcoxton assigned to the said Samuel Ralston and Six acres of the aforesaid Warrant assigned to him the said Samuel by John Edie—Bounded as Follows- beginning at a Dogwood on Robert PAARKS line thence with; the same South 17 degrees East 22 Poles to a White Oak corner to Parks and John GARDNER- thence with Gardners line South 89 degrees West 150 ps to a Large White oak- thence North 82 degrees West 174 poles to a Red oak- thence Leaving Gardner’s line North 1 degree West 21 Poles to a Dogwood- thence South 82 degrees East 174 poles to a Stake- thence North 89 Degrees East 144 poles to the place of beginning, Jas Griffith SBC Surveyed by John Edie DSBC Survey Book 1 Brooke Co Wva. - Page 118.

Alfred Anderson was born in Wheeling, VA, Feb 24, 1824, his mother Mary Clark was a free woman, reared from early childhood by Mrs. Ralston, the widow of an officer in the American Revolution. His father name was Shannon, the brother of Governor Shannon, of Ohio and KS. When the boy was 3 or 4 yrs old, his mother married Robert G. H. Anderson, who not long after removed to Cincinnati. They remained there until 1832, when the Asiatic cholera compelled a hasty retreat to the small towns in the neighborhood, and the Anderson family were first in Hamilton and afterwards in Richmond. They settled permanently in this place in 1837, where Alfred has ever since lived, with the exception of 12 yrs spent in the South….. “A History & Biographical Cyclopedia of Butler County Ohio” Western Biographical Publishing Company, 1882.

Muster Roll Continental Army Personnel ID # 25733, Joseph ALSTON, Corporal, State VA,

13th VA Regiment 5th Division 1st VA Brigade Company Capt David Steel’s Co.

Monthly Status Data Dec 1777 hospital, Jan 1778 Hospital, No later Record.

What are the chances of a Joseph Ralston & a Joseph ALSTON both in Capt. David Steel’s co?

History notes: Due to a conflict in the charters of VA & William Penn, the ownership of Southwestern PA was in dispute until the matter of boundary lines was settled by the Assemblies of VA & PA on Jun 23, 1780 in what is known as “The Baltimore Agreement”. Until this agreement was reached, both VA & PA claimed the area, and agreement was reached, both established civil, and later, military governments in order to solidify their respective claims. The Iroquois claim to the area had been extinguished by the Ft. Stanwiz (Rome), NY treaty by which the Indians relinquished their claims to the land south & east of the Allegheny & Ohio Rivers. This opened a veritable floodgate of settlement, Virginians moving north along the old Braddock Road, while Pennsylvanians moved westward along the Forbes Road. PA organized Westmoreland County on Feb 26, 1773 from its parent county of Bedford, while Virginia established the West Augusta District, a sub-district of Augusta County, and Virginia in 1775. Laurel Hill in PA separated Bedford & Westmoreland counties in the east, but the western boundaries of the claim were rather vague. Pa’s claim, for instance, included all of present day Westmoreland & Indiana counties, the southern halves of Armstrong, Allegheny & Beaver Counties, and all of Washington, Greene & Fayette. VA’s claim was somewhat more extensive than that of PA. The outbreak of hostilities on April 19, 1775, at Lexington & Concord complicated the matter of conflicting claims, but also set both state governments upon a course of accommodation & conciliation which resulted in the acceptance of “The Baltimore Agreement,” in 1780, which transferred most of the disputed area to the commonwealth of Pa. The boundaries were fixed by extending the Mason & Dixon line to a point five degrees west of the Delaware River, & then extending a line from that point directly north to the Ohio River. The PA General Assembly moved quickly to solidify its claim upon the new territory by the organization of Washington County March 28, 1781. This new county, PA’s 12th in 1781 included present day Washington & Greene counties & Beaver south of the Ohio River.

Washington County PA Frontier Rangers 1781-1782 compiled by Paul W. Myers, publ. by Clossen Press.1987 Rolson, David Private 3-23-214, Ralston, John Private 3-23-212

Rev. War Burials- Washington Co PA, p 420- Vol. 4 –same book as above by Clossen Press.

Ralston, John (Sr.) page 420, Vol. 4 no cemetery named.

Tucker, Isaac & Tucker, James- Old Tucker, Small Slab Ralph McAdam Farm page 427, vol. 1

======== TAX & Census records =========

1781 Joseph Ralston taxed in Smith twp Washington Co. PA= 400 ACRES- 2 Horses.

1783 Joseph Ralston taxed in Restraver twp, Wash.Co PA =1 Horse, 3 Cattle & 3 Sheep.

*check? Was a Restraver twp in Westmoreland Co PA this time period – as Washington Co PA was formed in 1790-= from Westmoreland co?

1783 census Pleasant twp, Westmoreland Co PA- Jn’o Ralston single-

-A John Ralston listed of Poke Run Presbyterian Church & Cemetery- (?maybe pastor or elder)? Westmoreland Co PA History book, The 2nd accession was Robert Shelds & John Ralston. Hugh Gelvin /Gelvin/ Gewen left a letter of administration for /with John Ralston-* Pam Jean= [emailprotected]

Ohio Co. VA, Personal Property Tax list 1781, List C. p 1043,

Rolston, Hugh, self 0-0-0-1-2

Joseph, self 1-0-0-2-4

Samuel, self 0-0-0-1-0

Augusta Co VA Personal Property tax 1787 list B. p 125

Ralston, Sam'l self 2-0-0-11-18

John, Sam'l Ralston

Wm, self 2-0-0-12-13

John self 2-0-0-3-10

Wm Jr. self 0-0-0-1-0

1790- Federal Census of Washington Co Pa., Morris twp,

Samuel Ralston: 1 free W Male 16 & up including heads of families, 1 free W Male under 16,

4 Free W females including heads of families

1798 Federal Direct Tax list; (name,? single or married?, then twp)

Alexander single Cecil twp, Archibald single Peters, John Single Cecil, Joseph Smith, William Peters.

Brooke County Index Court Order Books #1-4= Vol. 1 Brooke Co. p. 19, court held 25 July 1797, Josiah Gamble, Esq. John Wiley, John Edie, Samuel Ralston or any three of them after 1st sworn according to law do view the rightist & best way for a road to lead from the fording below Joseph Ralston’s to Jonathan Wests Mill: & make report thereof to meet court.

p. 31. Samuel Ralston, Eljah Rittenhouse, William Clopey & James Gibson after being first sworn according to law do view the nighest & best way for a road to lead from West’s Mill to the State line by Joseph Woods, so as to intersect the road that leads from Joseph Ralston’s to Potts mill & make report to next courts- 24 Oct 1797

p. 42 26 Dec 1798- on p. 43- Samuel Ralston, Ezekal Cooper, George Edgington, James Marshal, & Sam’l Brown summoned as Grand Jurors to appear at March term to show cause why they should not be fined agreeably to law.

p. 55 (p. 54 court held 27 March 1798) Samuel Ralston who summoned as a Grand Juror at Nov term last & made default & appeared before this court & plead his excuse & the court are of opinion that his fine be remitted.

p. 67 (p. 63 dated 24 April 1798) mentions Joseph Ralston mill on said creek thence to the state line & make report thereof to June County.

Vol. 2 Sept 1798- Aug 1799 = p. 188. (183 =23 Apr 1799) (JS) Archibald Ralston vs ___ Williams petition & Summons.

p. 191 (JS) Joseph Ralston vs William Brown & John Toland

p. 205, (p204= 25 Jun 1799) Indenture of bargain & sale from Samuel Ralston & Martha his wife to Andrew Campbell for 104 acres of land in this county of Brooke is acknowledge in court by the said Samuel & Martha & ordered to be recorded at the same time the said Martha being privately examined as the law directs, freely relinquished her right of dower.

#4. p. 413- {John Wilson for the use of Mathew Keir vs Hugh Ralston & James Kelly} Petition & summons. This day came the plaintiff by his attorney & the defendants being solemnly called failed to appear. Thereupon the premises being considered the court gave judgment against the defendant for the sum of sixteen dollars & cost & the defendant in mercy. Etc.

~~~~~~~~ Brooke Co VA land Tax Records 1798-1812 year= name= acres= page #

1798= Joseph Ralston 380 -9, Joseph 100 -9, Joseph Jr. 400 – 9, Samuel 744 - 9


1799= Joseph 100- 027, Samuel 744 – 027 Joseph Jr. 400 – 027,


1800 = Joseph 100- 45, Samuel 640 - 45, Joseph Jr. Heirs 400- 45


1802 Joseph 400- 60, Samuel 640– 60,


1803 Joseph Jr. 400- 77, Samuel 640- 77


1804 Joseph Jr. 400-95, Samuel 640- 95


1805 = Joseph 400- 113, Samuel 640- 113


1806 = Joseph 400– 131, Samuel 640– 131, Joseph 222 – 131


1807 Joseph 622- 150, Samuel 640- 150


1812 = Joseph 622- 200, Samuel 640 -between 200-215, Samuel 042 - 215


1825 Tax list records Brooke Co VA on Ralston lands:

Samuel of Brooke 579 1/4 on Kings Creek

Jas of Saml 102

Joseph 8 or 22 hard to read?

1829 Brooke Co. VA land records from LDS films #____ Barbara’s file notes;

Ralston, Samuel Heirs Brooke 579 on Kings Creek 23 N E 58/ /58/ / / 6

Joseph of Samuel 102 or 7 1

Robert of Joseph 67 1

Joseph 442 3

1830 Ralston Samuel's Heirs 125 1/2 Kings Creek 58/// 6

Joseph of Saml 102 3/4

Robert of Jos 67 1/2

Joseph 442

Samuel 86

Samuel 36

Joseph 73

John 37 a

Martha 60 a

Eliza Ann 21 a

1832 Samuel 36

Joseph 73

Joseph Jr 3 3/4

Same 11

Samuel 86 1/4

Samuel 36

John 37

Martha 60

Eliza Ann 21

1834 list same as 1832 except John is listed and Samuel is listed having 37 acres there instead of John,


Joseph Squire??168 1/2 Kings Creek 2

Robert 67 1/2 3

Robert 110 2

Joseph 472 1/4?22 4

Joseph 73 2

Joseph Jr. 14 1//4 3

Samuel of S 36 2

Samuel 37 2

Martha 60 2

Eliza Ann 21 2

Barbara didn't have the 1840 list

In 1841 it says Martha's heir in 1841 is the first time Alexander shows up with 155 acres.


1800 Tax list of Brooke Co. VA, p. 166 =The Virginia Genealogist,

White males over 21 yrs of age & #of Horses..

Ralston, Samuel 1-3

" Joseph (Senr) 1-0

" Joseph (Jun) 1-4

" Hugh 0-1 (* Who is this?))

=1810 Census of Va.

Joseph of Brooke p.698- 52310-01010-00 (listed 2?) oldest is 26-45

Samuel " p.698- 20202-31110-01 (listed 2 -00 on other one)

^ The 2 oldest males are in the 45 & up group?

James of Ohio Co p. 2- 00001-00001-01 *? maybe married Margaret Snodgrass

Samuel in Monongalia p.433- 01001-10001-00 maybe m. widow Mary Rude**1806?

~1810 census- WASH Co PA Hopewell twp sheet 614-615, microfilm M252-57

- # 52-1= Joseph Ralston =1 m 10-16 (b.1795-1800) 1 m 26-44 (b.1766-1784)

& 4 females under 10, (b. 1800- 1810) 1 f 10-16, (b. 1795-1800) 1 f 26-45 (b. 1766-1784).

William Ralston of Hopewell twp= 2 m u 10, 1 m 26-45, (b. 1766-1784) & 2 f u 10, 1 f 26-45.

1810 notes*Joseph & Samuel, of Brooke Co each had a loom and 100 yds woven annually,

Samuel had 1 smith in household and 1 other not taxed. (*Sam has 4 males in home, sons? by 1810.*)

Key to birth yr est.: males J-S J-S Females 13 in households of each

under 10 =b.1800-1810 5-2 0-3

10-16 = b.1795-1800, 2-0 1-1 Joseph has 2 boys 1795-1800?

16-26 = b. 1785-1794, 3-2 0-1 = there are 5 boys born 1785-1794?

26-45 = b. 1766-1784 1-0 1-1 + Joseph appears younger than Samuel??

45 & up =b. before 1765 0-2 0-0 Who is the other male over 45 living with Samuel?

Joseph 1 m 26-45 b. 1766-1784 1 f 26-45 = 1766-1784 could be Ann McCready?

5 m 0-10 b. 1800- 1810

2 m 10-16 b. 1795-1800 1 f 10-16 =1795-1800 ?Jean who m Daniel Wilson?

3 m 16-26 b. 1785-1794*

Samuel 2 m 45 & over b. before 1765 & 1 f 26-45 = 1766-1784 =Martha

2 m 0-10 b. 1800-1810 3 f 0-10, =b.1800- 1810

2 m 16-26 b. 1785-1794, 1 f 10-16, =b. 1785-1790

1 not taxed? ? m or f ? 1 f 16-26 = b. 1785-1794

1820: Brooke Co VA; Microfilm roll M33-132 p31B- 94 heads of families- ===Key; males a=under 10,b=10-16,c=16-18 d=of 16-26,e 25-45,f=45 & up/Females g=under 10, h= 10-16, i=16-25,j=25-45, k=45 & up

/ l=foreigners not naturalized, m= Agriculture, n= Commerce, 0=Manufacture=====

James Rolston 010001/01501/0101 = Wellsburg

Joseph " 200010/10010/0100 = country

Saml " 010001/30001/0200 = "

Jos Jr. " 100010/00010/0001 = "

Robert 200010/00010/0100 = "

Joseph Gent 431201/20010/0600 = "

~James has 1 m 10-16, =1805-1810 1 female 10-16, 1805-1810

LIVED IN Wellsburgh, 1 m 45 & up, =before 1775 5 f 26-45(1776-1794)

1 in Agr, 1 in Manufacturing RG 1 f 45 & up

Joseph has 2 m under 10, =1810-1820 * 1 female under 10, 1810-1820

1 in agr, 1 m 25-45,or 26-45 b 1776-1794= 1 f 25-45 = 1776-1794

~Saml has 1 m 10-16, =1805-1810 3 females under 10,

2 in agr 1 m 45 & up, =before 1775 = 1f 45 & up, =

~Jos Jr. has 1 under 10, =1810-1820

1 m 25-45, = 1776-1794 1female 26-45,

= 1 in Manufacture *maybe who has the MILL @ Kings Creek / Joseph & Lucinda?

~Robert has 2m under 10, 1810-1820

1 in agr 1 m 26-45 =1776-1794= 1 female 26-45 -

Joseph Gent - 4 m under 10, =1810-1820 2 females under 10 = 1810-1820

3 males 10 -16, = 1805-1810

1 m 16-18, = 1802-1804

2 m 16-26, = 1795-1804

=6 in agr, 1m 45 & up, =before 1775 1f 26-45 = 1776-1794

1820 census, VA, Brooke Wellsburg, Series M33 Roll 132, page 32

Ralston, David = 000011001002-020001000001

** this listing found on HeritageQuest search. He has not been on any other index or census that I have found so far?/? strange?** they didn’t have Joseph or Samuel? Will check more into .*

9-11-1824 INV= Samuel Ralston Brooke Co VA **


Will of John Tucker written in 1823- 1824 listed dau Martha that was married to Samuel Ralston & is now separated –Samuel shall get no part of her inheritance. John Tucker d. 1831 at age 100 yrs, buried at the Tucker ME Church cemetery. = so we believe that Samuel was still alive at this time in 1824.

~~1830 census: Roll microfilm #M19-189 Federal census, Brooke VA,

p 166 Head of house, oldest / females oldest

Robert 011001 is 30-40/ 120001 is 30-40

Samuel 11001 is 20-30/ 1101 is 15-20

Joseph Sr. 1011001 is 40-50/ 011001 is 30-40 =Joseph jr.d. would be 65 in 1830?

Joseph 21101 is 30-40/ 01001 is 20-30

p 167

Samuel 10001 is 20-30/ 1101 is 20-30

Martha 10001 is 20-30/ 2 in 10-20 & 1 is 50-60

Andrew 2001 is 15-20/ 0001 is 15-20

Joseph 011101 is 30-40/ 211-1 is 20-30

Samuel 10001 is 20-30/ 1101 is 15-20

Alexander 12121 is 20-30/ 001001 is 30-40


1830 Samuel 1 m under 5, 1825-1830 1 f under 5, 1825-1830

1 5-10, 1821-1825 1f 5-10, 1821-1825

1 20-30, 1801-1810 1 f 15-20 1811-1815

Joseph Sr. 1 under 5, 1825-1830 1 f 5-10, 1821-1825

1 10-15, 1816-1820 1 f 10-15, 1816-1820

1 20-30, 1801-1810 1 f 30-40 1791-1800

1 40-50 ? 1781-1790

Martha 1 male under 5,1825-1830, 2 females 10-20 ?,

1 male 20-30, 1801-1810, 1 50-60 1771-1780

Andrew 2 males under 5, 1825-1830, 1 male 15-20 1811-1815, & 1 female 15-20. 1811-1815

* Only time any Andrew is listed in early Brooke co VA census?=

Joseph 2 under 5, 1825-1830 1 f 5-10, 1821-1825 1830 census

1 5-10 1821-1825 1 f 20-30 1801-1810

1 10-15, 1816-1820

1 30-40, 1791-1800

p. 167 Samuel 1 under 5, 1825-1830 1 f under 5, 1825-1830

1 20-30, 1801-1810 1 f 5-10, 1821-1825

1f 20-30, 1801-1810

Joseph 1 m 5-10, 1821-1825 2 f under 5, 1825-1830

1 m 10-15, 1816-1820 1 f 15-10, 1811-1815

1 15-20, 1811-1815 1 f 20-30 1801-1810

& 1 m 30-40 1791-1800

Samuel 1 m under 5, 1825-1830 1 f under 5, 1825-1830

1 male 20-30, 1801-1810 1 f 5-10, 1821-1825

1 f 15-20 1811-1815

Alexander 1 m under 5, 2 m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 2 m15-20, 1m 20-30 (1801-1810), 1 f 10-15, 1 f 30-40

Robert 1 m 2-10, 1 m 10-15, 1 m 30-40, 1 f u 5, 2 f 5-10, 1 f 30-40

= 1840 Brooke CO. VA p.16 ========

Joseph 0010210001 70-80/ 00102001 is 50-60 ***? * Sarah 65 in 1850

Joseph 1102001 is 40-50/ 0011001 is 40-50


Joseph 0001201is 40-50/ 11210001 50-60

Samuel 220001 is 30-40/ 111101 is 30-40

p 42 Alexander 0002101 is 40-50/ 0001001is 50-60

& Edward Pennington 001001 is 30-40/ 02001 is 20-30 ???

On page 3 is a Robert Ralston missing this info on him!!********

On page 2 is a Joseph listed ..Need to check on this & see if it is one of these listed above***

on page 15 is Robert Whitson, and Samuel Cable on p 17.

also found a William McConnell- 1m 10-15, 1m 50-60, 1m 70-80, 1f 30-40

& Daniel Conkle age 93 Rev war Vet living in home not counted with family of 4 people.?


p. 16, Joseph 1 m 10-15, 1826-1830 1 f 10-15- 1826-1830

2 m 20-30, 1811-1820 2 f 20-30 1811-1820

1 30-40 1801-1810 1 f 50-60- 1781-1790

1 70-80 1761-1770 * Sarah was 65 in 1850 so would be 55 in 1840

Joseph 1 under 5, 1835-1840 1 f 10-15, 1826-1830

1 5-10, 1831-1835 1 f 15-20, 1821-1826

2 15-20, 1821-1825 1 f 40-50 1791-1800

1 40-50 1791-1800

p. 17, Joseph 1 m 15-20, 1821-1825 & 1 f under 5, 1835-1840

2 20-30, 1811-1820 1 f 5-10, 1831-1835

1 40-50, 1791-1800 2 f 10-15, 1826-1830

1 f 15-20, 1821-1825

1 50-60 1781-1790

p.17, Samuel 2 under 5, 1835-1840 & 1 f under 5, 1835-1840

2 5-10, 1831-1835 1 f5-10, 1831-1835

1 30-40, 1801-1810 1 f 10-15, 1826-1830

1 f 15-20, 1821-1825

1 f 30-40 1801-1810

Alexander 2 15-20, 1821-1825 1 f 15-20, 1821-1825

1 20-30, 1811-1820 1 f 50-60 1781-1790

1 40-50 1791-1800


David INV 8-5-1836 Martha INV 12-10-1839 Andrew INV bk 6 1842

McCready INV 12- 1842, Joseph INV 5-1-1843 Joseph INV 4-1847

6-1839 Martha Will Dev Eliza dau & other children not listed-*see land deed 1829 kids listed*

3-27-1843 Joseph Will’s: Dev. Wife Sarah, Joseph, Robert, Alex, Samuel, John, Wm, James, Geo, Resin, Jeremiah, Sons & Jean, Anne, Malinda, Eliz daus. Leaves the sawmill to son James.

7-1846 Joseph will dev Isaac, Thomas, Wm, sons & Mary Carolin daus.

1846 will Joseph Washington co PA, wife Esther Jane, dau Mary Elizabeth & son William Wilson Ralston, guardian father in law John Wilson of Perry co OH. Land in Oh to be sold for support of the kids.

Index to Deeds, Brooke County WVA Grantors Series I N- R, 1797-1848 31 Dec.

Grantor= a person or persons transferring or conveying land in a deed.

Grantee= one to whom something is transferred by deed.

Date, book & page, Grantors = Grantees, description & location of land,

Dec 2 1795, 7-329, Joseph = Robert Ralston, 67 A 64 P (perches or poles?)

June 25, 1799 *1-518, Martha & Samuel = Andrew CAMPBELL- 104 A 43 P Kings C

April 26, 1802 *2-527 Joseph & Jean = John SCOOT (SCOTT) 100 A. Kings C

May 8, 1821 *7-71, Samuel = Joseph Ralston (of Saml) 102 3/4A. KC

Nov 1, 1823, *7-336, Joseph ux = Joseph Ralston Jr. 25 A 70 P Cross Creek

Oct 7, 1827, *8-447, Joseph Sr. = Samuel Ralston 86 1/4 A

June 6, 1828, *9-2, Joseph ux = James ANTELL 26 A 3 R 35 P State line

Oct 10, 1829 *9-195, Samuel est = Joseph Ralston partition of est. NO 11 73 A

Feb 27, 1830, *9-283, Joseph ux = Joseph Ralston Jr. 1/3 3 3/4 A & MILL Kings Cr

Aug 25, 1831, *9-409 **Martha Samuel hr = George ALLISON 80 A Kings Creek

June 3, 1831, 9-411, Joseph Sr ux = Joseph Ralston jr. 11 A Kings Creek

Nov 15, 1832, 9-615, John = Samuel Ralston 37 A (lot 10) Kings Cr

Oct 13, 1832, *11-224, Samuel ux = William SMITH 86 1/2 A Kings Creek

July 8, 1839, 13-14, Joseph squirrel & Mary = Joseph Ralston Sr. 48 A

Mar 23, 1840, 13-142, Joseph Sr & Sarah = Daniel Swearingen int tract land Kings Creek

June 3, 1841, 14-137 Joseph Sr us = George & Reason 291 A 13 p Kings Creek

June 10, 1841, *13-483, Joseph Sr & Sarah = James Ralston 40 A 1 R. 32 P Kings Cr

Sept 1, 1841, *13-470, Joseph Sr. & Sarah = William Ralston 1//3 3 3/4 A Kings Cr

Sept 9, 1841, 13-540, Andrew & Elizabeth Sr. Samuel decd *=Andrew Jr.1/11 int.134 A KC?

Nov 26, 1841 13- 499, John = Samuel INT Tract land Kings Creek

June 7, 1842 13-628, Joseph Sr & Sarah to Joseph Jr. 1/6 int. 3 3/4 Acres on Kings cr

Mar 19, 1842 13-629, Joseph Sr. & Sarah = Robert 43 A Kings Creek

Oct 10, 1836, 13-633 Joseph Sr & Sarah = Andrew 9 1/2 A on Kings Creek

Aug 17, 1842 13-658 by comr? Samuel hrs to Enoch Davis 40 acres & 127 poles

Nov 25, 1843, 15-333 Joseph decd's kids: -Alexander ux, Anne, George, Elizabeth, Joseph Ux, John ux, Jeremiah, Malinda, Robert us, Samuel ux, William ux, Rezin, Joseph decd kids,

to James Ralston 4 A 3R 19P

Nov 19, 1843, 16-314, Joseph ux = Susan Cunningham 12A 19 P Kings Creek,

Dec 25, 1843, 15-171 Joseph S & Polly S to Robert Whitson -8 A 1R 16P Harmons creek

April 2, 1844 14-556 Alexander = John Jackson S1/2 lot 155 Wellsburg (QR)

June 29, 1844, 15-34, Alexander & Anne hr Thos Atkinson =

to Alex & James Patterson, 147 ac 2 R 20 P

Mar26,1845, 15-187Eliza, Ann, Mary, Alexander, Samuel decd = To Samuel 7/11int 126A1R KC

May 29, 1845, 187 Ann = Alex & James Patterson 147A 2R 20P

Mar 19, 1851, 17-17, Catherine/ Samuel to Campbell Tarr Sr 5/11 of 100 acres

Mar 29, 1865, 20-336 Joseph = Alex & Sarah Chamberlain N1/2 lot 234 WBG- (Wellsburg)

Index to Deeds Brooke Co WV GRANTEES Series I N-R- 1797- 31 Dec 1948

Dec 2, 1795, 7-329, Robert = Joseph Ralston 67 A 64 P

Sept 30, 1805, *3-407, Joseph = Josiah REEVES 222A Kings Creek

Apr 24, 1809, 3- 407, Samuel = James ARMSTRONG ux 1A 20 P do

May 8, 1821, 7- 71, Joseph (of Saml) = Samuel Ralston 102 3/4 A do

Nov 1, 1823, *7-329, Joseph Jr. = Joseph Ralston ux (? *to Robert) 25A 70 P Cross Creek

Oct 7, 1827, 8-447 Samuel = Joseph Ralston SR 86 1/4 or 1/2? A

Oct 10, 1829, 9-195, John = Saml Ralston est no 10, 37A partition

Oct 10, 1829, 9-195 Martha = Saml Ralston est lot 2 60 A do

Oct 10, 1829, 9-195 Eliza Ann = Saml Ralston est lot 5, 21 A do

Oct 10, 1829, 9-195 Samuel = Samuel Ralston est lot 9, 36 A do

Oct 10, 1829, 9-195 Joseph = Samuel Ralston est lot 11 73 A do

Feb 27, 1830, 9-283, Joseph Jr. = Joseph Ralston ux 1/3 3 3/? A & MILL Kings Cr

June 3, 1831, 9-411, Joseph Jr. = Joseph Ralston Sr ux 11 A Kings Creek

Nov 15, 1832, *9-615 Samuel = John Ralston 37A lot 10 Kings Creek

Mar 26, 1834, 10-352, Robert = Sampson MARTIN 110 A do

Oct 10, 1836, *13-633, Andrew = Joseph Ralston ux 9 1/2 A do

May 8, 1837, 12-230, Joseph Jr. = Daniel & Mary DEVORE 1/10 int 86 1/4 A KC

Mar 21, 1838, 12-85, Joseph Jr. = Thos PETERSON ux 8 1/2 A (1/10 int 82 A) KC

Aug 25, 1838, 12-146, Alexander = Richard & Mary STARR S 1/2 lot 155 Wellsburg (QR)

Jan 30, 1839, 12-314, Joseph = William ANDREWS hrs 1/10 86 A 1 R

Mar 5, 1839, 12-316, Joseph = James HINDMAN ux 7 shares 86 A 1 R Kings Cr

Jul 4, 1839, 14-396, Joseph (Squirrel) = David HAYS ux 8 1//4 16 P Harmons Cr

Jul 8, 1839, 13-14, Joseph SR = Joseph Ralston ux 48 A

Sept 1, 1841, 13-470, William = Joseph Ralston SR. ux 1/2 3 3/4 A Kings Cr

Aug 24, 1841, 13-479, Samuel = Alexander PORTER ux int 134 A do

Jun 3, 1841, *14-137, George & Reason = Joseph Ralston Sr. ux 291 A 13 P do

June 10, 1841, 13-483, James = Joseph Ralston Sr. ux 40 A 1 R 32 P do

Sept 9, 1841, 13-499, Samuel = John Ralston int tract land do

Mar 19, 1842, 13-629, Robert = Joseph Ralston Sr. ux 43 A do

Mar 26, 1845, 15-187, Samuel = Samuel Ralston hrs 7/11 int 126 A 1 R Kings creek

Nov 25, 1843, *15- 333, James = Joseph Ralston hrs 4 A 3 R 19 P

Dec 24- 1843 * Joseph Squirrel =to Robert Whitson land on Harmons Creek...

June 7, 1848, *13-628, Joseph Jr. =Joseph Ralston Sr ux 1/6 int 3 3/4 do

Mar 11, 1857, 18-464, Robert = Campbell TARR releases D T 4/25/ 184_? 8?

Sept 28, 1865, 20-386, Samuel = John GARDINER al lot 164 Wellsburg

June 17, 1870, 21-428, Samuel = Philip GOOD ux lot 163 Wbg

Sept 16, 1875, 23-217, Jos= H G LAZEAR ux lots 70 72 Lazearville

Jan 2 1880, 24-28, George = Joseph McCONKEY S 1/3 lot 83 Wbg

Oct 8, 1883, 25-236, William = Geo W. RUSSELL ux parcel land Russell’s add Wbg

Apr 1, 1884, 25-375, Lewis= John LEWIS hr (John)? 20 A Buff dist

Jan 12, 1885, 26-107, Christian & John = Wm B. LEWIS ux, 23A 3 R 24 .9 P Buff dist

Nov 24, 1885, 26-331, Catharine (in tr by WC Barclay) = Samuel Ralston lot land wbg

Oct 16, 1890, 28-365, Lewis = Thomas MANION ux lot land wbg

Oct 10, 1893, 29-532, Joseph = Agnes MUTTON by comr ? W 2/3 lot 161 WBG

Dec 26, 1893, 29-569, al Agnes Virginia = Louisa HANES 170 A Buff dist

Sept 28, 1895, 30-291, Agnes V = Wm F. & Lizzie M. SMITH int 85.57A Buff dist ex resv

Dec 7, 1895, 30-327, Agnes V John = Wm F. Mary E. Smith deed correction 85.57A Buffdist

Mar 13, 1896, 30-369, Samuel T. = James & Emma L WELLS N 1/2 lot 280 Wbg

Sept 7, 1896, 30-447 al John = Windsor Fruit Co by tr lot 6 Windosr DT 7/17/96

Jul 27, 1898, 31-157, Joseph = Agnes MUTTON hrs by comr 1/3 lot 161 & lot 202 Wbg

Oct 8, 1902, 33-129, Minnie C. & Samuel T. = John REUFF N 1/2 lot 280 Wbg


Dec 24, 1843- Joseph Squirrel sold land on Harmons Creek to Robert Whitson,

9 Sept 1841, 13- 540- 541- Andrew & Elizabeth to Andrew Jr. 1/6 interest in 134 acres for $141.00

Dk 15, p. 171 = Joseph S. & Polly

DB 9 page 195 = Joseph S. & Mary (same as Polly...Mary Morehead

Wheeling Then came a bakery & cake shop kept by Granny Ralston with who made all of the boys intimate as their pennins permitted. “History of Northern Panhandles of the County of Brooke” - no dates-

Brooke Co VA Marriage Records; Ralston’s-

2-19-1812 = Joseph of Brooke Co VA m Mary MOREHEAD= off unknown, VA bk 1 A p 065

11-2- 1815 = Mary of Brooke VA m James COCHRAN= off J. Pritchard, VA Bk 1A p 80

4-11-1816 = Robert & Nancy WILSON =off E. McCurdy, VA Bk 2A p 2

11-6-1817 = Henrietta & Timothy KELLY=off J. Pritchard, VA Bk 2Ap 5

11-13-1817 = Joseph & Priscilla HOLMES off by E. McCurdy, VA BK 2A p 6

12-14-1824 = Robert & Mary CHAPMAN= off G. Scott, VA bk2A p 31

~~ + moved to Ohio+ had son William Chappie Ralston**s/o Robert & Margaret McBride*

25 Aug 1825 = Alexander & Ann ATKINSON by G. Buchanan, VA bk 2A p 33 (*was Ann Holmes)

4-23-1829 =Catherine & Alexander CURTIS= off S. Reed, VA bk 2A p60

~~~~~ +His last name was Porter moved to Carroll co OH, then Iowa had a son Curtis?

6-16-1830 =Keziah & Robert GRAHAM, off J. McKennar, VA Bk 2Ap 55 WHO is this?

4-2- 1840 = Sarah L & Samuel F. MARQUIS, off R. White, VA Bk 2A p 83

2-5-1841 = Martha & Abraham MOREHEAD = off J. Galloway VA Bk 2A p71

+Could this be Samuel & Martha's dau Martha listed in land deed in 1829/?

17 Nov 1842 =George & Martha Jane MOREHEAD = off J. Galloway VA bk2A p77

29 May 1845 = Resin & Elinor BRICE (listed as Baile) off J. Galloway VA Bk 2A p87

5 Feb 1846 =John & Kezia LEWIS off S. Worthington, VA Bk 2A p87

9-12-1850 = Jeremiah & Jane BRICE +

1825 __ =William Logan & Margaret BRICE = all Brice sisters

_ 13, 1856 Samuel B. REIMELL, 23, s/o Jacob & Margaret Reimell Wash Co PA & Hannah Jane EDIE 27, d/o David & Sarah Edie.

11 Oct 1864 at David Edies, Joseph Ralston 73 widow, son of Samuel & Martha Ralston married Hannah RYHULL widow 36, dau David & Sarah Edie, of Hanco*ck Co WV, Line 18 m Bk no 1853-1883.

26 Dec 1864 William & Elizabeth OWENS, off H. Shepherd, WV Bk 3A p 149

+ also listed 29 Dec 1864 by D. Laverty, child of Samuel & Eliz

1 Mar 1865 Joseph & Lucy McHENRY off H. Shepherd, WV Bk 3A p 153

26 Jul 1873 Elizabeth of Wood co, VA & Joseph J. Wilkey, off W. Latimer, WV Bk 4A p 127

+ also listed bk 1 p 22 line 17 married By S. Cravens remarks married Wellsburg,

Marriage- official- Church Affiliation- Brooke Co VA/WV Marriage Officials & Preachers-

J. Pritchard = John Pritchard Minister, Ebenezer Church, Baptist

E. McCurdy = Elisha MaCurdy, Minister, Presbyterian Church

G. Scott = George M. Scott, Minister, V.D.M. Presbyterian Church

G. Buchanan = George B. Minister, Associate Reformed Church.

S. Reed = Samuel Reed Minister, Presbyterian, Three Springs & Flats

J. McKennar = James W. Minister, West Liberty, VA/WA

R. White = R. J. Minister (no church listed) or Robert M. Minister, Presbyterian Church

J. Galloway = John M., Minister, (no church given)

S. Worthington = Samuel G. J. Worthington, Minister, Methodist Protestant Church

H. Shepherd = H. C. Shepherd, Brooke Co. Clerk

W. Latimer = William P. Brooke County Clerk

S. Cravens = S.H. Cravens Minister (no church given)

Church's; Three Springs Presbyterian Church- Weirton Heights, Hanco*ck Co built 1790 moved to Cove Hill in 1804. Holliday Cove Presbyterian Church Hollidays Cove, Hanco*ck Co also known as Three Springs Presbyterian organized 1846* = Flats Presbyterian Church - Fairview, organized 29 Nov 1839

Stone Church Chapel - Methodist Prostestant, Fairview, Hanco*ck Co also known as Nessly Chapel organized about 1830

= Union Chapel Methodist Protestant, Freeman's landing, Hanco*ck Co, organized 1835

= Union Chapel Methodist Protestant Church- Wellsburg, SW corner of Charles & Prospect St. organized in 1854, built in 1864 * Ebenezer Church- Short Creek organized 1794 ~~source; Brooke County VA/WV Licenses & Marriages 1797-1874 compiled by Renee Britt Sherman, Heritage Books, Inc., publ, 1991

1-11-1820 = Eleanor Ralston of Augusta Co VA m Richard Ranklin* different line in VA

~Inv of Samuel Ralston personal estate, Inv book 3, page 29, 9-11-1824

Given under our hand this 17th day of Sept 1824

Signed by Greenberry Wilcoxon, John ?Elliser? James Gardener, Thomas Swearingen.

2 22 gallon kettles @3.50 each 7.00,

2 15 gallon “ ditto 3.50

_ Kettle 1.00

1 _lot of Potatoes .50

1 pot_ 1 crew barrel 1.50

1_& _ old plough 5 ? greers?sheers? 6.27

1 pail _ will __ 2.00

1 Hay wheat saw & saw mill? __ 25.00

4 old _ tub __ 1 bucket .75

1 old pair double _ 1 shovel or tong 2.00

1 still & worron? A 15.20

1 old pot 1 old kettle 1 cast 1 gg

3 old hog 2.00

1 old wallick & 1 old ??__ a 1.00

old grwid stove .25

1 lot of chessels 1.20

1 lot consisting of crow bar ? & __ 1.00,

1 lot of chessials .50

1 lot hammer & chisels .50

1 hatchet & a pair .50

1 lot Bradaxe 1 plain 2 augurs 1.50

2 boxes of old irons 37,

1 lot of plains & Log chain 1.75

1_ 1 cutting knife & stock? Strap? 2.00,

1 _ plate & vise 2.87

1 _ basin of old iron wheel rims- a Square 12

1 lot shingling nails 54 lbs a box 3.15

1 plough _ 1 jointer & _? 6.27

1 lot of Horse geers

One lot of Auger & part of old matlock? 1.27

1 lot of lumber

1 hand saw, drawing knife 1 wood screw 70

1 pair blacksmith bellows 1.00

1 crop out saw ?old 2.00

5 hogs @ 2.00 10.00

Corn in field by the bushel @ 23- per A

Wheat ___per bushel 4.50


2nd coloum, Rye in the __ lay @ 20___

3 axes 2 tubs___ 3.25

1 stack of hay 5.00

1 red__ 10.00

1 Red & White cow 7.00

1 White face __ Bull 2.27

1 white & red heifer 4.50

1 Roun Mare & Brittle 22.00

1 spring calf 1.00

1 pair ? spoon, mle & ladle .75

1_-g- & _ pouch 2.00

1 Hatchet 2.00

1 S_ (could be ? silver) watch 1.00 or 4.00?

1 flat __ .75,

1 ? rap clock 3.00,

1 Bean? Brown? 4.00

1 pair of sh?__ 1.00

1 lot of ___ 1.00

1 lot of pewter 1.50,

1 teakettle & 1 bedstead 1.75

1 forking glap? (?looking glass?)

1 ? Dresser 6.00

7 D- Silver teaspoon 2.00

1 old Briddle 37

1 saw? .75

1 Reel 1 old pair saddle bag 1 pair sheep sheers 6.27

1 use pa__ 1 Keg @ 6.72

1 bed & bedding 7.00

1 old __ bag 1.07

Sugar @ 8 ct for lbs @

_ _ _ _ this 17 day of Sept 1824 Greenberry Wilcoxon, James Gardener, Thos Swearingen.

Wills in Brooke co VA.

Martha Ralston wife of Samuel Ralston dec'd of Brooke Co Va dated May 25, 1839 recorded June Term 1839 p. 107 Wit; Joseph Ralston Junr & Robert Ralston book 3 p. 101? Dau Eliza Ann Ralston - a list & the rest to be sold & divided among children. = - In the name of God ---- I Martha Ralston wife of Samuel Ralston deceased of Brooke County With weak of body but of sound mind and discharg ny do make this my last will and testament in manner and f-- following s? After all my per debts and funeral expenses is paid I?? Bequeath to my beloved daughter Eliza Ann Ralston motley cow, one year old heifer calf, six sheep? on ? one short, one feather bed to contain ? feathers, ? under bed, bolster and 2 pillows, 4 sheets blanket, 2 quilts, 2 coverlid, 1 falling leaf table, table cloth, 6 pillow slips, 2 towels 1 wo? ? 1 britle? 3 chairs, 1 set of knives and forks 1 ? in 2 pewter plates, 1 ? iron, 1 pot, 3 flux wool, 1 frying pan & Bureau 1 stand. The residue of my personal estate it is my will it be sold & After my debts is paid, the balance to be equally divided amongest my children. I do here by constitute & appoint this my last will & Testament given under my hand and seal the 23 Ma ?? - off the copied page-

Martha X her mark Ralston seal, in the presence of Joseph Ralston Junr & Robert Ralston,


Tombstone of Martha Ralston at the Tucker Methodist Church Cemetery in Hanover Twp Washington Co PA with her parents John Tucker d. 1831 at 100 yrs Henrietta d.

Martha d. July 1, 1839 at 73 yrs (b. est 1766*)

? her will was probated in June & she died in July?? did she do this before she died? May

Bill wasn’t sure if Samuel was buried there, Dale thought he had found a stone but it was broken/scaled bad.

Brooke Co INV Samuel 9-11-1824 **David 8-5-1836 **Andrew 6-1842 ? **McCready INV 12-1842

Martha’s INV A list of Personal estate of Martha Ralston decd sold at public ve? On 4 of July 1839 Ordered that John McMillon, /McMillan? Joseph Ralston, Robert Ralston & Wm Logan or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice of the peace, do truly & justly ? in o? the personal estate of Martha Ralston decd and ? of under their hands to this court.

Brooke County, I do hereby by certify that Joseph Ralston, Robert Ralston & Wm Logan appeared before me and was for the purpose contained in the order. Given under my hand the 2nd day of July 1839. A list of the personal estate of Martha Ralston decd appraised by Joseph Ralston, Robert Ralston & Wm Logan this 3rd July 1839,

One Milah cow 12.00

“ 3 year old heifer ?3 or 5.52

1 year old heifer 3.00

Sow & five pigs 5.00

5 sh or Goats 6.00

Grind stone & frame? 1.00

One axe .50

One horse & bridle 35.00

Pitch fork & auger .26

Seven old sheep & 3 lambs 9.00

Lot of grist milate? 2.50

3 large? 2.00

Branding iron tub & small? Kettles .75

1 inflactor/ ? 1.00

one lot of old barrels & 1 keg 1.00

One lot of old corn per bushel .75 cts

1 cider barrel .50

1 churn .25

1 fallen leaf table 2.00

________& Hammer .37 1/2

1 chest & trunk .50

1 lot of chairs 1.75

2 ?_____ .25

1 clock 8.00

1 lot of ?___ wool .56

1 lot of wool at 25 cts per lbs. 3.19

1 lot of bean & oats .50

1 basket .25

1 wheel & Reel 1.00

1? dorfsor /dresser? Furniture 4.00

3 hogs 1.00

1 Patent churn? 1.00

1 suier can ? silver can & old band .50

Bed stead bed & bedding 12.00

1 lot of bedclothes 11/00

1 Hamul?? Flrmul ? ____ 3.00

Large chest .75

Bedstead bed & bedding 12.00

Fire iron, ? craw shovel Tongs pot ? trammels & poker 2.00

Smolthing irons & ______ .25

Lot of old barrels .50

lot wheat 62 ½ cts per bushel

Looking glass .37 1/2

? graps in the ground 15.00

3 tablecloths 2 towels & 1 sheet 2.00

Prusant to an order to us limited after being sworn for the (end of page 534)

Page 535 purpose contained in the order we have appraised the ? Estate of Martha Ralston decd as shown to us by the admistrator as before stated Given under our hands this 2 of July Joseph Ralston, William Logan, Robert Ralston.

A list of the personal estate of Martha Ralston decd appraised by Joseph Ralston, Robert Ralston, and William Logan this 10 th of Dec 1839.

One pair of Kittle ?___bales? 0012 ½

One lot of Wheat? 271/2 bushels at 45 cts per B 12.37 ½

On lot of corn? to be 210 bushels @ 311/2 cts pr B 65.62 ½

One hatchet 1.50

One lot of clothing 8.00

One cloak or clock? 3.00

One chest ? .12

One bedstead .12

One loom 2.00

Joseph Ralston (Squirrel ) bank account 9.00

Pursuant to an order of County to us directed after being sworn for the purpose contained in the order we have appraised the personal estate of Martha Ralston decd as shown to us by the Adm as before states,…

In may term 1841 An appraisem*nt bill of the personal est of Martha Ralston decd is returned unto court & ordered to be recorded.

~A list of those who purchased items at sell & what they got & cost, Names listed John Cochran, Alexander ?, Elizabeth Ralston, Robert Ralston, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Morehead, B ? Sanders, E. Ralston, Mrs. Ralston, James Cochran, Archibald Freshwater, Samuel Ralston, Mrs. Kelly, A Cown??, James Herron? , William McConnell got 1 sheep?? at 3.50, & 11 lbs wool at .25, James Truax, Enoch Davis, William Cochran, Andrew Henderson, Joseph Ralston, Timothy Kelly,

~A list of 19 receipts from Js. Pitzer? , Wm Wilson, James Cochran for labor taking care of cow, sheriff Langfitts receipt for taxes .40, Joseph Ralston miller, John McMillan, W.? amount of clerks for bill, James Sinclair, Robert Ralston, Wm Logan, Israel Bebout, Wm Cochran, Dr. ? paid to JS & D. White, John Ralston per Joseph Ralston per Joseph Ralston squirrel, Sampson Martin, Wm Logan, Js & D White, James Cochran, Mary ? Conn? Allowance to Joseph Ralston & Wm Beall auditors, Allowance for ? to James Cochran. ..total 236.56.


** 2 early Ralston wills- in the area to note were found;

Will of Joseph Ralston of Washington Co PA dated Sept 12th 1825 list his beloved wife Ellenor, eldest son William, daughters Rebekah McGloughlin, Ann Iiles, Lizzie Ralston & Jane and to his younger sons PAUL & Joseph reaches the age of twenty one. He mentions a brother in law John Reed. Will was signed on 30 July 1825 in the presence of William Irin (Irwin?) and James Mulholm.

Buried at the Lower Buffalo Cemetery in what became Brooke Co, VA..

Joseph Ralston d. Oct 1825, 39 yrs old (born est 1777)

Elenor his wife d. Oct 21 1829, at 52 yrs old -(b.est 1777)

Where is this Joseph in the census??? of 1820? What happened to his sons & daughters?


Joseph Ralston of Belmont Co OH, written 25 Mar 1828, Wife Agnes Ralston all property real & personal. My plantation which I now live to be sold after my demise & money at disposal of my wife. Exec to have full power $50 to be given to repair the graveyard at Crabapple meeting house. I will & bequeath to Joseph Ralston my bro James Ralston’s son my silver watch I now own. I bequeath to Nancy Gamble daughter of my sister Margaret Gamble $10.00 given her as y ? fife directs & further that my weaving apparel be divided between my 2 brothers. John & Joseph s/o James Ralston Jr, & George & Andrew - ?* has Johnston but crossed out & Irwin written in- s/o George Irwin Sr, & Joseph Johnston, Alexander Johnston’s son appoints friend John Lyle exec. ……..Joseph His X mark Ralston sealed 25 day of March 1828 signed by Joseph Lyon, John Lyon, & John Campbell, Will book W- 1828 BE= Belmont Co OH WDD p. 90.

~~Joseph Ralston of Crabapple cemetery died at 60 yrs old, Wife Agness d.

Also buried there was_____ child of R & M Ralston.

A Joseph Ralston citizen of Great Britain applied for citizenship in 18__

I need to get a copy of these papers- could help**


(These 3 marriages not in Brooke co listings)*

2-19-1812** =Joseph of Jefferson Co OH m Sarah MOLAR= lookup & Ralston Root Cellar book? ** this would be close to the time Joseph m. Sarah Greer* as dau Anne b. 1813.

Joseph & Mary Morehead married 1813

1-23- 1812 = James Ralston of Ohio Co VA m Mary SNODGRASS

= Joseph of Clermont Co OH m Nelly SMITH (? of Brown or Adams Co OH?)

A Mary Ralston d. 1823 at 74 yrs (b est 1749) buried at the Old Tent Cemetery, Ohio Co VA.

Will 3-179 Brooke Co VA Wellsburg, Joseph Ralston of Brooke County dated 1843,

Written 26 Feb 1842- 26 Jan 1843 probate 27 Mar 1843 mentions 16 children & 4 grandchildren

listed sons 1.)Joseph $1. & what he has already received,

2.) Robert $1. & what he has received,

3.) Alexander to be paid $250. in 2 equal payments 1 year after Joseph death,

4.) Samuel $1. & what he has received,

5.) daughter Jean Wilson $20. in 2 payments 1 yr after J. death,

6.) John $195. & what he has received,

7.) William $.1. & 600 receipt on article in Joseph hands?,

8.) son Andrew (dec'd) 3 children Jesse, Isaac & David, land of Andrews bounded by William Morehead & by land of Joseph's by John McMillan containing 9 1/2 acres,

9.) Son James left the sawmill and the carding machine,

10.) son David (dec'd) listed granddaughter Ruth Ann,

Joseph children still living at home as

11.)* Anne,

12.) *Melinda,

13.)* Elizabeth each 1/3 part of $700. $242 & 1/2 to be paid by George & Resin & Jeremiah.

14.)* George &

15.)* Resin, sons George farm that Daniel Wilson now resides 100 acres, Resin land on south side of Joseph Ralston's (miller) to James Ralston line &

16.)Jeremiah left the farm of Joseph & the house to wife Sarah.

children listed as still living at home were; *** (all Sarah’s kids with Joseph)

Witnessed by; Jas Cochran & John Sheets.

~~~~Joseph tombstone at the Three Springs Cemetery d. 1843 at 78 yrs* (b.est 1765)

*Tombstone rubbing by Bill Ralston in 1999. **Joseph who died in 1843 *will listed 16 kids**

Land Deeds of Brooke co Va

~~~~~This Indenture made this 19th day of November in the year 1843 between Joseph Ralston and Polly his wife of the county of Brooke and state of Virginia and Susan Cunningham.

~Dec 25, 1843- Joseph Squirrel Ralston & Polly his wife (signed her name as Mary) For sum of $250.00 paid to them sells land to Robert Whitson on Harmons Creek bounded as follows to wit; Beginning at a marked Lyrum Patterson’s corner N29 W40 poles to a maple sapling? S87 E 40 poles to a small Black oak near a large white oak S 29E 40 poles to a witch hazel N 87 W 40 poles to the place of beginning containing Eight Acres one? and sixteen perches be the same more or less. To have & hold… signed & sealed, Joseph Ralston & Mary Her X Mark Ralston

page 385 just the last paragraph of deed- starts out

that Daniel Wilson and Jane his wife parties to the said conveyance personally came before us in our said county and acknowledged the same to be their act? And deed and desired us to certify said acknowledgement to the clerk of the County Court of Brooke County in order that it may be recorded. And the said Jane being by us examined privately apart from her husband and having said deed fully explained to her said that she had willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 17th day of May 1845.

Same page= Brooke Co, We Joseph Rose & David Wylie two of the magistrates or Justices of the peace I & for said County of Brooke in the state of VA hereby certify that Alexander Ralston and Ann his wife parties to a certain deed bearing date 25 Nov 1843 and hereunto an? Personally come before us in our said county and acknowledged that the same was their ? and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the county court of Brooke co afore said in order that it may be records and the said Ann wife of the said Andrew* Ralston having by us examed? and separately and apart? from his* husband and having the said deed fully explained to his said that she had willing by signed sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 30 day of Sept 1844. Joseph Rose & David Wylie.

Same page-

We John Patterson & Thomas Orr justices of the peace for said County & state of VA hereby certify that Joseph Ralston and Priscilla his wife, Robert Ralston and Nancy his wife, William Ralston and Retina his wife, George Ralston and Martha Jane his wife, Reason Ralston, Anne Ralston, Belinda Ralston, Elizabeth Ralston parties to the within deed of conveyance personally appeared before us in our said county and acknowledged the same to be their act & deed and devise us to certify the said acknowledgement to clerk of the county of Brooke in order that it may be records the said ? Wives of said Joseph, Robert, William & George being by us examined separately and apart form their said husbands. And having the deed fully explained to them said that they willingly signed sealed and delivered the same and that they wished not to retract it. Given under our hands and seals this 24th May 1845 John Patterson & Thomas Orr.


14 Feb 1846 - Will of Joseph Ralston of Washington county, Buffalo township state of PA=

Weak in body and of sound mind memory and understanding Blessed be God for his mercies and that I should be better prepared to leave this world whereas God in his providence shall call me hence I do make my last will and testament as follows. First and principally I commit my seal to Almighty God my country who have it me and body to the earth to be interned in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretions of my friends and executors here in after mentioned and as to what worldly estate God in his? Providence has provided me with I will and bequeath as follows Viz I will & bequeath to my beloved wife Esther Jane the remainder of the proceeds of my personal estate. After my just debts and funeral expenses has been paid and of proving -- Last will and test and as to my real estate or Eighty acres of land which I hold in Marion County Ohio my will is that it shall be sold by the guardian of my two children herein after mentioned and the proceeds there of divided equally among my beloved wife and two children Mary Elizabeth And William Wilson allowing each a third part and I do constitute and appoint David Willigan? Milligaw or Milligau? of East Finley Township as my exec to execute this my last will. And I do appoint my Father in law John Wilson of Perry County Ohio as the guardian of my two children above mentioned and request him to act in that capacity. In test whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 14th day of February AD 1846 Joseph Ralston

Signed in the presence of William F. Brownlee & John McKeahaw? Mckeahau?

License for Joseph Rollster (Sp) & Esther Jane Wilson married Jan 11, 1842 in Perry Co OH __

Esther Jane & 2 kids went to Van Buren Iowa with her parents- where father John Wilson died abt 1851. Her mother Esther Jane may have been a Ralston ?? @ Susannah __ of ______. Esther & the 2 kids listed in 1860 censusIowa, Mary Elizabeth & Wm Wilson Ralston m Sarah Fox there. OR MARY FOX? Check


* Beers History of Washington Co PA story of Joseph Ralston of Kings Creek p. ____

In 1846, Joseph miller (#3 b. 1791 m. Lucinda P. Holmes kd) dies July 18, 1846 from the fever after taking a cargo load of flour to market to New York,

His son Joseph (b, abt 1823) died May 30 1846 after a trip to New Orleans with a cargo load of flour.

Cemetery list of Three Springs list Joseph d. 1845 at 48 & Joseph d. 1846 at 22

Will 3-244 Joseph (miller) Ralston of Brooke Co VA

written 7 July 1846 recorded July1846? or Dated Sept 16, 1846, recorded Oct Term 1846, farm of the waters of Kings Creek in Brooke Co VA adjoining lands of Jos Ralston & others value at $1500.

1. son Isaac exec whole of farm purchased by heirs of William Andrew's dec'd.

also got 1 bedstead & bedding.

2. son Thomas the house & the land attached bed & bedding

3. son William 1 undivided half of MILL on Kings Creek.*****

4. Daughter Mary Ann her choice of bed & bedding & $200. & the Large Rocking Chair.

5. daughter Caroline end choice of bed & bedding & $200.

Witnessed & signed; James Ralston & James W. Brown.

Will 3-258 Robert Ralston of Brooke Co VA, 13 Nov 1847 recorded Nov Term 1847

witnessed by James W. Brown & Rezin Ralston

1, son Wilson the tract of land to Reason Ralston to George Ralston line,

2. son Joseph W. 110 tract & 43 acres all the rest

3. Dau Nancy Ann Simpson, wife of Osaac G. Simpson $200.

4. dau Sarah Jane Marquis w/o Samuel Marquis $200.

5. Diantha Freshwater w/o David Freshwater $200.

the sons Joseph & Wilson given 6 years to pay the 3 girls the money.

Samuel Marquis exec of Will, - Robert & Nancy Wilson married 04-11-1816 Brooke Co VA

~~~~~Index of Deeds, Brooke Co WVA Grantors Series 1 N-R- 1797-31 Dec. 1848

Robert Ralston on Grantee list on March 26, 1834- to Sampson Martin 110 Acres on Kings creek


Original Land entries of Seneca Co OH both record May 27, 1833

David Ralston SW ¼ SW ¼ Sec 1 Bloom twp

Samuel Ralston E ½ NE ¼ Sec 12 Bloom twp

David Ralston of Brooke Co Va 9-30-1834, 0850_.490 =East half of the South East quarter of Section 2 in twp 1N of Range 16 in the district of lands subject to sale at Bucynes, Ohio Containing 80 acres. ? Seneca?

Samuel Ralston of Holmes Co OH- gets land in Seneca co OH

John Ralston of Carroll Co OH OH0680_.372, South East quarter of Section 8 in twp 3 South of Range 8 East in the dist of lands subject to sell at Lima OH containing 160 acres 15 March 1837 Allen Co OH.

John Ralston of Brooke Co VA 2 Dec 1830, OH0550_.318 =East half of South East quarter of Section 2 of twp 23 in Range 18 in the Dist of lands subject to sale at Wooster OH containing 80 Acres Richland Co OH

John Ralston of Brooke Co VA got land in Allen co OH sec 8 twp 3 ranges 8 bordered on the south by Mehaffey Road & on the east by Herr Road. Napoleon Road to 1 m west & Sugar creek Road is 1 ½ m N - ? 2 m south SE of Beaverdam Cemetery.

Alexander Porter of Brooke co VA gets land on May 1833 for land in Carroll co OH……

Richard Porter of Brooke co VA gets land on same day in Carroll co OH……

Richard Porter & Martha of Sam’l heirs sells Aug 25 1831, 80 acres on Kings cr to George Allison-

Pole= Unit of length and area/ Also known as a perch or rod. As a unit of length, equal to 16.5 feet. A Mile is 320 poles. As a unit of area, equal to a square with sides one pole long. An acre is 160 poles. It was common to see an area referred to as 87 acres 112 poles meaning 87 acres and 112/160 acres.


Joseph McCready (of Beaver co PA) Will- bk___p.__1799

~Joseph McCready– wife Katy Lauglin- / Catherine McLaughlin?, Elenor Bruce, Ann Ralston, Elizabeth Bay, Catharine Martin.

Catharine McCready Martin -b. 1769 d. 15 Sept 1849 Holmes Co OH bd Frederickson OH m Edward Martin 17 Mar 1793 Beaver Co PA 6 kids-)

~Bio on John B. McCready Hookstown, Beaver Co PA. John B. was born on the old McCready homestead Aug 5, 1837. His gr grandfather Joseph McCready, a native of Ireland & settled in Greene twp while the Indians were still living in the neighborhood & took up 400 acres of land - receiving patent dated 1784 & died in1798. His wife was Katy McLaughlin & they had 5 daughters, who became Mrs. Bruce, Mrs. Ralston, Mrs. Bay, Mrs. Martin & Mrs. McClure. respectively, & 2 sons Joseph & John the latter of whom was a doctor at New Bedford, where he died. Joseph b. 9 July 1786 married 14 May 1805 Elizabeth Ewing and died 3 Oct 1862. His wife was d/o James Ewing, & died 22 Mar 1846. Straunch Presbyterian & had 4 sons James, Joseph, John B. & W.E. & 4 daughters Catherine, Jane, Eliza A. & Isabel.

James was b. 10 May 1806 & died Sept ? 1872. He married Mary A. Reed d/o Thomas & Sarah (King) Reed. She was b. 11 Sept 1801 in Cumberland co & died in Hookstown 3 July 1882. They had 5 kids; 2 sons & 3 daughters, Joseph J. John B. Sarah E. Elizabeth I & Mary Jane. – John B. married Sarah A. Cowan & had 2 kids James H. & Frank who married Mary E. Stewart & had dau Edith B.

Source History of Beaver Co PA Rev. Joseph H. Bausman AM Vol 1 p. 866 New York, The Knickerbocher Press 1904.

Thomas Holmes of Brooke Co VA, will book 3-34- ? 1 Oct 1829.

I Thomas Holmes of Brooke co VA being weaken in body but of a sound disposing mind & understanding. Thanks tbe to God for his mercys do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit; 1st I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Anne Holmes my farm lying in Brooke County on the waters of Harmon’s Creek to be hers forever and to be disposed of at her pleasure together with all my other estate not otherwise disposed of and I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Holmes one quarter section of land lying in Morrow? County and state of Ohio the North west quarter of section twenty six township six and range six to be his and his heirs and assigns forever on condition that he pay to his brother Thomas Holmes one hundred dollars in three years after my decd. 3rd I give and bequeath to my daughters Margaret ATKINSON, Jane ALLISON, Ann RALSTON, Isabelle RUSSLE, Pricilla RALSTON, Elizabeth WILEY one dollar each to be paid in six months after my dec’d out of the legacy bequeathed to my wife lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my wife the executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills made by me therefore. Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of Oct 1829. Signed in presence of us John Hindman, Alexander Patterson, James Patterson. Thomas Holmes seal…

~~ Isaac Holmes 1 NENE 2/ 7N-7W N Ohio River survey 39.48 acres Monroe Co OH

1SESW 27/ 6N-6W-N Ohio River Survey 40.1 Acres Monroe

Isaac Holmes lived in Monroe co not Guernsey co as Beers suggest! In abt 1846 Isaac & Mary Holmes sold their farm in Ohio & moved to Tyler Co WV to 250 acres for $1,000.00 this farm was in the family & Earl Holmes had visited this home land. Earl Holmes, 820 Chickadee Wichita KS 67212, sent me info on Aug 13, 2000. Thomas Holmes Masonic Demit 1792, Grand Lodge of Ireland Lodge No 558 in Port of Inver co Donegal. Was not on membership may have received his three degrees in the lodge & then the demit would have been issued. ? & Scotland inquires, a map of Ireland with INVAR highlighted on it & copies of land purchase by Thomas Holmes in 1817 & son Isaac Holmes (1808-1888) in 1833 & 1837

Wills - Polly Allison d/o James Henderson 11 Feb 1828 & Jane Allison d/o Thomas Holmes 1 Oct 1829

Marriages Brooke co Va; Isabelle Holmes to Arthur Russell in 1811, Priscilla to Joseph Ralston in 1817 both by E. McCurdy. Ann Holmes Atkinson m Alexander Ralston in 1825 Brooke co –

Source-Brooke co WV queries 1-08-99 by Gwen Hubbard. Pres of the Brooke co Gen Society..

p. 3 of The McKim Ridge-Morton Hill tour by June Grossman & sister Catherine Slasor- The Atkinson family, in this story is found: Geo Atkinson & his wife Sarah Criss Atkinson, raised a large family of 7 daughters & 2 sons. One son James Archer Atkinson never married but Thomas married Anna Holmes & had at least 8 children. Two of Thomas & Ann’s son’s married Crall girls, and Sarah Ann married James Elliott Marsh, Thomas became a Presbyterian and served as an elder in the Three Springs Church. He died at the age of 46 and is buried in the Three Springs Cemetery. His father George Atkinson died on his 71st birthday, 14 Mar 1822, and is buried in the Old St John’s Churchyard.

John Tucker p. 8 Vol 4, Hanover twp, Wash co PA dated Aug 1823- probate 1830

Exec. John Tucker (Robert declined April 12, 1830) Wit Samuel Tucker, Samuel Davis did not appear) Jeremiah Browning wrote will, Ben Wife Henrietta, son Thomas, David decd, John & Jonathan, dau Ann wife of DJ. Johnston, Drucilla w/o Lewis Sadler/Sadlor?? Elizabeth & Martha that was married to Samuel Ralston gr children listed Henrietta Ralston.

Will reads- Martha that was married to Samuel Ralston & now separated….& he shall get no part of her inheritance. ? but doesn’t say what her inheritance was? Odd..

Land Warrant dated Jan 7, 1788 tract contained 400 acres named Grace, It was not surveyed until 1812. & Adjoined Lands of Aaron Davis, James Pallock, James Patton, Thomas Haines, George McCormick & Jonathan Albertross, John married in Eastern States & had 1 son Rev. John Tucker who joined a party of emigrants bound for KY & was killed by Indians. After the death of his 1st wife he married again Henrietta …_____ & she had kids below of the 2nd wife’s kids Jonathan- (born? 1777- at Fort Vance during an Indian raid*) Thomas & David. -

^ Info off the internet in 2000-> John Tucker b. abt 1702, & wife Druscilla b. abt 1712- had son John Tucker b. 1731 lived in MD where 2 sons Samuel & John were born before 1770- 1st wife 2 sons, died he remarried to Henerietta? – maybe before he left MD & traveled to Washington co PA- Hanover twp,

1.Samuel was a Rev. & killed by Indians on way to KY d. 1790.

2. John lived in OH, b. bef 1757-1766 in MD, d. bet 1836- 1837 wife Catherine b. PA d. aft May 30, 1837. His Kids: a) David, b) John, b. 1798-1850 m Eleanor Metcalf, c) Jonathan, d) Margaret, e) Martha, f) Mary b.1795 Wash co PA d 1867 m John KING, g) Noah d. aft June 1863 m Martha, h) Samuel b. 1801 Wash co PA d. 1891 m Sydney Smith, i) Thomas b. Jan 12, 1812 m Sarah Van Aken b. July 24, 1810 Wayne PA d. 1889 kids born in OH & 2nd in Butler Richland co OH.

3. Martha . b. abt 1769 /73 yrs at death b. 1766? – d. July 1, 1839

4. Drucilla Tucker b. 1770 m Lewis Sadler,

5. Catherine – will didn’t list a dau Catherine?

6. Henrietta – will didn’t list a dau named Henrietta, but did list a Gr daughter Henrietta Ralston?

7. Jonathan b. 1771 at Fort Vance during Indian raid eldest son of 2nd marriage d. Dec 26 __?

Married Margaret WRIGHT.

8. Thomas b. 1775 / or 1780 in Wash co PA d. 1848 m Eleanor Hill

9. David b. 1780 youngest son dec’d in will of 1830 d. 1819 is buried in the family plot on homestead before church cemetery was est. m. Christie Ann Hill m 1837 d. in Ohio lived with her elder sons.

10. Ann Tucker ? d. 1847 married David Johnston?

11? Will list dau Elizabeth,

John Tucker d. April 6, 1831 at 100 yrs old. Henrietta d. Nov 29, 1833 at 96 yrs old. Martha d. July 1, 1839 buried at the Tucker ME – Methodist Church Cemetery in Hanover twp, Wash Pa

Joseph Ralston- Will Bk 4, Reg & compared with the original Sept 12th 1825, R. Colmery Regr. Washington Co PA. Written 30th day of July 1825. Wit William Irwin & James Mulholm, 1st to wife Ellenor Halston (Ralston) use of real est as long as remains unmarried if she marries then receives the thirds of my rail estate, 6 head of horses, 2nd all horned cattle disposed of to pay my debts. 3rd my eldest son William land he resides on now & $5.00 4th oldest elder dau Rebekah McGloughlin, Ann Iiles, Jane Ralston to my daughter Jane 1 horse, 6th Lizze Ralston furniture & horse & saddle to share with wife Eleanor, & My 2 Younger sons- Paul & JOSEPH & Brother in law John Reed support as long as he remains on the farm to help wife.

Andrew Ralston of Brooke Co VA married (14 Sept 1831) Jane Roberts of Beaver Co. Pa.

Wellsville Gazette newspaper- 23 Sept 1831

Andrew Inv 1838 (s/o Joseph & Ann/ Bill thought**)-A barrel of Vinegar sold to John Roberts.

Joseph Ralston will book 6, of Buffalo dist, will in Wash co PA courthouse Feb 4, 1846- filed Feb 9, 1846, wife Jane Esther- 2 kids, son William Wilson & Mary Elizabeth, father-in-law John Wilson of Perry Co OH to be guardian of his children, & land in Monroe? Co OH to be sold for support of children. Wit ? ……

John Wilson & wife Jane Esther & dau Jane Esther & her 2 kids went to Van Buren Iowa by 1850- where John Wilson d abt 1851… listed in Van Buren Iowa 1860 federal census #314-40 as

Ralson, Esther 33 Ohio, p. 313.txt, 315-1 Ralson, Mary E. 17 Ohio (b. abt 1843) & 315 Ralson, Wm W. 14 (b. abt 1846) Ohio,

I didn’t get the locations but found also a James Ralston 30 b. PA & wife Sarah 20 Iowa & Frank 9/11 Iowa, & A Thomas Ralston 47 PA & Katherine 44 OH, Rachel 21 OH, Nelson 19, Rebecca 17 Lorenzo 13, Eliza 11, Millie A 9 O, Angelina 7, OH, Thomas 4 Iowa, Lora 7/12 Iowa

Land deeds of Brooke Co VA-

Dec 2, 1795, dbk7-329= Joseph sells to Robert Ralston 67 acres 64 p (poles or parches?)

? who was this early Robert?

(Joseph’s son Robert who married Nancy Wilson was born abt 1792)

*Robert who married Mary Chapman in 1824 in Brooke Co VA, he was born in 1797, was a boat & ship builder, moved to Wellsville OH? & was a school teacher in 1816 in Richland OH @ net search info/need to check more on him? Have more info in files, his father was Robert Ralston & Jane Woodburn s/o Robert & Margaret McBride. Who also had a son Samuel b. 1761 IGI…..?

Deeds books of Brooke Co VA=

June 25, 1799 Brooke Co VA bk 1- 518= Samuel & Martha sell 104 acres of land to Andrew Campbell for $168.00 Property on the waters of Kings Creek bounded as follows, beginning as follows, beginning at a white Oak, corner to Robt Parks & Alexander Campbell, running thence North 16 d W 150 poles to a black oak corner to Parks thence N 2dW26 poles to a Hickory thence S 88d W75 poles to a Dogwood stake on the Bank of a small run thence South 2 d E177 poles to a dogwood on Alexander Campbell line thence with said line N 88d E 114 poles to the place of beginning containing 104 acres & 43 poles strict measure the same being a part of a tract of land granted by Patent unto the said Samuel Ralston (upon a Treasury Warrant baring date the 2 day of Dec 1795 95 recorded in Book No 33 page 316 to have & to hold the above described tract of land containing as affad 104 acres & 43 poles ….. Samuel Ralston & Martha (her X mark) Ralston.

April 26, 1802, = Deed Bk 2 -p 527-, Joseph & Jean his wife sell for $168, paid by John Scoot- (Scott) 100 acres Beginning at a White oak line to the heirs of Nathaniel Davis thence with their line N88 dgr W 98 1/2 poles to a white oak corner to Robert Tealen, thence with his line N16 dgr E156 poles to a white oak standing by a run thence N 42 dgr W 100 poles to a white oak standing on a side of a hill thence S 87 dgr E 120 poles to 2 dogwoods thence with Samuel Ralston's line 200 rd poles to the beginning containing 100 acres being a tract of land granted by Robert Brook Esq. Govt of VA to Joseph Ralston by patent bearing date the 2nd day of Dec 1795, Joseph signed his name, Jean made her mark (____)


30 Sept 1805, Deed Bk 3 p 407, Between Josiah Reeves of Brooke Co and Elizabeth his wife of the one part, and Joseph Ralston of the county aforesaid of the other part witnessed, that the said Josiah Reeves and Elizabeth his wife for in consideration of eight hundred Dollars to them in hand paid; the receipt of which they do hereby acknowledge, have granted bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey to the said Joseph his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred and twenty two acres (220) with the appurtenances situated in Brooke county in the state of Virginia on Kings Creek, adjoining lands of Elijah Rittinghouse, Robert Parks and said Joseph Ralston and the State line of Virginia and Pennsylvania and Bounded as followeth Viz: Beginning at a small gum standing in the said state line corner to said Rittinghouse, and with his line South Eighty nine & a half degree, West one hundred and fifteen poles to a white oak corner to Joseph Ralston and with his line South one Degree, East three hundred poles to a Black oak corner to said Ralston thence with Robert Parks line east one hundred and twenty three poles to an Ironwood in the Stateline, thence with the same North two degrees, West three hundred and four poles to the Beginning to have and to hold the said tract of land to the said Joseph Ralston and his heirs and assignee forever, to the only proper use and behalf of the said Joseph Ralston and his heirs and assignee forever, and the said Josiah And Elizabeth for themselves and their heirs the above described premises to the said Joseph and his heirs and assignee from and against all persons and claims shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof they have hereto set their hands and affixed their hands the day and year above written. Josiah Reeves & Elizabeth Reeves. Signed sealed and delivered on the day and year above written in the presence of blank ?

Brooke Co Sept term 1805 The foregoing is a true copy from the original deed acknowledged in court by the said Josiah & Elizabeth & ordered to be recorded at the same time the said Elizabeth being examined as the law directs freely relinquished her right of Dower. Testis John Connell. CBC


May 8 1821, Deed bk 7 p. 71 Samuel & Martha sell to Joseph Ralston of Samuel, 102 3/4 acres on Kings Creek, beginning at a Hickory on the east bank to Richard Broce corner to Robert Cunningham down to Joseph Cunningham 38 d east 140 to a on two hill side thence by land of Samuel Ralston n 2 d west 20 perches to a dogwood thence to 86 d west 65 perches to a black oak ... point north 55 d 39 perches 10 to a post of stone south 69 d 58perches to a small dry locust on John Scotts thence S 1 d 23 min east 100 perches to a post corner of the original survey of Richard Boyce to a Spanish oak now sold to Quinberry Wilcox on ... with his line to apart of Boyce tract sold to John Gardner south 80 perches to a hickory east bank of Boyce run to place of beginning containing 102 3/4 acres - by survey be the .....together with its appurtenances & advantages ... belonging or anywise appertaining & there remainer ...& profit there of to have ...above promised parcel thereof.. with the appertains to the said Joseph Ralston of Samuel to his heirs ...... forever to for the proper use & the said Joseph & his heirs ....& of that the said Samuel & Martha & their heirs to promise to aforesaid .. to Joseph of Samuel .... Signed Samuel Ralston,

Witness, Rich Brown, Tho Swearingen, & ? Cummings,


10th day of Oct 1829 Deed bk 9 page 195, Brooke Co WV between heirs at law of Samuel Ralston, deceased, son Joseph Ralston, equal in right of his brother Andrew & Mary his wife (lot 11= 73 acres), William Cochran & Margaret his wife (lot 7= 24 acres), William Wilson & Jane his wife (Lot 3= 62 acres), William Moorehead & Sarah his wife (lot 8= 21 acres), John Ralston (lot 10=37 acres) & Martha Ralston (lot 2=60 acres), Eliza Ann Ralston (lot 5=21 acres) - by her guardian James Cochran, Alexander Porter & Katharine, his wife (lot 1= 34 acres), James Cochran and Mary, his wife (lot 4= ?56 acres), Samuel Ralston & Elizabeth *(lot 9= 36 acres), Timothy W. Kelly & Henrietta, his wife (lot 6= 27 acres), * map of lots included in my notebook=kd*. 12 HEIRS LISTED**


2 Feb 1830 Bk 1 p 277 & 278 written on map of division, This memorandum? Of agreement made and entered into this 2 nd day of Feb 1830 or 1850?? Between Joseph Ralston Squirrel, Samuel Ralston, William Wilson, William Cochran, William Logan, John Cochran, Elizabeth Nosken & James Cochran witnessed that where as Samuel Ralston deceased late of Brooke County died possessed of a certain tract of Land situate upon the waters of Kings Creek then in Brooke now Hanco*ck County which said lands duly divided by mutual consent among the heirs of the said Samuel Ralston after first striking the portion of one third as the dower of Martha Ralston the widow of the said deceased the said heirs each and severally general deed of division dated the _ day of __ 18 _ having quit claimed and released the one to the other. The several parcels assign in said deed as the shares of the different heirs and whereas the deed refers for census? Distance & a more particular description said parcels to a plot of the partition and division of said lands as if record in the clerk office in Brooke County And whereas the said plot never recorded and the? & Distances of the said division being lost the said parties are at a loss in d? Cutting the? Boundaries. Therefore for the ? of the said parties who ?o now hold the said land repossession and ownership that they may know their? Respective lands by metes and bounds they do agree though one to the other, each individually to a the others that the annized plot of said lands as made by J.H. Atkinson accordance with the survey made as the time of the division before? shall be the metes & bounds by which our said parcels shall be timely known. And that said plot when so made shall be entered in the clerks office of the County court of Hanco*ck County in the state of VA. The witness whereof the said parties to wit Joseph Ralston squirrel who is assignee of Andrew Ralston, Samuel Ralston as one of the original heirs assignee of John Ralston and also assignee of all the said heirs in tend to the said Mary * ? Ralston in said lands, William Wilson, William Cochran as own right by marriage & assignee of Timothy W. Kelly & also assignee of William Morehead, William Logan assignee of Alexander Porter, John Cochran assignee of Richard Porter, Elizabeth Nosken and James Cochran have? ? Their hands and affixed their seals the day & year first herein written. Signed- James Cochran, Samuel Ralston, Eliza Ann X her mark Nosken, James ?? Nosken? Wm Cochran, Joseph Ralston Sqr, William Logan, Wm Wilson. I do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true copy of ? and agreement between Samuel Ralston & others with the plot accompanying them admitted to record Jan 13, 1837 J.H. Atkinson clk.


27th Feb 1830 Deed bk 9 p 283 Joseph Ralston & Sarah his wife to Joseph Ralston jr. $1.00 for 3 acres

3 day of June 1831 Deed book 9 p 411, this indenture made the__ between Joseph Ralston Sen & Sarah his wife on one part & Joseph Ralston Jun of the other part all of Brooke Co & state of VA. That the said Joseph Ralston Sen & Sarah his wife for & inconsideration of the sum of Fifty? to them in hand paid the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained & sold & by these presents do grant bargain sell convey & confirm unto the said Joseph Jr. his heir or assignees all the following described tract of land with the app situated & lying & being in the county of Brooke aforesaid on the waters of Kings creek beginning at 2 Willow on the bank of the creek N5E58 poles to a white oak S45 E47 poles to a white oak S?67 to a black oak ? sapling N57W 24? Poles to the beginning containing 11 acres be the same & or less being part of a tract of land for which the commonwealth of Va. granted a Patent to Joseph Ralston Sen bearing date to with all the app there unto belonging or in a was app.. To have & hold…

Joseph Ralston & Sarah her X mark Ralston wit by Jno McMillan.


25th of August 1831 Deed book 9- 409. This Indenture made this__ between Richard Porter & Martha his wife –one part & George Allison of the other part all of Brooke County & State of Virginia. That Richard Porter & Martha his wife for & in consideration of two hundred Dollars – in hand paid the receipt where of they do hereby acknowledge & grant bargain sell convey – confirm unto George Allison his heirs or assignee all the following describe tract of land with – as situated & lying in the County of Brooke & State aforesaid & on the waters of Kings Creek & bounded as follows; Beginning at a Dogwood corner to the heirs of James Morrow Senr? –94 poles to a Dogwood thence S1D 110 poles to a pile of stones S89W 100 poles to a ? N887? Poles to a white oak N1N34 poles to a post North 58? Poles to the place of Beginning containing Sixty ? acres be the same more or less it being lot No 2 which fell to Martha Ralston by division of the real State of Samuel Ralston decd which by reference to the records of Brooke Co? More fully appear the same being part of a tract of land for which the commonwealth of Virginia granted a Patent bearing date a/c to Samuel Ralston with all and singular? Appurtenances ther unto belonging or in any wise appertaining To have & to hold the above described tract of land and premises with the appurtenances to the said George Allison his heirs executors & administrators doth hereby convent and agree to and with the said George Allison his heirs & assignees that they the said Richard Porter & Martha his wife the above to the said George Allison his heirs and ….. In testimony where of the aforesaid Richard Porter & Martha his wife have hereunto their hands & seals the day & the year above written. Richard Porter seal & Martha (her X mark Porter. --In the presence of Jno McMillen Va. – We Andrew Henderson & John McMilan magistrates in said County do hereby certify that Richard Porter & Martha his wife appeared before us… seal 25 Aug 1831 admitted to record 10 Aug 1851 before the justices of the peace.

Bill wrote note on will- Martha & Samuel Heirs to George Allison** right edge of will is hard to read.

Listed in land grantee /grantor index as Martha heirs to George Allison. So I wonder ? did daughter Martha marry a Richard Porter?? –I find no marriage for them in Brooke co records? A Richard Porter gets land on the same day as Alexander Porter & Catherine Ralston got land in Carroll co OH. Did Richard die or divorce Martha? I do find a listing for a Martha Ralston married Abraham Morehead in 1841 in Brooke co VA, then I found a Abraham Morehead & wife Martha in Carroll co-OH census, she was buried in the Morehead cemetery- with several young children, one son named Joseph. Abraham appears to have remarried there & is buried with 2nd wife in the Harlem Springs cem in Carroll co OH..checking more..

3rd day of June 1831 Deed BK 9 page 411, between Joseph Ralston Sen. and Sarah his wife on one part & Joseph Ralston Jun of the other part all of Brooke Co state of Va. that the said Joseph Ralston Sen. & Sarah his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty? to them in hand paid the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold and by these presents do grant bargain sell covey and confirm unto the said Joseph Jun his heirs or assigns all the following described tract of land with the app.. situated & lying and being in the county of Brooke aforesaid on the waters of Kings Creek beginning at 2 Willows on the bank of the bank of the creek N 5 E 58 poles to a White oak ? ? 45 e/2 E 47 poles to a white oak S 26_ to a black oak ? N 57 W 24 poles to beginning containing 11 acres be the same more or less being part of a tract of land for which the common wealth of VA granted a patent to Joseph Ralston Sen. bearing date of with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging on in? .. …signed Joseph Ralston & Sarah her x mark & seal.


Oct 13, 1832 Deed Bk 11-224, Samuel & Elizabeth Ralston of Holmes Co in the state of OH sell to William Smith 86 1/4 Acres on Kings Creek for $500.00= land on south fork of Kings Creek and bounded as follows beginning at a sugar tree on the State line S2 E 113 poles to a Ironwood West 123 poles to a hickory bush N ___ W 117 poles to a forked Sycamore on the creek N 86 E 63 poles to a stone N 72 E 16 poles to a sugar tree S 55 E 4? Poles to the place of beginning containing eighty sis acres to the same more or less the same lying party a tract of land for which the common wealth of Virginia granted a patent to Joseph Ralston to hold together all and singular the appurtencences thereon …… to the said William Smith his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and …. Signed and sealed in presence of Jos. Edgar, James Ralston, ? Thofes/ Thomas? Hoagland,

> See land records of Ohio- Samuel Ralston of Holmes Co OH buys land in Seneca Co OH- same day as David Ralston buys land in Seneca co OH- 1833 in files & on BLM papers…. kd<


15th day of Nov 1832, Deed bk 9 -615 John Ralston of Brooke co WV sells to Samuel Ralston for $185.

On waters of Kings Creek & 37 acres – which by reference to ? deed of division amount the heirs of Samuel Ralston decd will more fully appear in the clerk office of Brooke co, John Wylie & Jno McMillan 15 Nov 1832….


10 Oct 1836- recorded 28 June 1842?? Deed book 13, p 633 & 634, Joseph & Sarah sell 9 ½ acres to Andrew Ralston for $5.00 for land on the waters of Kings Creek beginning at a point on the original line of the J. Ralston survey & boundaries follows a point S 37 & 14 pole to a point S 27 S 30 poles to a black oak S18W33 ½ poles to an corner to a post S12 ½ = description is real light & hard to read- I have a copy in files.


8th day of July 1839 Deed book 13 p 14, between Joseph Ralston Squirl (Squirrel) & Mary Ralston his wife of the 1st part & Joseph Ralston Sen. of the other part of Brooke County VA in consideration of the sum of 125.00 dollars to them in hand – the receipt where of they convey & confirm unto the said Joseph Ralston parcel of land --- lying & being in the county of Brooke in state of VA. Find & adjoining lands of said Joseph Ralston Sen & theirs beginning at an Bitter elm on said Joseph sen line there West 116 poles to a post north-Sugar tree, South 1?? & 59 poles to a Hickory corner to Alex Morrow west 75 poles to a post _ Beech marked as pointer South 80 poles to a tree near a road ?N65 west 28 poles to a ?tree ?N or W 21 N 3 ½ poles to a post corner to a __made for James Cunningham N21 N 11 poles to a post near a marker water beech? N19 & 8 poles to a birch Nn 6W 42 poles to a ?stump N1 p w 16 poles to a walnut stump N 7 w 17 poles to the place of beginning containing forty eight acres the same more or less. Being part of a tract of land for which the commonwealth of VA granted a patent to Samuel Ralston being date__ The same being part of the interest of land which the said Joseph Squirrel bought of his brother Andrew in right of his father to hold with all the apputances there to belonging or in any wise appertaining. Joseph his \ mark squirrel seal & Mary X her mark Ralston – G. Wilcoxon & John McMillian magistrates .. 8 July 1839.


5 July 1839 Deed book 13, page 14, Joseph Ralston –Squirrel & Mary his wife sell to Joseph Ralston Senr. 48 acres for $125.00 adjoining Joseph Ralston Sen beginning at.? of said Joseph Ralstons Sr. line W116 poles to a post N of a sugar tree S? 39 poles to a hickory corner to Alex Morrow West 75 poles to a post to 1 Beech marked as pointer S80 poles to a elm near a road N 63W28 poles to a elm N21 N3 ½ poles to a post corner to a ? made for James Cunningham N21 N 11 poles to a post near a marker water birch N19S58 poles to a beech N6W42 poles to a stump N1 ? W 16 poles to a walnut stump N7N11 pole to the place of beginning containing 48 acres being part of a tract of which a patent to Samuel Ralston bearing date – the same being part of the interest of land which the said Joseph Squirrel bought of his brother Andrew in right of his father. Witnesses G. Wilcoxon & John McMillan. Signed Jospeh his \ mark Squirrel & Mary X her mark Ralston, Records by R. Nicholls deputy.


3 day of June 1841 Bk 14 p 137, Brooke Co VA, This Indenture made the date_by an between Joseph Ralston Senior of Brooke County Virginia of the one part and George Ralston & Reason Ralston sons of the said Joseph Ralston senr of the same County and state of the other part Witnessth that the said Joseph Ralston and Sarah his wife on in considerations of the great love esteem he has for these his two sons George and Reason (Rezin) Ralston. As for the further ??? Consideration as the sum of Seven hundred and twenty five dollars to them in hand paid by the said George & Reason Ralston at or before the sealing or delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargain and sell -- --- convent at confirmed and by this presents sold grand bargain and sell release???/ & Confirm to the said George Ralston a certain tract of piece of land lying and being situated in the county of Brooke and state of Virginia and on the waters of Kings Creek and joining lands of James Cochran, William Wilson, George Allison, Phillip Freshwater, ? Joseph Rolston? Robert Ralston and others bounded as follows Beginning at a white oak ___ and corner to Joseph Ralston Miller and ? – to Joseph Ralston senior thence d?? North 260 parches to an ash t__ by land of Philip Freshwater due East and ?? a run called ?lick run 222 perches to a white oak, thence by lands of Joseph ?Gipson? or ______ eat 44 poles to a Spanish oak near a (grave) thence the land of Robert Ralston south 56 poles to a white oak stump and small land ? planted _ _ of a ?? then …….. west 60 poles ? white oak. Then along -- -- S 26 p degree W 32 parches to a fallen white oak thence S W22 p to a white oak on the bank of a deep or steep run, thence S 89 o ? to a sugar oak /// (a paragraph of hard to read directions…..? maybe) part of Josiah Reeves land bearing date of Sept 30 1825 …more hard to read- due to light handwriting- . By Patent dated 1788 to the George & Reason Ralston and to their heirs and assignee forever to the only proper use brought and behold of them the said George & Reason Ralston? & the said Joseph & Sarah his wife for themselves and heirs and assignee thereon --- …..

Signed Joseph Ralston & Sarah her x mark Ralston


1 Sept 1841, Deed bk 13, page 470 Joseph & Sarah Ralston to William Ralston of Steubenville, Jefferson Co OH 3 ¾ acres ½ mill property for $1900.00


= 9 Sept 1841 Deed bk 13, page 540-541 Andrew Ralston & Elizabeth SR to Andrew Ralston Jr. 1/6 interest in 134 acres for $141.00 ** This indenture made this 29 day of Sept in the year of our lord 1841 between Andrew Ralston & Elizabeth his wife of the county of Brooke in the state of Va. of the one part & Andrew Ralston junior of the county & state aforesaid of the other part wit that where as Samuel Ralston having DIED INTERSTATE sized & possessed of a certain tract of situated lying & being on Kings Creek in the county of Brooke Co VA and after sd Samuel Ralston DEPARTED THIS LIFE there having been sit apart 134 acres of said tract of land for the use of Martha Ralston widow of the said Samuel DECEASED as her dower & the said Martha having since DEPARTED THIS LIFE the above described 134 acres of land property belongs to ELEVEN LEGAL HEIRS at law of the said Samuel Ralston Deceased Now this indenture witnessed that they the said Andrew Ralston SR & Elizabeth his wife for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred & forty one dollars to them in hand paid the ? is hereby acknowledged having granted bargained and sold & by this do grant bargain sell convey and confirm to the said Andrew Ralston OF JOSEPH Ralston his heirs or assigns the undivided eleventh part the above described parcel of land & promised with all the land buildings improvements & app there unto belonging or with appertaining to one eleventh part as above. Andrew Ralston made his mark A & Elizabeth made her mark EB?


19 Mar 1842, Deed bk 13, page 629- 630 Joseph Ralston & Sarah his wife to Robert Ralston 43 acres for $215.00= really hard to read, copy is real light…..


7 June 1842, Deed Bk 13, page 628-629 Joseph Ralston & Sarah his wife to Joseph Ralston Jr. $600.00 undivided sixth part of the following lot of land lying & being in the county aforesaid on the south branch of the waters of Kings Creek with the app.. Thereunto belonging & bounded as follows: Beginning at a post on the south side of the tail run?S57 E 20 poles N 88 S 10 poles S 58 E 10 poles N 69 E 8 poles S 78 E 14 poles S 86 E 11 poles S 69 E 8 poles S 34 E 12 poles, N82 S 14 poles to a large Sycamore N 5 S 4 poles to a stone M 85 W 8 poles N 26 W 6 poles N 89 W? 22 poles N 85 W 15 poles N 72 W 10 poles N 82 W 11 ? N 52 W 40 poles & S1 ½ poles E 15 q/2 poles to the? plum of beginning containing on three & three forths acres be the same or lest including the mill head and tail race – To have and to hold the one sixth undivided interest in said mill and land together with all and singular the other ?? .. hard to read, gets really light on my copy. Signed Joseph Ralston


25 Nov 1843 Deed Bk 15, p. 333, 334 & 335 Brooke Co VA. Children & heirs at law of Joseph Ralston Sen decd, on one party (*see list) to James Ralston the other party -a certain tract of land on Kings Creek for $48.68 & Angeline his wife..(Land the mill is on??)

*1st party was listed as: Robert & wife Nancy, Alexander & wife Annie, Samuel & wife Elizabeth,

Daniel Wilson & wife Jane, John & wife Elizabeth, William & wife Retinah, Anne Ralston, George & wife Martha Jane, Rezin, Jerimiah, Elizabeth & Malinda (signed Belinda) children and heirs at law of Joseph Ralston sen decd) of the county of Brooke and state of VA of the one part & James Ralston of the county and state aforesaid on f the other part. Witnessed whereas the said Joseph Ralston sen conveyed & bound himself and his heirs by a written agreement dated 23 July 1842 to convey to the said James Ralston a certain tract or parcel of land situated in said county of Brooke on Kings Creek and Said Joseph Ralston senr having departed this life with out making __ such conveyance this indenture thereof witnesseth that the said party of the first party for and in consideration for the sum of forty eight dollars and sixty eighty cents to them in hand paid at and before this sealing and delivered of them present the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledged have given granted bargained and sold and by these present do give grant bargain sell and convey on for the said James Ralston his heirs and assignee forever the following described tract of parcel of land being the same that was con? By the aforesaid Joseph senr to be conveyed bounded as follows to wit; Beginning at a ? and Pine on the south side of Kings Creek corner to other lands of said Jas Ralston thence with his line N 167? Degree 66 poles to a small Hickory on hill side corner to said James & Rezin Ralston thence with ? Rezins line S 75 e W 12 poles thence S 16 o 140 poles w 64 poles to a stone on the south bank of Kings Creek and hence a straight line to the place of beginning containing four acres three rods nineteen parches to have and to hold the above described tract of parcel of land and for.. with the appurtenances to the said James Ralston his heirs and assignee to the only proper use and behalf of the said James his heirs aforee//- hard to read old hand writing…

The words James Ralston his wife Angelina and his wife Martha Jane between the 5th & 6th lines 1sp parag interlined before signing .. = is written at the left side of the bottom of deed, on the right is a list of

Those who Signed by = Joseph Ralston, Priscilla Ralston, Robert Ralston, Nancy Ralston, Alexander Ralston, Ann X Ralston, John Ralston, Daniel Wilson, Jane her mark Wilson, William Ralston, Ratina Ralston, George Ralston, Martha Jane Ralston, Anne Ralston, Belinda Ralston Elizabeth ?X Ralston, Rezin Ralston.

** ?? I thought it said this below but not sure? Now which deed it was on now????kd..2001

Also at the end of deed was listed Ann wife of Andrew Ralston...as one of the 1st parties.

Brooke co VA organized May 1797 from Ohio Co VA; Hanco*ck Co VA organized 15 Jan 1848

Brooke & Hanco*ck counties organized 20 Jun 1863 into new state of WV,


H.C.R Deed Book 1 Page 278 Agreement, This memorandum of Agreement made & entered into this

2nd day of Feb 1850, by and between Joseph Ralston (Squirrel) Samuel Ralston, William Wilson, William Cochran, William Logan, John Cochran, Elizabeth Nosken, James Cochran.

Witnesseth, that whereas Samuel Ralston deceased, late of Brooke County, died seized & possessed of a certain tract of land, situated upon the waters of Kings Creek, then in Brooke county which said land was duly divided by mutual consent among the heirs of the said Samuel Ralston, after first striking the portion of one third as the dower of Martha Ralston the widow of the said deceased. The said heirs each & severally by a general deed of division dated the _ day of _ 18_ (blanks) having quit claimed in said deed as to the shares of the different heirs, and Whereas, the said deed refers for courses a& distances & a more particular description of said parcels to a plat of the partition & division of said land as is of record in the Clerk’s office in Brooke County& whereas the said plat was never recorded & the courses & distances of the said division being now lost & said parties are at a loss in ascertaining their respective boundaries.

Therefore for the benefit of the said parties who now hold the said lands in possession & ownership that they may know their respective lands by metes & bounds they do agree the one to the other, each individually to all the others that the annexed plat of said lands as made by J.H. Atkinson in accordance with the survey made at the time of the division before mentioned shall be the metes & bounds by which our said parcels shall be respectfully known, & that said plat when so made shall be entered of record in the County Clerk’s office of the county Court of Hanco*ck County in the state of West Virginia.

In witness whereof the said parties to wit; Joseph (Squirrel) Ralston who is assignee of Andrew Ralston, Samuel Ralston as one of the Original Heirs & Assignee of John Ralston & Also assignee of all the said heirs in & to the dower of Mary (? shouldn’t this be Martha*? Bill & KD*) Ralston in said lands, William Wilson, William Cochran as of his own right by marriage & Assignee of Timothy W. Kelly & Also assignee of William Morehead, William Logan assignee of Alexander Porter, John Cochran assignee of Richard Porter & Elizabeth Nosken & James Cochran have here unto set their hands & affixed their seals the day & year first hereunto written. Signed by = James Cochran, Samuel Ralston, Eliza Ann her mark Nosken, James Nosken, Wm Cochran, Joseph Ralston Sqr. William Logan, Wm Wilson. Recorded Jan 13, 1851


11 June 1856, Deed book 2 p 487 = Joseph Squirrel Ralston & Mary his wife sell to Samuel Ralston, 121 Acres 1 rod 20 poles Kings Creek in Hanco*ck co WV, beginning at a stone, corner of Samuel Ralston place and thence S 72.2 S 80 E 110 p – N 15 1/2 E 28.4 p – N 57 E 61 p 1/2 N 20 W 41 p – N 54 E 25.4- N 10 W 3 p- N 51 W 20 p – H 84 W 65 p N 53 W 41 p S 69 W 58 p containing 121 A 1 r 20 p.

for $3000.00 3-29-1856 recorded 6-10-1856 Joseph his + mark Ralston & Mary her +mark Ralston


**14 Feb 1876 DB C Page 673 Hanco*ck Co WV, This Deed made the fourteenth day of February in the year of our lord 1876 between Samuel Ralston of Butler District Hanco*ck Co WV, of the first part and Alexander Ralston of the same county and district of the second part wit? That in consideration of the sum of Five thousand two hundred and Eighty Dollars {$5,280.00} Dollars the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged the said party of the first part does grant unto the said party of the second part the following described property that is to say being part of said Samuel Ralston home? or house? farm commencing at a blocked WO corner with Wm Logan thence N1 E 50 poles to a stone thence still with said Logan’s line N11E 36 poles to a stone thence N87 E 11 poles to a stone thence N24 E 114 poles to a Hickory corner with Huston’s land thence S 49 E 91 poles with lands of John Logan to a stone thence S 1-W 170 poles with lands of Cochran heirs to a stone thence N58 W 30 poles with land of Wm Ralston to a stone thence still with lands of Wm Ralston S 50 W 50 poles to W Oak corner with land of Jot Purdy thence with Purdy’s land N 41 W 70 poles to beginning containing one hundred and thirty two acres more of less (132 Acres)

? the said Samuel Ralston does hereby convey? With the said party of the second part that he will warrant? ally the property hereby conveyed. Witness the following signature and seal

Samuel Ralston SS seal State of WV Dist of Butler Hanco*ck Co Court. I William Brown a notary Public in the state of West VA de certify that Samuel Ralston whose name is signed to the writing here to a? bearing date on the 14th day of Feb in the year 1876 this day acknowledged the__ ? before me in my county aforesaid. I __ under my hand this 14th day of Feb in the year 1876 Wm Brown notary Public.

I hereby certify that the following is a true copy of a deed from Samuel Ralston to Alex Ralston admitted to records March 5, 1876 MC Flan?gice Clerk. ((** this would be our GGr Alexander Andrew Ralston* KD))


14th Feb 1876, Deed HCR Book Vol C page 676= Samuel Ralston to Geo Ralston 134 acres on Kings Creek, commencing at a stone corner with James Purdy line with the same S 41 E 42 p to a stone (S21 ½ W 42) S 67 E 38.4 p to a stone, with John White line N 87 E 3 p to a stone S 1 w 56 to a stump; S 80 E 3 p to a stone; S1 W 47.5 p thence with White & Gardner line S 80 E 109.2 p to a W.O; with Gardner line N 15 E 28 p to a to a WO; N 64 p E 79 to a stone N 20W 41 with Wm Ralston land N 56 W 102 p to a stone; N 27 w/2 E 2 p to a stone; N 58 W 32; N 67 W 72 p to a stone; N 88 W 48 p to the beginning containing 134 acres Reserves room in house and stall in stable. For $6700.00 date 2/14/1876 recorded 3/6/1876


14 Feb 1876 recorded Mar 6, 1876 Deed of Trust, George W. & Mary his wife to Jeremiah Ralston Trustee, 134 acres granted by deed of Samuel Ralston to Geo W. Ralston this day bounded by lands of J. Purdy, J. White, James Gardner & Wm Ralston consideration $4700.oo note to Samuel Ralston 4/%


Cemetery listing of G.W. Ralston buried in lot 86, no marker at Three Springs Cemetery

was a PVT Inf Capt Smiths company in the Civil war- Pleasant Co WV state Troops on Union side ?> Looking for military history of this unit & info on him.


Hanco*ck Co Marriages 1854-1864= p. 27,

10-11-1864 at David Edies house; Joseph Ralston 73, son of Samuel & Martha Ralston married

Hannah Reymill 36, dau of David & Sarah Edie, both of Hanco*ck Co. m by J.Jesse Hull. (*both widows) believe that her 1st husband was listed in this 1862 marriage listings ~

June 21, 1862 Samuel B. Reimell 23 of Jacob & Margaret Reimell Washington Co PA

m Hannah Jane Edie 27, of David & Sarah Edie.

___ 20, 1862 Geo Ralstons home; William Anderson 21, s/o William & Mary Anderson of Wash

Co PA m Keziah L. Ralston 19, d/o George & Martha Ralston of Hanco*ck Co VA.

29 Dec 1864 =William Ralston 26 s/o Samuel & Eliz married Elizabeth Owens 23 child of C.W.

& H. Owens bk 1 p 14, line 41

Mar 2, 1865 =Joseph Ralston 22 & Lucy McHenry 22= =his father Samuel Ralston, her mother

Rachel McHenry***

1 Mar 1865 = Joseph Ralston, teamster of Brooke Co Bk 3A p 153, married Lucy McHenry d/o unk & Rachel McHenry by J. Pierce. ***One marriage record listed him as son of Samuel & Elizabeth, *but I find no census that Samuel & Eliz listed a son Joseph Nor did Samuel list a son named Joseph in his will written 1881- this Joseph lived in Wellsburg in census info, cemetery records of Brooke Co listed lot owner Catherine Ralston, no dates listed on cemetery list on Catherine. *Funeral Home records on Joseph listed parents as Samuel & Catherine Mendle Ralston. This Samuel's will 1889 list sons William Hamilton, George & Jos. Ralston. Samuel was listed as armless in one census- 1850 was 35 yrs old? don't know who his parents were? kd)


*births 12-?3- 1865 Butler twp Hanco*ck Co parents Jos & Hannah Ralston page 16, Hanco*ck Births 1865!


26 April 1866 at the home of J.W. Ralston; Belinda 46 dau of Joseph & Lindiff Ralston (Lucinda-kd) m Wm Hays 45 widower s/o Samuel & Agnes Hays by E. McCarty =marriages 1866 line 10.

**-I found a marriage listing of William Hays m. Belinda Ralston in Columbia Co OH April 26 April 1866….could they have applied for a marriage license there- ? d/o Joseph & lindiff ? name is off for Lucinda? Maybe? & They didn’t have a daughter named Belinda? But Joseph’s father Joseph & Sarah Greer-had a dau named Belinda- (Joseph’s half sister) who might be the one who married William Hays. ? Joseph who married Lucinda had died in 1846 so it not at his home? Who is the J.W. ? ‘s home listed

William Ralston & Rectina McKinley married 24 Oct 1842 Jefferson Co OH

(s/o Joseph & Ann Ralston= William moved to Richie Co VA/WV & is buried there)-

more Marriages- Hanco*ck Co WV records = Mrs. McAdoo m Bernard fa*gan 25 April 1855

Benjamin Ralston 25 (b abt 1834) s/o Andrew & Sarah Ralston of Hanco*ck Co

m. Sept 10 1859 to Susan Garasin 20 d/o Joseph & Catherine Garasin.

Wills- abstracts of Brooke, Hanco*ck co VA/WV

George Sanders 9-8-1851 Hanco*ck Co WV, Brother Hanson, sisters Lettice & Sarah,

Wit Jeremiah Ralston & Rezin Ralston

John Gamble 5-8-1855 wife Rebecca Gamble, dau Sarah Anne, Martha Jane, Wit James Brown & others.

John Sheets 7-12-1859 Wife Mary, Wit David Freshwater, Thomas H. Ralston

Jane Harper 2-10-1863 devisee son in law Henry Wilcoxen, dau Harriett Wilcoxen, Elizabeth

Kelly gr son William Kelly, Wit Thomas Barnbrick/Bambrick? & David Wycoff.

William Smith – 4-14-1863 Devees wife Elizabeth, son Samuel & Thomas, grson Alonzo Knox,

Smith Miller, Wit Jesse Shipley & Benjamin Griffith, John Smith, & Oscar Hill

Jane Sheets 5-12-1863 Dev friends Jeremiah, Belinda Elizabeth Rezin Ralston & Anne

Freshwater- left land to them, mentions her sons John, Thomas & Daniel Thomas,

Wit William Brice, Robert Brice & John Logan.

John Cochran & Robert Morrow wit on will of Mary Ann Glenn, 5-11-1864 dev James Ewing,

Jane Wilson 2-11-1867 New Manchester Hanco*ck Co WV, sons Samuel, John, Daniel, Robert T.

dau Sarah Jane Morrow, Wit by James H. Pugh & Mathew Cain.

Alexander Morrow 2-19-1872 Fairview Hanco*ck Co Wife Sarah sons James E. William W. Robert Calvin,

S. Marquis, Dau Dora & Mary, Wit James G. Marshall & Daniel Donehoo.

John Cameron 9-19-1887 Dev son James dau Phoeba, Ann Wilcoxen, Esther Jane Jenkins Wit Eleanor M. Donhoo & James M. Shay..

- births of Hanco*ck- William Washington 9-25-1855 parents James & Mary Ann Cameron.

David Freshwater 9-10-1873 Hanco*ck Co WV wife Anna, dau Mary Smith, sons David, Isaac &

William. Wit Robert Morrow & William Anderson Jr.

Will of William Cochran 10-20-1873 Hanco*ck Co WV, wife Margaret, sons Samuel, Davie,

William & Robert. Dau Emaline Whitson & granddaughter Minerva Smith. Wit Jeremiah Ralston & William J. Cable.

James Morrow 1-?-1892 wife Nancy children not named, Brother in law James Cunningham, wit

Ephriam Brice & Robert Morrow.

William Anderson 9-1-1894 wife Kersin, sons Lewis & George, Wit. Thomas H. Ralston & PT


Tarr, Andrew Jackson, 4-4-1895 Butler Dist, wife Mary Anne- son John C. Whlie, Mason, Campbell, Peter, Casper, dau Mary M., Sarah H, Agnes L Crouse, grandson Harry Tarr.

Wit William Brown & James McConnell.

George Ralston Sr. will probate 5-20-1897 Butler twp Hanco*ck Co WV. Wife Martha Jane,

son Joseph M., daughters Nancy Virginia Lyons, Mary Bell Walters, Kezzia Anderson, Sarah Ann McCausland Wit;

Samuel Smith 11-27-1897 Fairview- dau Susan M. Carson, Wit A.G. Ramsey & WH Murray,

1850 census index of Brooke Co VA-

Benjamin on p. 320, on p. 335: Reasone, Wilson, George,

On p. 336 James, Jeremiah, Samuel, Thomas, William,

On 337 Joseph, Samuel, Seth*(=nickname for Alex) & Rachel with her parents Robert Whitson

On p. 333 is a Joseph Raston ? Haven’t got this info maybe one of ours? LOOK

p. 320, family #410 Ralston, Benjamin age 16, is a river man b. in Va lived with other river men.

Sept 24 1850 census Brooke Co VA p 335,

# 622 Ralston, Geo 34 Farmer $2000, all born in Va,

Martha J. 27,

Keziah 7, Albert 5, Isaac 2, Saml Morehead 13.

#623 -Ralson, Wilson 26, farmer $1600, all b. in Va,

Mary 33, Hannah 10

#624 - Ralson, Reasane 32 farmer $2000 all b. Va,

Elenor 28,

Joseph W. 5, Bilinda J. 3(Belinda?) Sarah F. 1.

# 625- Ralston, Jas. of Joseph 42, farmer b. Va. James

Angeline 35 b. in Pa,

Harper M 4, b Va.,

Susan Harper 70 b Pa, Mary H. Harper 29 b. in Ohio.

# 627- Ralston, Jeremiah, 24, b. Va. $6500,

Jane 20 b.VA,

& *Sarah 65 b. MD,

Anne 33, Belinda 29, Elizabeth 27.

# 628- Ralston, Thos. 24, farmer, $2500 all b. in Va., Mary A. 22, Thomas

Caroline 18, William 15.

__ Ralston, William 45 Miller 2500 VA

Fractionia 45 PA

#632 Wilson, William 65 PA, farmer 1000,

Jane 55 VA, Mary Cain 60 PA

#633 Cochran, John 40, b Pa $700, Margarett Cochran 42 b. Va.,

Margarett Cuningham 21 b. PA

# 634 Cochran, William 56, farmer b. Pa, $2600, Margaret 52 b. Va., Martha 31 b Ohio,

William 19 OH, Davis 16 VA, Emeline 11, Robert 3 VA.

# 635 Ralston, Sam'l 35 $50, (occ. not given) all born in Va,

Catherine 30,

Joseph 6, Eliza Ja 4, Jas. C. 1. ==(1 lookup said he was listed as armless)

Page 336 # 651 Ralston, Joseph 59, Farmer b. Va $4000,

Mary no age b Ireland,

Mary A. no age given b. Va,

Sarah no age given b. VA,

Margaret 22 b. Va attended school,

James 22 b. VA Shoemaker,

O’Betta Male 25, idiotic *NOT sure a son? hired hand? OR Betty 25 Female, idiotic

Were Margaret & James twins both ages 22 would be born abt. 1833??

p. 337 Sept 25 1850, # 652-652,Ralston, Samuel 50,

Elizabeth 40,

Barbara A. 33, Martha J. 25, Margaret 20, Samuel 18, James 14,

Eliza 13, William 12, George 11, Francis 7

#658-658, Whitson, Robert 47, weaver b.in Scotland,**wife Jane 60 Ireland,

Jane 20 Pa, Eliza 18, James 14, Bob 10 b. in VA, John 8 in Va,

Ralston, Seth 22 VA. and Rachel 15, PA married this year Seth *nickname of Alexander*

**Jane Whitson is older than Robert Whitson in census?? Cemetery list says she d.1850 at 50,

So her death would be after census of that yr**

p. 321 # 430, Cochran, James 57 farmer $ 1000, b. PA, Mary 54 b. in Va all kids b.Va.

Curtis 26, Susan 24, Sarah T or J? 22, Henrietta 19, Caroline 13.

Cochran, John 73 PA, Margaret 70 MD, Mary J. 7 VA

Cochran, Jabis H. 33 OH, Hulda 33, VA, Edward B. 10, David W. 6 William H. 4 all b. VA

& the family of Jesse McElfresh age 27, a shoemaker b Va living there with wife

Elizabeth 24, OH & kids Zedekiah 2, Wm M 1 b.OH.

Morehead, Alex 57 farmer b. on the Atlantic Ocean,

Agness 58 PA, Gibson 17 PA, Washington 14 VA

Morehead, Samuel 13 VA living with George & Martha J. Ralston

p. 298 New Manchester #112,

Morrow, Alex 35 m blacksmith Va,

Sarah J. (Wilson) 36 VA,

Jas E. 13, Wm W. 10, Robt N 8, John C. 4, Sam M. 1, VA,

Wilson, Dan 24 VA & Buchanan, James 18 blacksmith PA, Sarah had a brother Daniel?

? but the will of Joseph 1843 listed dau Jane married to Wilson then…where is she in 1850?

_?_ Ralston, Peter wagon driver - )find age & birth state/ who was he living with?

Dist 3, Brooke co, VA, Ralston, John 27 Farmer OH*

Hzekeich ? 33 VA,

Marian 3, Lewis 8/12, Adam 73 No occ b. PA (c 1777)* ? maybe from wash co

~1850 census Bartholomew Co IND, Clay twp p. 406,

RULSTON, Alexander 58 b. VA, farmer 2000

Anna 65 -b. Ireland

Alexander 23 VA (1827)

Joseph 19 VA (1831)

Cemetery info, Alexander d. 1-14-1852 age 58, Joseph & a John Ralston buried there ~ could be his brother? Anna was not listed on cemetery listings, no tombstones survive

1880 census Kickapoo Leavenworth KS p. 3613, Alexander Ralston 54 VA VA IRE living with Charity Atkinson 60 WV MD MD & Georgia 18 KS (widow of Isaac Atkinson/ 1860 census a Wilson Ralston 35 b. VA, living with Isaac Atkinson 38 VA, he died 1876 Kickappo Leavenworth co KS,

~1850 census Carroll co OH Lee twp, Abraham Morehead 33, VA farmer 700

Martha 28, VA (Ralston b. c 1822), Mary 8, Naus ? Nancy? 6, Andrew 2,

next door is Jos Morehead 28 OH, Mary 24, Jacob A. 14, Sylvestor 3, Thomas 15,

1870 census Harlem Springs Carroll co OH, Abraham Morehead 53,

Mary E. 44, Mary A. 13, ??Cuiday 3, Abraham 5

Martha Ralston m. 1841 Abraham Morehead = Brooke co VA, she is buried at the Morehead cem with several of her young children- one a Joseph.. Abraham maybe remarried found 2 listings, he is buried in the Harlem Springs cem, lee twp, Carroll co. dau married Blazer..info in history said mother was a Ralston.

1850 Federal census Hopewell twp, Washington Co PA. * not our direct lines?-

* Ralston Paul 36 b. PA Catherine 29 F. Ire. & Joseph 6 PA, Samuel 3, PA, William 8 mons PA

* Ralston, Andrew 50 PA, Ann (Allison) 47, PA

Thomas 23, James 21, Nancy 16, Andrew 14, David 12, Ann 7, Wm W. 4.

* Ralston, Thomas 26 Jane 26, Wm 3, Robt 1, Margaret 50 PA, Hilborn 71 m Ire

*Beaver Co,Wm Ralston 50 PA living with family of Walter & Jane Braden. Walter 53, Jane 48.

Beaver Co PA Hanover twp 73-74- Ralston, Joseph 33 carpenter OR Cooper ? b.Va.

Hannah 33 PA, Hozea 4, Robt Mc 2 Va, James R. 9 mons PA

= Joseph s/o Robert & Nancy Wilson, wife –Hannah Reed-

1850 Mortality Schedule- Beaver Co PA Hanover twp,

Celestria J. Ralston age 5, b. VA died Sept 1850 of Scrofula

118-118 Beaver co PA, Ralston, Robert 66 NC Carpenter Ann 66

99-100 John Roberts 69 Farmer 2000 VA

Ruth (Duncan) 65 PA, Annie M. 24 Mary Ralston 36 2000 PA, ?Ruth A. 14 __

Beaver co PA, Marion twp, 86-86 Ralston, Samuel, Carpenter b. PA,

Sarah 20, Robert ? 18, Walter W. 16, Ann E. 12 all born PA

Franklin twp, 109-109 James Ralston 40 farmer b__

Rebecca 37, George W. 10, Josephine 3,


1860 Hanco*ck Co, VA, July 1860, Post office = Hollidays Cove

#1140-1085? p. 934 Hollidays Cove

1185 Ralston, Sam'l 59 11400/2400 VA (Farmer)

Eliz 52 PA

Wm " 21 VA

Eliz " 23

Geo 18

Frances 16

1141- Unoccupied

1143 - Unoccupied

P 931, ?144 Ralston, Jos/Jas S 67 200/100 VA

Mary 67 IR

Mary Nancy 8 VA ? granddau ?

1145-1089 Ralston, Jes ? 36 3000 VA = Jeremiah

Jane 30

David 7

Ozias 4

1146-1090 Freshwater, David 68 900 1655 VA

Ann 47

1147-1091 Ralston, Rezin 44 farmer 7200 1600

Ellen 38

Jas W. 14

Belinda J 12

Sarah F. 10

E M C 5

Wm E 6

Adeline 3

Lorenzo M 3 ?

Alice A 1 week

1148 Unoccupied

1149-1092 Paris VA, July p. 164, Ralston, Jos W 43 Farmer 3360-1341 VA

Hannah 43 PA

Hosea 14

Robt 12 (Nov 9, 1847- Dec 18, 1924 -3 springs/ s/o Joseph & Hannah)

Jas R 10

Mary A 8

1007-173 Smith Saml 34 Carpenter

Margaret 29 VA

Miranda 8

1011-?1/7 76 Cable Samuel 50 farmer

Eliza ? Bottom of the page?

Mary 20

????784 Whitson, Robert 57 ?500/169 Scotland OR ROBERT WILCOXEN??

Mary E. 35 New Jersey ?who was she?

Geo Fleming 11

Joseph " 6

?? /775 or 978 Gardner, James 65 b. PA

Mary 64

James 26, & a female 22, Sarah E. Hays 13 or 15?, Saml Morrison 21,

John Sharp 86 unemployed, no land but 8000 New Jersey

1157-1111? Ralston, Alex 30 = page 933 Freeman’s landing PO 500 personal property

Rachel 27

Rowena 7

Eliz 2

Saml W 11/12

11???? Whitson, Jas 25 Rachel’s brother*

Emeline Whitson 20

Amanda A Whitson 11/12

M J Ferguson 7

??????? Ralston, Geo 45 VA, page 933 Freemans landing PO

Martha J. 37 OH

Keziah 16

Sarah 10

Henry 6

Nancy 4

Mary B 5/12

????? co*ckran, James 67 Pa

Mary " 64

Henretta 27

Curtis 35 m Mill Wright

Family of Nor living with the family: Susan 33 VA, Sarah A. 2, PA, Marietta 1 PA.

1162 Cable, WP 30

Sarah J. " 30 Geo S. 6, Curtis C. 4, ?___ 2, Silas Cable 25.

??? Margaret co*ckran ?52 1000-1000 PA

Margaret Cunningham 31 b. PA

Paris Pa July 1860 p 932 ? top of sheet Sarah Diantha -7/ Nancy A 5, and Wilson 3 *(? Robert’s kids??)

1073 Sheets Jane 74 =her will leaves land to Belinda, Jeremiah Ralston

1074 Ralston, Belinda 40

Elizabeth Ralston 37

1096 Ralston, Thos H. 35 Miller

Rebecca 27

Lucinda 2/12

Caroline 28 school teacher = his sister*

1097 Cochran, Wm 65 Farmer 2000-?00 PA

M 62

Robt 17

Minera A Smith 9

??? Logan, Wm 75 Farmer 6750-??69 Ireland

Margaret (Brice)* 45, Mary A 20, Isabela? 22

1443 Ralston, James 54 VA Home Carpentery 800/300

Angeline 44 PA

Harper MC 14, VA,

Joseph H. 8

Sarah Harper 78 PA Angeline’s mother buried Flats cem.

Anderson, Wm. 50 PA, Martha 50, PA, H.M. 20, A.E. 17, Jas E. 11 Thos 15, David B. 6, Lewis S.4,

Jane McGlaughlin 19 PA, Eliz ? Elizch McCurdy 60 PA

1670- 1593 Ralston, Joseph 26 Laborer VA,

Margarett 21, William ? Garsine 3

Note* Wheelersburg Cemetery, Scioto Co OH, tombstone listing for James Lawrence Ralston s/o Jos. S. & Margaret “ My only child born in New Cumberland WVA, Feb 21, 1864 d. Sept 11, 1871”

1698-1621 Ralston, James 33 Shoemaker 50 VA**

Sarah 24, Martha E. 6, Henrietta 3, Julia 4 mos.

1655 –1578, New Cumberland, Ralston, Samuel 25 Laborer 75 VA, Hannah 24, PA, Rose E. 8 PA,

Virginia 6 VA, Sarah J. 4, PA, Andrew 2 PA,

No house #/s of location in the county for these below.

Cochran, Rachel 56 living with James 29 & Mary J. 19 Johnston & daughter Sarah E. 1 yr.

Cochran, Sarah 70 MD Sarah 10 VA, & Eliza 8 VA

Cochran, Jabez H. 43 OH, & wife Hulda 43 VA, 1860 census

David W. 16, Wm H.H. 14 Robert C.8, John J. C. 4, Edward B. 20 General dealer VA

Cochran Benjamin 21 living with family of John & Sarah Hamilton. Farm hand b. VA

Morehead Alex 67 IRE, Nancy A. 67 PA, Gibson 26, VA, Ellenora 3 VA

Drusilla 1 Missouri, Ellen Aten domestic, age 18, b. VA

Morehead, George W. 23 VA, Mary 17 Missouri, James A. 1 Va

No Moreheads in Brooke co for 1850 or 1860. & No Cochran’s in 1860 Brooke co census.

Smith, Sam’l 36 or 56? Margaret 27, Miranda 5 or 8?

Fairview PO 1553-1457, Wilson, Saml 39 Sheff of Hanco*ck VA,

Mary 27 OH, Sarah 11 VA, Nervada 8, Adella Wilson 3.

1560- 1466- Wilson, John 40 Postmaster 1000/ 1200 VA,

Elizabeth 33 VA, Owens 12, Wesly 10 Gibson 8, Emma 5, Oscar 9/22

1570-1496 Morrow, Alex 45 hotel keeper 11300-2?36 VA,

Sarah J. 46, Wilson 20 farmer, Robert W. 17, John C. 14, Saml 11, Ida Dora 8, May ? ? 2,

John H. Brown 18 School teacher

Top of next page Jane Wilson 65 PA, Martha Coulton? Coulter? 15 or 18 Domestic b. Ill,

McConnell, John 1630-1554 24, Ireland, Lavina 25 OH, Margt J. 1 Va.

1692 1620-Ralston, Benj, 23 or 25 ? laborer

Susan Ralston 19, ?Anna M. 4/12, Jos Ganisine 52 Boatman

1698?- 1621- Jas Ralston 32 shoemaker,

Sarah 24, Martha E. 6, Amanda 4, Julia 4/12

1161 Cochran, James 67 Mary ?

p 1003, New Cumberland PO Joseph Ralston * * need to get this info

Rosie E. p. 1001 New Cumberland? * ?who? * need to get this data too.

Benjamin p. 1006 New Cumberland * * Need to get this too..kd

Morrow, Alex, Sarah Jane (Wilson,) Jane 65, (Jane Ralston Wilson-mother of Sarah Jane)

~~1860 Brooke Co VA- Ralston, John 37 (b. ca 1823?) Keziah 13 ?has to be wrong?, -shes is 52 in 1870?

Lewis 11, Christian 8, Lizzie L. 4 John 1

Ralston, Sam’l 44 b. VA $75.00 Armless** ( b. abt 1816?) who is he a son of???*******

C. 40, Jos 16 (b. ca 1844?), J.C 11, Geo 8.


1860 Beaver co PA, Hanover twp, Ralston, Archibald 32 Blacksmith, 800 PA

Margaret 31 PA, William 6 PA attends school, Margaret 3, * Joseph 9 attends school

1870 census Beaver co PA, Ralston, Archibald 41 Blacksmith, 2500/1060

Mary, 35, William B. 16, Margaret J. 13, Sarah E. 3, Martha B. 70 lives with son PA b. 1790 (1800?)


1870: RALSTONS Hanco*ck Co WV, Roll M.593, c/d index lookup=

Joseph 37 yrs, Clay twp Hanco*ck Co WV b. est= 1833

Joseph 26 yrs, Wellsburg Brooke Co* 1844

Joseph 22 yrs, Butler twp= Hanco*ck 1848

Saml 55 yrs, Wellsburg Brooke Co* 1815

Saml 70 yrs, Butler = Hanco*ck = my GGG** 1800

Roll 1685, BROOKE CO VA;

p. 534 Joseph 26 b. VA Wellsburg, *

p. 474 Keziah 52, VA Buffalo 1818

p. 537, Saml 55 PA Wellsburg..*

~~Census index of Hanco*ck Co -printed indexes listed by pages;

p. 559, Alexander, Elizabeth, Harper, Jeremiah Rezin, Thomas H. ,

p. 558, George, James,

p. 556, Joseph Samuel, William,

p. 563 Joseph,

~~Washington Co PA m 593-roll 1463,

Joseph 79 yrs b. in WV in Hanover twp, p 170==

Joseph 54 yrs b. WV in Smith twp p. 330


House # =Joe -in Hanover Twp Wash Co PA =(Joseph & Hannah Edie Reymull)*

Ralston, Joseph 79 WV Squirrel s/o Samuel & Martha

Hannah 40 WV

Jane 7 WV

Joseph 5 WV

in Smith twp, Washington PA,

Ralston, Joseph 54, WV, Carpenter 350

Eliza 44,

Hosea 24, Robert 23, WV, James 21 PA, Mary A. 20 Pa, Wilson 12 OH,

Sarah 17 PA, Nancy A. 17, OH, Mary 14. OH, Eliza 5 WV, Lucy 3 WV, Ella May 3 mts

~~(looks like Joseph W. s/o Robert & Nancy Wilson Ralston, if his 2nd wife Eliza Perrine Cline-

gave the ages & locations for the kids birth places or he really moved around?)*KD.


Ritchie Co VA, Clay twp, roll 1698- p 488, Ralston, William 69 VA, Ractina 68 PA, Hosea 24 VA


1870- Hanco*ck Co WV, =

House 110= Ralston, Samuel, 70 VA = WV ** MY GGG*KD

Elizabeth 65 VA

George 30 VA,

Mary M.28 OH =(poss George's wife*)

# 152; Ralston, Alexander m 42 VA *s/o Samuel & Eliz ** My GG

Rachel 36 PA

Roena 18 VA

Elizabeth J. 12 VA

Samuel W. 10 VA **MY Great grandfather.

Valeria B. 7 VA

Theodore McGlumphry 2 WV = Rachel’s sister Jane's son

House 157= Ralston, Thomas H. 44 VA s/o Joseph & Lucinda P.

Rebecca 37 VA

Lucinda 10 VA, William 8 VA,

George 6 WV, Kate 4 WV, Jessie 2 WV,

Caroline 37 VA= Thomas's sister

House 158 Ralston, Jeremiah 45 VA s/o Joseph & Sarah

Jane 40 VA -all kids b. in VA

David 17, Osias 14, Mary E. 9, Anna G. 5, Fanny A. 1

159- Osborne Robt A. 45 Bridge Builder 400/325 MD, Martha J. 44 VA, John H. 17 day labor, Anne E. 7

160- David Freshwater 81, Farmer 760- 235 VA, Ann 57 VA, Elizabeth 42_______?VA

145- Anderson, Wm 33, Keziah 27, Lewis P. 6m, George 3,

170-170 Samuel Smith, 45 Va, Margaret 35, Mary M. 19, Betzy 8, Georgia A. 5, Eliza 2.

Ralston, Harper 25 Carpenter, 400 VA

Angeline 53, Keeps house 800 OH,

Joseph H. 19, Clerk in Store VA

93-93 ??Whitson, Robert m 56 Scot - Rachel's father ??* DALE SAID THIS WASN”T LISTED

THERE*was Robert Wilcoxen 67 a Weaver .b. in Switzerland?or 1860??

94-94 Owings, Elias J. m 32 Ohio, Elizabeth f 26 VA

95-95 McGlumphy John m 56 PA,

Sarah F 30 PA, Elizabeth f 14 PA John m 9 PA

__Ralston, James 42 Shoemaker b. PA &

Sarah 37 Va

Martha E. 16, Amanda 14, Henrietta 12,

Julia 10, John 8, Viola 6, Stella 4, Margaret 1,

__Cochran, William 75, PA Margaret 72, VA

William 38 VA farmer VA

Minerva A. Smith 19 b. VA

15 Aug 1870,__ Smith, Samuel 45 VA farmer,

Margaret 35 Va, Mary M. 19, Betsy 8, Georgia A. 5 female WV, Eliza 2.

#146 George Ralston 55 VA

Martha J. 47 VA

Sarah 19, Henry 17 farmer Va, Nancy V. 14, Mary B. 11, Crawford L. 7, Joseph 8 mt WV

Poe Dist also Harper Ralston 25 it is George & Martha’s son? Bill said

#162 Ralston, Rezin 54 farmer VA,

Ellen 48, VA,

Jane 21,

Sarah F. 19, Ephraim Mc. 17, William E. 16,

Lorenza M. 14, Adeline 12, Alice A. 11

#109 Ralston, William 31 Va,

Elizabeth 28,

Louella M. 5,

Honor A. 3.

**#__Ralston, Joseph, 22 farmer VA living with Wm Brice family #111 ==BUTLER DIST, ca 1848?

**#__Ralston, Joseph 37, Brickyard labor Va = Clay twp p. 563 = b. ca 1833? parents?

Margaret 31 Va, = Margaret McConnell bd Paris or Indepence cem, Wash Co PA.

James L. 7

#___ Ralston, Elizabeth 42, 1687 p 559 NEED this info =- living with Anne Freshwater? I think?

, Brooke Co WV Wellsburg

Ralston, Samuel 55 PA 1685 p 537 =? Samuel & Catherine Mendal

Ralston, Joseph 26, 1687 p 534 = ? Joseph &Lucy McHenry

Brooke Co Buffalo twp, Ralston, = Keziah 52 VA p1685 p 474 = (? WIDOW of John)

245-258 Ralston, Saml 55 Laborer 600/200 VA

Catherine 50 VA, James 22 Va, Marble cutter Va, George, 19 Va, W.H. 7 WVa,

198-200 Ralston, Joseph 26 teamster 400 VA,

Lucy 27, Mary J. Sallie 3, /12, Rachel McHenry 57 widow

84-87 Ralston, Keziah 52 VA, Mary E. 23 VA, Lewis 21, Criss? 18, John 11,


1880: Hanco*ck Co WV Census ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

B021Ralston, Alex 52 farmer WV WV blank ** My Gr Gr Grandfather- kd.

Roena 26 daughter WV WV WV

Lizzie 21 "

Warren 19 son assists on farm WV WV WV

Belle 17 daughter

McGumphy Theo 11 ward, WV WV WV

Boo7- Osborne, Robt 53

Martha 55 wife,

J.H. 29 son farm labor,

Annie E. 17 dau.

Sam’l Ralston 79 FIL WV Boarder.

B022 Ralston Wm. 41 farmer WV ?? ??

Elizabeth 38 wife WV WV WV

Lula 14 daughter

Honor 12 daughter

Chas 7 son

Caldwell Sam'l 36 servant PA PA IR

B. 009 Smith, Margaret 49 or 52, farmer WV WV WV,

Betsey 20, Georgia 15, Eliza J. 12,

Cochran, Kevada 23 boarder Schoolteacher.

P004 Ralston Angeline 69 keeping house PA NJ NJ widow of James

Harper M, 34 son Carpenter WV WV PA

Letita 34 wife WV WV PA

B024 Ralston, David 27 farmer WV WV WV

Lizzie 25 wife PA IR IR

Mary J. 1

B022 Ralston, E. MC 29 farmer WV WV WV - Ephraim McCready

Mary J. 25

Rezin 3 son

Martha 8/12

B003 Ralston, Frank M 36 works saw Mill WV PA PA Francis bro of Alexander

Susan 32 wife WV WV ??

John C. 4 son

Mary V. 3

Roena 1

B021 Ralston, Jas 52 Farmer PA WV PA= *James b. 1828 Greene Co PA

Sarah 47 wife WV WV IR

Julia 20 daughter WV PA WV

John 19 son

Viola 15

Stella 13

Maggie 10

Frank 7

Dallas 5

B022 Ralston, Geo 40 farmer WV WV PA

Mary 40 WV OH PA

Ernest 9 son

Florence 3 daughter

B023 Ralston, Geo 65 farmer WV SL MD ***

Martha 57 OH OH WV

Henry 27

Nancy V 24

Mary B 20

Crawford 17

Joseph 10

C036 Ralston Jennie see Freeman James L * don't have this info??**

B024 Ralston, Jerry 54 farmer WV PA MD = Jeremiah & Jane Brice

Jane 49 wife WV IR IR

Ozias 23 son works on farm

Mary E. 17

Emma G. 14

Fanny 12 *married George Swearingen

B022 Ralston, Rezin 63 farmer WV PA MD=

Ellen 56 WV IR IR

Wm 27

Alice 18

Lula 10

B007 Ralston, Robt 27, servant WV WV PA living with Brice, Robt 48, Ephram 45 WV Ireland brother,

who is this?

Butler twp, Margaret Cochran 81 VA _ PA,

Wm. 48 Son, Robt son 37, Annie Dau L 28 lives next to Jas & Sarah

120 –122 James Cochran 26 Blacksmith, 100 PA, Sarah 22, PA, John 2, Flora 2/12

B007 Ralston, Sam'l 54 Day Laborer PA PA __ Who are his parents? (b. est 1826*) 44-1870,34-1860, 24

Hannah 50 wife PA PA PA Samuel & Hannah Ayers of Mt Pleasant m July 17, 1853 Brooke

Andrew 22 day laborer 1866? Samuel s/o Andrew & SARAH???

Sam'l 20 at home 1870

Mary B. 18 daughter 1872

Elizabeth 14, George 12, Amanda 9

Cross Creek, Brooke co . Joseph 47 WVA WVA MD,

Minerva 29, WV WV WV,

Maola dau 3, Harriet Hinds 28 OH OH WV,

Cross creek, Whitson, James 42 PA Scot IRE,

Emaline 39 WV OH WV, Amanda 20, William O or D. 17,Ella 14, Alice 3.


Brooke Co 1880; Wellsburg, 36,Ralston, Jos 37 Teamster WV WV WV,

Lucy, 39, Sallie 10, Samuel 8, Racheal 6,

031- Ralston, Joseph - See RUTH CARUTH-= 14 yrs old, was listed under Robert Caruth.

Robert Caruth 70 IR IR IR, Jane 68, Lizzie 30 dau, Joseph Ralston 14 yrs old b.WV farm laborer.

025- Ralston, Joseph 47 Works on farm WV WV MD,

Minerva 28, Maola ? 3, Harriet Hinds, 29,

# __=Ralston, Keziah 63 WV WV MD, Mary E. 33 WV PA WV, Lewis 31, Christian 28, John 21,

# __=Ralston, Peter 28, Express Wagon Driver WV WV WV, Maggie 20, Allie 2

# __=Ralston, Samuel 64- Labor WV WV IR,

Catherine 60, WV GR GR

James 32 Marble cutter WV WV WV

Hamilton 16 laborer WV WV WV

George Lyle 8 boarder laborer WV WV WV


1880 Bloom, Seneca Oh, p. 352B, rollT9-066, A.B.McClelland 61 PA PA PA wife Cathrine 52 Va VA VA, Nara B. son 22 OH PA VA, Ida E. dau 20, Hugh E. son 8 OH,

& Elizabeth Ralston motherl Widow 75 VA MD OH, (1880-75=1805 birth year)

this is the Elizabeth Parks Ralston who married Samuel-

4th Ward, Steubenville, Jefferson Co OH, Cochran, Davis 45 Wva ShipCarpenter, WV WvWv,

Margaret A. wife 42, Sierra Nevada 21, school teacher, Laura J. 20 OH, Tailoress,

Sarah J. Marquis other 59 WV

~~1880 Ohio Co VA Sarah Ralston see James Winesberg, = ? NEED to get this data**

Ralston, Thomas 68, farmer PA PA IR

Mary F. 57 wife VA VA VA,

Annie M. 19 Daughter, Lucas, Annie M. 19 servant, Vates, Annie 84 VA VA VA

1880 Wash co Hanover twp, p 263 A. Thomas Ralston 56, WV WV WV,

Rebecca 45, OH WVWV, William 18, George 16, Kate 14, Jesse 12.

Wash co Hanover twp, Wilson Ralston 18, VA VA PA, living with Thomas Hunter PA MD PA farmer

Indepence Wash co PA, Ralston, Joseph 35 PA PA PA Farms, Margaret 28, PA PA PA , Ann M. dau 5, George W. son 2, Ella Odell 14 Servant VA, Charles Dentz 13 PA servant Harris Miller 20 RackPeddler Russia Prusia,

Prec 1 Smith Wash co PA, Ralston, J.W.63 WV WV WV laborer,

Eliza 53 PA PA PA, J.R. son 30 PA WV PA, EJ dau 14 WV WV PA, Lucy H. dau 12, PA WV PA, Ella M dau 10 PA

Clay, Ritchie WV, 1880 Hosea Ralston 36 VA VA PA ,

Armenta wife 50 VA PA VA, Susan C. J. dau 6 WVAVA

Leadville Lake Colo, Wilson Ralston 57 miner b. VA VA VA, lives with A.J. Miller


Burlington Coffey KS, Ralston, Joseph H. age 28 Minister Pres. Father b. VA mother PA

Mary wife 25, PA PA PA, FHL fil 1254385 p 36 B.

Kickapoo Leavenworth KS 1880-Charity Akinson, self 60 VA MD MD, Georgia dau 18 KS - -, Alexander Ralston other 54 VA VA IRE

Next door to Thomas Atkinson 33 IN VA VA, Louisa 28 MO IN KY, Charles 9, Buena? 7, David 5 Nellie 3, __? Atkinson 1.

1888-93 Wheeling. WV. Directories- Mrs. Sarah Ralston widow 460 National Road Wheeling WV 1890-91.

Hanco*ck co Births, Franklin A. to John & Stella Ralston place of birth NC, 1-18-1895

North carolina or New cumberland?? Hum? interesting

John B. Ralston 23 & Alice Ralston 24= Dec 20, 1885

Wella M Ralston 21 & Emanuel Smith 24= Dec 29, 1886

Lula Ralston 18, & Jesse Hill 22= April 6, 1886

Emma Ralston 23 & John A. McClausland 28 =April 17, 1887

Fannie Ralston 21 & George Swearingen 25, =Dec 3, 1888

Samuel Jefferson Ralston 28 & Sarah E. Ralston 27 =Sept 21? 1889

Stella Ralston 24, & James D. Cameron 24=Oct 13, 1891

Viola Ralston 26, & Lewis S. Anderson 27 or Anderson Lewis? 1891

Charles Ralston 24 & Nellie Richarson 24 April 1, 1891

Mary Bell Ralston 27 & William K. Walters 26- Jan 27, 1892

Maggie Ralston 24 & John S. Yolton 26 Sept 19, 1894

Eva M. Ralston 21 & Charles E. Bougher 21 Apr 7 1903

Hanco*ck Co WV Marriage Records 1903- 1904

James F. Ralston 32 & Lillie Carrie Clary, 18__

Will book 1, page 21, 1881 = I Samuel Ralston of the county of Hanco*ck of the state of West Virginia do make this my last Will and testament, After my death I desire my body to be buried in the Three Springs Cemetery by my wife and children and as soon as convenient thereafter that the ? expenses are paid as well as all my just debts if any there should be.

I desire to state that I have already given to my sons Alexander Ralston, William Ralston & George W. Ralston, and the sums of Two Thousand dollars each. I now bequeath and direct that an additional sum of One hundred dollars be paid to the above named my sons. Alexander, William and George W. Ralston that is one hundred dollars to each after the other devises and bequest herein named has been paid.

I give and bequeath to my son Frances Ralston the sum of $2000.

I give an & bequeath to my son James Ralston $2000

to my daughter Martha Jane wife of Robert Osborne the sum of $2000

to my daughter Barbara Widow of William Gow the sum of $2000

to my daughter Margaret widow of Samuel Smith the sum of $2000

Any remaining portion of my estate after the payment of the before mentioned bequest I hereby direct my executor to divide equally among my children, sons and daughters share and share alike.

I hereby nominated and appoint my son Alexander to be my Executor of this my last will and testament giving him all __ authority to collect all sums due to me and give discharges therefore make and published this 17th day Feb in the year on thousand eight hundred and seventy six, Samuel Ralston seal signed & published and declared by the testor Samuel Ralston *****will of Samuel Ralston, July 1st 1881, Circuit court Hanco*ck Co WV,

In the matter of the probate of the paper writing _____ to be the last will and testament of Samuel Ralston deceased, and which was on a ___of this time partially _ on the oath of William Brown one of the attesting witnesses this day came David H. Kelly the other attesting witnesses and upon whom oath said paper writing was fully proven and the same is hereby ordered to be records as and for the last will & testament of the said Samuel Ralston deceased. Thereupon on motion of Alexander Ralston who is named as executor in said last will and testament he is hereby appointed executor of the estate of said deceased.

Whereupon the said Alexander Ralston entered into and executed a bond with William Ralston & George ? W. OR H? Ralston his sureties (who qualified as to sufficiency?) in the ____ sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office and also took the oaths as---ind by him. It is there for ordered that letters test--tory be granted to the said Alexander Ralston upon the estate of said descendant in due for of law ... W C Flannegin Clerk

***this would be my GGG grandfather's will

Town Collers- (newspaper?) May 26, 1881 Brooke Co WV

Alex Ralston 53 he lived in Hanco*ck Co, Mary Harmine Wright age 33 she in Brooke

by W.T. Wilson- no parents listed

Barbara notes that he was married 2 yrs 7 mo after Rachel died, Warren was 21 yrs old &

he left WV after the 1880 census & married 4 1/2 years after his dad’s 2nd marriage

Will bk 4- 549 Brooke co VA, 1889=(this was the Samuel of Wellsburg who was listed in 1 census Armless.) Samuel Ralston do make this my last will & testament to wit I give devise & bequeath to my wife Catharine Ralston the property on which I now reside situated in the North east corner of Fleet St & Yankee Street in the city of Wellsburg WV for & during her natural life & after her death, I give & devise the same to my son Wm Hamilton Ralston. It is my will that the lot adjoining the property of W.C. Barclay that is to say the lot bordering the alley running north of W.C. Barclays residence in said city shall be sold & proceeds divided as follows $50 hereof to be paid to my son Jos Ralston & $50. thereof to be paid my grandchild Llda? Ralston & the balance to be paid to my son George Ralston. Given under my hand & seal this day of Nov 1887, Samuel his X mark Ralston, witness Emery Jacobs & CW. Stoctzer Catherine relinquished her right to administer requested I.W. Clemons to be appointed.

1900 census Hanco*ck Co Butler Twp, Hanco*ck Co WV roll 1759 vol. 9 dist 36, sheet 3 134-!

Sheet 4 line 41 77-80 Ralston, Alexander Sept 1827 72 yrs old, yrs married 59 WV WV PA kids blank Elizabeth (HARMINA) Sept 1848 51 married 19 yrs- WVA PA WVA kids 0-0

57-60 Ralston, Francis Sept 1844 55 WV WV PA

Susannah July 1847 26 8-8 children b.& living 8-8

Annie C. Nov 1880 19

George L. Feb 1882 18

James C. Sept 1883 16

Margaret K. Nov 1884 15

Francis C. dau Apr 1887 13

66-69 Ralston George W. July 1840 59 m.30 yrs WVA WVA PA

Mary M. feb 1838 62 2kids 1 living WV OH PA

Florence J. dau apr 1877 23

79-82 Ralston James Jan 1828 72 m.49 yrs PA WV PA

Sarah July 1833 WV WV Ireland m.49 yrs 13 kids 11 living

James F. Aug 1875 24 is this Frank?

80-83 Ralston Jerry Oct 1827 74 m 49 yrs WV PA WV Jeremiah

Jane Oct 1830 64 m 49 yrs 5 kids 4 living

Mary E. May 1861 39 yrs

81-84 Ralston David Jan 1853 46 m 22yrs WV PA WV Jeremiah son

Elizabeth Nov 1854 47 married 22 yrs kids 1-1 PA Ireland PA

Mary J. Aug 1879 21

82-85 Ralston Oziar? June 1856 44 m 16 yrs WV WV WV Jeremiah sons

Caroline Mar 1860 40 m 16 yrs kids1 -1

Sarah E. Dec 1885 14

85-85 Ralston William E. July 1853 46 m 16 yrs WV WV WV

Alice D. Feb 1857 43 m 16 yrs kids 2-2

James E. mar 1884 15

Lorzh M July 1887 12

??Can’t read next line?? A?? B. sister in law Oct 1867 32


1890-91 Nebraska State Gazetteer Farmers by JM Wolfe & Co Publishers 1890;

Rolston, W.S. of Brock My grandfather Warren Samuel*

1900 census; Nebraska, Nemiaha, Lafayette Precinct roll 935 T623, sheet 3 dist 95,

179-170=Warren S. Ralston Jan 1862 age at last b. day=38 b.VA VA VA

America V. Aug 1862, 37 yrs, KY KY KY

Ida S. Nov 1886 13 Neb VA KY

George A. Mar 1889 11 "

Winfield Nov 1893 6 "

1910= Okla census=

1920 George & Grace & Winfield & Flossie in, Corumpa (sp), NM Clayton, Union co NM census- have a copy in files


Three Springs Cemetery, Hanco*ck Co WV. Between Paris Washington Co & Holiday Cove WV, US Route #22, Steubenville Pike. Recorded June 3rd 1937, by Miss Eva Johnston & Elizabeth B. Weaver. The Presbyterian Church was divided about the year 1812, part going to Paris, about four miles distant, and the other part to Holidays Cove, W.VA Two miles the other way. The first church was a log one & stood down at the lower end of the Cemetery, near one of the Springs. The Cemetery received its name from Three Springs that are located within the cemetery. The second church was a frame one & stood on top of the hill where the tool house now stands. The Cemetery is kept in good condition especially the new part that Incorporated & kept by the Company. The OLD Part is kept by the County & is not nearly so nicely kept. listing; Ralston’s if not listed otherwise….

Ozias 1856- 1925 69

lucy wf Ozias 1860- -blank-

Ephriam McCready 1851- 1916 65

McCready, Mary J. Smith wf Ephriam 1854-1936 59

Ralstan, Samuel - d. May 26 1881 80

Ralstan, Elizabeth wf Sam’l Oct 2 1875 25 ** Should be 75 yrs**

Ralstan, Samuel son S& E. Sept 25, 1858 25

Smith, Margaret Ralstan wf Sam’l 1830- 1912 82*??

Freshwater, David d. May 16, 1872 84 Freshwater Ann wf David Oct 1 , 1862 70

Cochran, John June 12, 1860 51 Cochran, Margaret wf John Dec 4, 1861 54

Ralston, Francis 1842- 1929- 87 Susannah 1847- 1926, 79

Ralston James 1828- 1905- 77 yrs Sarah wf Jas 1833 – blank

Tarr, McConnell, Mary d. April 10 1878 buried with the Tarr family

Ralston, Jeremiah 1825, 1902-77 Jane 1830-1911-81

Morehead, William Sept 28 1842- 79

Hays, Belinda (Ralston*) Mar 18, 1818- Aug 14, 1899- 81 William Havs Sept 19, 1884, 63

Hays, Samuel Sept 15, 1884 –63 Agness Hays wf Samuel Feb 8, 1840, 58

Lyddia wf William Hays Apr 13, 1849

Hays, Andrew Mar 8, 1866- 20

Robert Morehead Mar 17, 1837 82

Morehead stone down.

Ralston, Lucinda wf Joseph Dec 26, 1845 79 yrs

Ralston, Scaled OFF 2 Unreadable Ralston Stone

Isaac d. May 12, 1849, 31 yrs

Joseph May 30, 1846 23

William C. Jan 1861- 26

Joseph July 18, 1846 –55

??Ralston, Jane Lee wf of Wm May 15, 1845- 75 yrs.

- Cochran William Aug 28, 1794- Aug 2, 1873- 79 Cochran, Margaret wf Wm July 5, 1880-82

Graham Thomas Dec 25, 1872 81 Honor wf Thomas Mar 29, 1873, 83

Knox, Elizabeth July 31, 1893, 83 Knox, John Feb. 27, 1889-72

Cochran, James Sept 27, 1871, 78 yrs

McGlumphy, Jane Jan 20, 1870-40 (Rachel Whitson Ralston’s sister)*

Joseph 1832-1906 74 yrs old (husband) & Minerva w/f Joseph 1851-1902 51 yrs (wife)

Alexander 1827-1922 at 95 yrs *(husband)

& Rachel w/f Alex 1834-Oct 27, 1878 44 yrs (wife)

Whitson, James Sept 2, 1884, 47 (Rachel’s bro) Emeline wf Jas June 3, 1886 47

McConnell, James M. Oct 14, 1819- Aug 30, 1894-75

McConnell, Ruth Ann Oct 19, 1823- Mar 30, 1894- 71

McConnell, Lucy A. Mar 9, 1910

Anderson, William Nov 22, 1836 Anderson, Keziah wf Wm- July 26, 1845- Feb 17 1920 75

Rezin Oct 16, 1816- July 9, 1890 74 yrs

Ella Eugene 1821- Oct 9, 1853 at 32 (***? She is in census) Eleanor d. 1890 age 78 yrs*

Cable, Silas Feb 14, 1897- 55

Cable, Josephine Sept 26, 1832- Feb 6, 1908- 76 Cable, Elizabeth 1842- 1926- 84

Cochran Robert 1842- 1904- 62 Cochran, E. 1852- blank-19 yrs

Other Three Springs Cemetery listing – Bill sent to me = readings p. 117 & 118

Elizabeth d. 1903-age 78 yrs

Jane d. 1910 age 81,

Elizabeth d. 1903 age 81

Resin d. 1890 age 74 Eleanor d. 1899 age 78

George E. d. 5-5-1897 age 82 Martha J. d. 10-13- 1910 age 87

Henry d. d. 3-19-1883 age 30 yrs

Crawford d. 1-25-1887 age 25 yrs

James d. 1909- age 80 yrs, Sarah w/o James b.1833-???

Alexander d. 1922 age 95 yrs husband Rachel d. 1878 age 44 wife

Joseph A. d. 1906 age 74 husband Minerva 1902 age 51 wife

Francis M. d. 1929- 87 Susannah d. 1926 age 79

Samuel d. 5-26-1881 age 80 yrs husband, * Elizabeth w/o Samuel d. 9-2-1875 age 70 wife.

Samuel s/o Samuel & Elizabeth d. 1857 age 25

Eliza d. 1864 age 25 yrs

Elizabeth d. 1854

David 1927 age 74

Elizabeth 1908 age 86

Mary E. d. 1928 age 67

Robert M. d. 1924 age 77 yrs

Ralston, Mary w/o Joseph d. 1864 age 72 yrs = b. abt 1792

Timothy K. s/o of Joseph & Mary d. 1817 age 23 yrs(* b. abt 1794-? Mary above would have been 2)

Andrew s/o Mary & Joseph, d. 1842, age 22 yrs = b, est 1820-

Robert 1848, age 55 =b. est 1793

Joseph, d. 12-26-1845 age 48 = b, est abt 1797 ? ? Jos b.1791married lucinda

Joseph d. 07-18-1816 age 54 yrs =b. est abt 1762, who is this?

Joseph d. 1846 age 22

Joseph d. 1843 age 28 * SHOULD BE 78 yrs b. est 1765**

Joseph d. 1857

Isaac s/o J & L.P. d. 1849 age 30

William O. d. 1861 age 20

Ozias d. 1925 age 69 husband

Lucy w/o Ozias, d. 1860- 19--??

Ralston, Mary J. Smith d. 1854- 19??


Locust Hill Cemetery at Chester, Hanco*ck Co WV,

Letetia Ralston 1845- 1921

Harper M. Ralston 1845- 1926 GAR Co G 10W VA Inf.

Flats Cemetery, 1 mile south of New Manchester, Hanco*ck Co WV

James Ralston d. 09-9-1864 age 58

Angelina Ralston d. 2-13-1901 age 83

Morrow, Ann Wilson d. 1880

Morrow, Alex R. d. 12-22-1876 age 56 (b. abt 1820)

Said to be grandfather of Ann Morrow Lindberg*

New Cumberland Cemetery Grace Robb Ralston d. Aug 3, 1975

Union Cemetery H.C. Sammy Ralston 1911-1968 & Doris Bell Ralston 1925- 1974

West Middleton Grove Presby Cemetery Wash. co PA

Thomas & Jane Ralston both b. 1823 =Jane 11-15-1822- 3-16-1895

Will of Joseph Ralston of Wellsburg, Will bk 6-p 84, signed 19 Mar 1902- recorded 3- Feb 1913 Leaves wife Rachel 2/3 ‘s of interest in ice trade, listed son Samuel left 1/3 ice trade, and 2 daughters- __hel {Rachel?} & Mrs. Sally Hall children of each shall have and entitled to the 1/3 part of all my said estate then remaining the children of son Samuel the remaining 1/3 & if either of my said children dies childless her or their third shall go equally to the ones having children. Jos Ralston the qualifying of Lucy Ralston his widow…

Brooke co Cemetery lists Joseph Ralston 1-9-19-13 = date is 1913. Buried in Lot 68 sec B with

Mrs. Jos Ralston 3-23-18 {1918} & also a child of James Hall 4-6-06

~Joseph M. Ralston 22 son of Samuel & Elizabeth Ralston married 02-Mar 1865 to Lucy McHenry 22, child of _unk & Rachel McHenry. Brooke co marriages p.

~1850 census # 635, Samuel Ralston 35 $50. No occ b. Va, Catherine 30, Joseph 6, Eliza ja 4, Jas C. 1

# 634 was William Cochran 56 & Margaret Ralston Cochran 52,

# 633 John Cochran 40, Margaret 42 & Margaret Cunningham 21

Samuel & Elizabeth didn’t have a son named Joseph/ in census or will?

Foster Reasnet Funeral home records book 4- R-Z

Joseph d. Jan 8, 1913, age 69 yrs 2 m 11 days of Pulmonary Hemorrhage

Spouse Lucy Ralston, Occ Ice Business bd Brooke Cemetery died Wellsburg,

Father Stembel- (Samuel**) Ralston mother Catherine Mendle b. WV.

Lucy Ralston d. Mar 8, 1918 8:50 at 79 yrs 8 m 10 days, born Jan 12, 1858 Wheeling

* Dr. Walkinshaw…

Brooke County WV Cemetery; Wellsburg WV. All on 1 page, dates are 1900’s….

Lot owner, lot #, dates of burial in lot;

Mrs. Catherine Ralston lot 11 Sec D. =? 20/20/06 Kirk Williams 18 mos)

11/2/-- child 2 days old.

4/2/22 George Ralston

6/15/27 Mrs. Geo Ralston

11/23/32 W. H. Ralston

Elmer L. Ralston, E ½ Lot 109, Sec H. =4/17/14 Geo L. Ralston

5/5/43 Elmer L. Ralston

1/ /62 Mrs. Elmer L. Ralston

John W ½ Lot 15, Sec D. 3/30/14 = Keziah Ralston

9/4/27 Mary Ellen Ralston

Joseph Ralston & Rachel McHenry Lot 68, Sec B =

4/6/06 Child of James E. Hall

1/9/13 Joseph Ralston

3/23/ 18 Mrs. Jos Ralston

Lewis Ralston SE ¼ Lot 17, Sec A.= 1/24/34 Mary Etta Ralston, 6/29/38 Lewis Ralston

Mrs. Mary Ralston NW ¼ Lot 105, -1/2 Sec A. = 4/10/48 Lawrence Ralston

1/3/66 Mrs. Lawrence Ralston

Article in Bill Ralston”s files, with a photo of the group.

A Grand Reunion- going home for the 62nd anniversary of mother’s birthday. Mr. & Mrs. James Ralston on July 27, 1895- 13 children 3 were taken home in childhood, the others with the exception of 2 have homes of their own;

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allison & 12 children of Florence PA

Mr. & Mrs. Geo W. Plance & 10 children of Bavington PA

Mr. & Mrs. Geo B. Plance & daughter of Florence,

Mr. & Mrs. Chas Truaz & 7 children of Hollidays Cove WV.

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ralston & 4 children of Fairview WV

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Anderson of Near Pleasant Valley WV,

Mr. & Mrs. James Cameron & son of Fairview WV.

Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Yolton of Frankfort Springs Pa &

Frank & Dallas at home.

Recd a pair of beautiful picture frames presented by Mrs. Jerry Ralston & daughter Mary

John Ralston & Alice Brice? . John b. abt 1859 Hanco*ck Co WV Kids

Sarah M. b. 1879 / also listed as Olive by Darlene? m. Benjamin Hissey

Elmer E. 9-18-1881 in Hanco*ck Co m. Catherine Elaine Lewis 2-5-1906 d. 2-7-1965 Carroll co OH Carrollton, Howard 2-14-1889 WV m Lena Bose 1910 d. 3-14-1969 Steubenville,

Wesley Edward 2-23-1903 m Mary A. Graham d. 7-14-1967

Darlene- , Ralston’s in Carroll Co Stark Co Oh on one note says all kids born in Steubenville OH another note says all kids born in WV except Wesley in OH in 1903.

Three Springs Cemetery records James Ralston 1828-1905-77 yrs Sarah w/f Jas 1833- _ married abt 1851

~~ 1900 census 79-82 Hanco*ck Co WV,

James Ralston b. Jan 1828 72 yrs old married 49 yrs PA, WV, PA

Sarah July 1833 WV WV IR married 49 yrs 13 kids 11 living, James F. Aug 1875 24 yrs old.

If married 49 yrs in 1900 they would have been married abt 1851??kd – is this Frank? No son named James listed in other census or obits?

~~1880 census Hanco*ck Co James Ralston, 52 farmer PA WV PA,

& Sarah 47 wife WV WV IR,

Julia 20 WV PA WV (1860), John 19, (1861) Viola 15, (1865) Stella 13 (1867)

Maggie 10, (1870), Frank 7 (1873) Dallas 5 (1875)

~1870 census= James Ralston 42, a Shoemaker b. PA

Sarah 37, Martha E. 16, (1854) Amanda 14, (1856) Henrietta 12, (1858) Julia 10, (1860)

John 8, (1862), Viola 6, 1864) Stella 4 (1866) Margaret 1 (1869)

~1860 James would have been abt 32 yrs old-

~1850 census = he would have been abt 22 yrs old?

p. 336 #651 Joseph 59 farmer Va, Mary, Mary A., Sarah no dates on these 3 females? Margaret 22,

James 22 b. VA a shoemaker, Obetta 25 idotic…?

Could Margaret & James have been twins? born abt 1828?

Could this be the same James who was a shoemaker in the 1870 census??

In 1840 he would have been 12, & in 1830 he would be abt 2.

1924 Steubenville Directory p. 303 Shoebrook John {Rowena} res 145 S. 8th

1926 Steubenville directory p. 434 Rutherford John T. {Anna C.} potter h 145 S. 5th

1926 “ p. 419, Steubenville, OH =Ralston’s

Cora E. Chiropractor, office 238 N. 5th hours 1-6 pm Phone 280J h 922 Sherman Ave, Phone 1949J

Donald D. student h 2521 Sunset blvd, RD 2

Elmer E. {Catherine} Wks WS Corp h 1612 Market

Elmer M. student h 1612 Market

Howard J. {Lena M.} h 904 N. 8th

Lewis F. wks Wheeling S. Corp h 1612 Market

Mrs. Sarah B. {Wid John C. } h 922 Sherman

W Oakley {Bessie E.} chief engr Steub Ice Co h 2521 Sunset blvd, RD 2

Willard chemist h 922 Sherman ave

Wm H. {Ella C.} wks Steub E L & BVT Co h 229 N 5th

Hanco*ck co Births= William b. Dec 9, 1856 son of Thomas & Agness Ralston of Kings Creek

Other Ralston’s in the area to check on*

Virginia 7-17-1854 parents Samuel Jr. & Hannah Ralso?ton

Independence Cemetery in Washington Co PA

Joseph A. Ralston 1845- 1919 Margaret 1851-194_ ** this is Margaret McConnell –see below.

Son George W. 1878-1969- Mary A. Ralston 4-25-1827- 1- 11-1892

Same lot as a John Smith 6-22-1820 d. 1-4-1895.

1870 census Clays twp, Hanco*ck Co WV=

Joseph Ralston 37, brickhand Va, Margaret 31 Va, James L. 7 WV.

** Joseph Ralston 1845-1914, Margaret McConnell Ralston 1851- 1940

1 son George- never married & 1 daughter Anna 1875-1967 married George McFadden 1867-1910 lived in Brooke Margaret McConnell Ralston Had 2 kids= George & Anna. d/o William McConnell & Martha Culbertson of Advella PA Her father William McConnell b.1818 Wash Co Pa d.30 Sept 1887 Independence PA. was s/o William McConnell b. 1788 Wash Co PA m c 1810 d. ca 1830 Ashland Co OH & Margaret _?_ , s/o George McConnell b.ca 1759 d.21 July 1818 Wash Co PA & wife Phebe Gill. S/o Arthur McConnell…..

**info from =Joan McConnell, 1314 Roach, Salina Kansas 67401. [emailprotected]


Obituaries from newspapers clippings in the files of Bill Ralston

**Joseph A. Ralston b. abt 1832 WV father WV mother in MD, d. May 10, 1906 age 74 Crooksville,

Buried at the Three Springs cemetery in Weirton, Hanco*ck Co WV, obit Brilliant/.

Married Minerva Smith 1851- 1902 at 51 yrs, = obit from Bill Ralston found in newspaper clippings=

Joseph A. Ralston falls dead from his chair in Restaurant. Death Summons Joseph A. Ralston while at friendly game of cards, Zanesville, May 13th While engaged in a friendly game of cards in Brights restaurant in Crooksville, Joseph A. Ralston aged 74 yrs* suddenly fell to his floor exhausted. His companion immediately picked him up & summoned medical aid but it was found that death had occurred instantly. The coroner was called and after a careful examination decided that time has acquired the friendship of all he came in contact with. Two sons Charles Ralston of Crooksville & William Ralston of East Liverpool, survive him. His wife having preceded him to the grave some years ago. The funeral will be held from the residence Monday morning at 7:30 o’clock.

Joseph Ralston a former well known resident of Brilliant OH, died at Crooksville OH on Thur May 10th. He was born in this country 70 years ago & married Minerva Smith. Funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at Three Springs cemetery near the cove. No date on the newspaper clipping,

Three springs cem list Joseph A. Ralston d. 1906 at 51 Minerva d. 1902 at 51

1880 census Brooke Co VA #25, Joseph Ralston 47, Minerva 28, Manola ? 3, Hinds, Harriet 29

Son William James b. Mar 18, 1882 in Brilliant, Jefferson Co OH,

Family lines of Jack Ralston

34870 Spillway Rd. Cottage Grove OR 97424-1870


Samuel Ralston & Hannah Ayers both of Mt. Pleasant township, Washington Co PA married July 17, 1853 at James F. Browns Hotel in the borough performed by George W. Bice JP.Brooke Co VA.

In census 1880 Hanco*ck co WV__Samuel Ralston 54 (1826) b PA & Hannah (Ayers) 50 –

Andrew 22 (1858), Saml 20 (1860), Mary B. 18, Elizabeth 14, George 12, Amanda 9

In 1850 census Brooke Co VA p. 320, Benjamin Ralston 16 River man b. in VA


Sept 10, 1859 Benjamin Ralston 25 s/o Andrew & Sarah Ralston of Hanco*ck co VA, (b.abt 1834?)

Married to Susan Garasin 20 d/o Joseph & Catherine Garasin of Maryland

Timothy H. Ralston & Jane Morehead married 11-29-1846 Carroll Co OH…. Vol 1, Carroll Co OH early Marriages 1833-1849.

. James Ralston & Mary Snodgrass married 23 Jan 1812 Ohio Co VA by Jas. Hughes

1810 census Ohio Co VA James Ralston, who m Mary ?

James will 5-6-1815 Ohio Co VA= Dev. Mary & Ebenezer Ralston.

?James in Wellsburg VA 1820 census;

1850 census Ohio Co VA #662/691= John Snodgrass 67 & Rebecca & family

& Mary Ralston 95 PA (= b. abt. 1755**) Lavinder Yates 23

__Pleasant Co WV County Deaths 1865-1882 =2-29-1868 Rolston, Agnes 42 b. Ireland w/o G.W. Rolston

- Andrew Ralston AB 1782-6 Greenbrier Co WV will book 1 up to 1833,

Andrew INV 8-26-1782, App 9-22-1782


Monroe Co WV. James Ralston, will 6-1849, dev Mary Wife James & Mathew sons,

Mathew LS 11-1840,

Mathew will 10-1840 Dev. Jas W. Mathew, nephews Melindy Walker, Ann P. Margaret, Mary J. nieces.

Mathew Set 6-16-1845

1930 May 1, 1930, The Free Press Standards, Carroll Co OH, -Joseph Morehead.-Mrs. Eva Hackney was called to Pittsburgh, PA Monday following the death of her brother Joseph Morehead, A retired engineer of the PA railroad.

~~~~~~~~Will index of Washington Co PA = Ralston's (*=copies I have) in date order;

Index 1781-1900, name, date on index, will book #, page, #, township, date on will, names listed;

John =1816 ~3- 115- = of Canton twp, wife Mary, James, Samuel, William, John, Robert, Alexander & Adam. Dau Sally Gorly?? & 2 sons in laws_____________________

Ralph =1824~4-94- = Nov 1824, of Donegal twp, wife Martha sons George, John, James.

Samuel =1824~ 4-38- =

? Samuel P. 7 WB 34, 28 Sept 1812- probate 18 Feb 1824 Exec, Mathew Morrow farmer of Wash. PA,

Wm Ralston Blacksmith of Pitts PA. Wit Joseph Porter, & John McBlu of Pitts PA. Benf brothers James, Wm, Robt, Adam, Alex & another brother living but not named? Sisters Sally, Elizabeth & Jane. Peggy McPherson to get bed that came with Mary. Codicil dated Sept 28, 1812, Wit Alex McCauth, James Ralston Jr.

Joseph =1825~ 4-129 – of Wash co Pa, listed wife Eleanor, 3 sons, William, eldest daus Rebecca McGoghlin, Ann Ililes, Lizze, Jane & younger sons Paul & Joseph. Brother in law John REED.

Wit ? _________Buried at the Lower Buffalo cemetery which is in Brooke co VA*.

Mary =1825~ 4- 169- =Canton Twp, dated 16 Feb 1824- probate 21 May 1825- exec Betsy

Ralston Wit Hugh Allison, Thomas McKee husband decd) John Ralston Benf son decd Sam’l Ralston dau Betsy.

John =1828~ 4-374- = of Buffalo twp, Oct 16 1828- James, John & Joseph all sons of his bro James Ralston & Esther Queary, equal shares 2 lots in Caldwell town to William & John Ralston. James sons Sr? appoints John McMillian Esq & James Ralston jr. exec. Wit Robert Wilson & Alexander REED.

Eleanor =1829~ 4-468- = 21 Sept 1829 –Nov 11 1829- all the property that fell in to my hands since the death & appraisem*nt of my husband Joseph Ralston, wit William Irwin & Thomas George. Tisly, Anny, Jean, Rebecka, William, Paul, Joseph, my brother John Reed. ½ of crop in barn & ½ of crop now in the ground. Witness;___________

*Archibald = 1831~ 4-576 =of Hanover twp, 25 Mar 1831 3 sons William, John & Nathaniel,

4 dau Mary Ferguson, Jean Kern, (Kerr?) Betsy Rob? /Robb? Sally, Mary Canton.

Josiah =1833~ 5-70- = a James?? 2 Jan 1833 of Claysville, wife Susanna, bro

George & bro in law John McMillan. Witness_________________

George =1842~ 6-135- of Donegal twp, 1842 Isabella & oldest son Ralph, parents Ralph & Martha Wit, Charles McRoberts & John McMillin.

Joseph =1846~ 6-416- * of Buffalo twp, wife Esther Jane, 2 kids William Wilson & Mary Elizabeth, guardianship of his 2 children to father-in-law John Wilson of Perry Co OH. Witness___

Samuel =1851~ 7-190- = - have this info somewhere** need to check for it? kd..

*James = 1856`~ Vol. 7 p. 534 = ? THESE 5 listed in another index listing sent email to me?

*John = 1864 ~Vol. 8 p 514 = I don’t have copies or abstracts of these?? Ask dale for abstracts?

*Mary = 1857 ~ Vol. 7 p 610 =

*William = 1850 ~ Vol. 7 p 101 =

*William F. 1896 ~ Vol 15, p 470 =

Matilda =1859~ 8-116- =of Fallowfield twp, niece Martha L. Ralston, Martha?? Conley, Martha R. Kiddo, sister- in law Jane Rebecca Ralston, nephew Samuel Ralston vol of Henry commentary, nephew Harvey Ralston, niece Margaret T. a silver teaspoon, nephew William H. Ralston, bro William F. Stock in Mohogongala (sp?), sister Sarah William, Margaret Kiddo decd sister Mary McVay & Eliza R ?Patton. ? Pattern? * (Rev. Samuel’s Ralston’s line* kd)

Elizabeth = 1863~ 8-457- =

Ralph =1890~ 13-234-=

William = 1893~ 14- 194- = of W. Middletown Wash Co PA died 6 Mar 1893 will Bk 19 p 194-195 6 Sept 1883- Mar 31 1893, wife Jennie E. Ralston exec, Wit Jas Patterson & Jno A. Snodgrass.

Rebekah H. =1896~15- 467 will book B p 467 Ralston Williams, DR. Hamilton, WH Alexander

William F. 15- 470- 1896= late of Fallowfield Twp died 25 day of Nov 1896, of Mingo cemetery, leaves 2 kids James H.Ralston & Margaret L. Ralston remainder of property livestock farm implements & *wheeled vehicles & 30 acres farm near John Hamilton, Joseph Gamble, Jefferson Dickey & others. Mentions 4 children, Samuel F. Ralston, James H. Ralston & Margaret L. & William H. (Rev. Samuel’s line.)

~Washington Co PA early marriage index= Western Pa gen Soc published;

Ralston male- & bride = sources can be found in-

Ralston & Margaret Dunlap= keyhole KEXXII 170 & Keyhole KEII 6

?___ & Catharine McAdoo WB6-63= Abstracts of Wash Co will book Vol. 6 p 63

?___ & Mary Ritchey OC-G260 = Abstracts of wash Co Orphans Court Vol. & page

Andrew & Ann Allison OC E-77 = " Orphans court

David & Mary Ritchey EX III-60 Examiner Records Newspaper Vol. 3 1847-1868

David & Mary Ritchey TA 1= History of United Pres Congr of West Middleton PA by Rev Samuel Taggart

James & Martha Mackey OC-F 43 Orphans court abstracts

James & Mary McCall WB 6-110 = Abstracts of Wash Co PA

John & Sarah Boyd EXII 61 = Examiner Records newspaper Vol. II 1836- 1847

John & Margaret White IM 1806-29 = IAMS Genealogy birth, marr & deaths

John & Margaret White PA 1853-78 = Vital Statistics Wash Co Marriages Reco group 26, rolls 149 + 150

Johathan & Elizabeth McNary WB _7 152= Abstracts wills

Robert & Mary Ralston WB 7-31 = Abstracts of Wills

Samuel & Hannah Ayers BC 10= Marriages & Relief of the Poor Geo W. Brice 1840-1856

Samuel & Martha Tucker WB 4-87= Abstracts Vol. 4 p 87

Thomas & Jane Tweed EXII 145= Examiner Records newspaper Vol. II p 145

Thomas & Jane Tweed OC F 104 = Orphans Court Abstracts

Thomas & Mary Yates OB 243 = Wash Observer newspaper 1894 - **

^Amer Rev lineage books Thomas 1812-94 married 1847 Mary Yates 1821-94 dau Jeanette b. 1852

William & Margaret Gilchrist EXII 103= Examiner Records Vol. II p 103

William & Jane Eliz McClure TA-4 = History of United Pres Congregation of West Middleton (1870?)

William & Patzy McCohern IM 180-9 = IAMS Collection

William & Patzy McCohern MB3 Wash Co Marriage Bonds 1803-1827

females= Need to find out who they married???

Elizabeth Rallston p 53, Jane 143, Martha 139, Rebecca 151

Ralston, Agness 117, Amanda Enda 47, Ann 106, Anna M. 20, Betzy 184, Eliza 167, Eliza Ann 65, Elizabeth 167, Janetta M. 23, Jean 111, Margaret 112, 221, 229, Martha 116, Mary 68, 147, 177, Rebekah 141, Sarah 105, 229, Susanna 133.


1780 census PA statewide Index compiler Diane Stimmons Salt lake city. P146 Ralstons; Co, Twp

__blank Phil Whitemarsh

Alexander Cumb Middleton

David BDFD Barree

David Cumb Miliford

David Cumb W.P. ?

James CHST Northampton

James CHST Vincent

James CHST Allen


John CHST WC = West Calm

John CHST Allen

John CHST York

John CHST Fawn

Robert Lancaster Bart

Samuel NHTN AL = Northampton Allen twp

Widow York HB ? = Handover? **Where is this?

Wm CHST: West Calm

1779 Tax list York co PA p. 105, PA Archives 3rd series,

John Ralston Fawn twp 100 acres 2 horses & 3 cattle

Widow Ralston Hamiltonban twp, (now Adams) 169 acres no stock.

1790 PA Census

John Allegheny p. 18 213 *taken from Washington co PA

John Esq. Chester Vincent p. 72 312

Robert Esq. Chester Vincent p. 8 244

David Cumberland p. 77 115

Paul Lancaster Colerain p.129, 654

Jonathan Luzerne p. 149, 224

James Northampton Allen p. 168 223

John Northampton Allen p. 68, 345

William (Grocer S) Philadelpha, p. 225, 144 Chestnut street.

Wm (Gman) Philadelpha p. 242 1-1

Robert Wash co p. 254 522

Saml Wash co p. 25, 11? 4 or 6?/

Wm North Huntington p. 265. 334

David York Chanceford, p 269 614

John York Fawn p. 272 102

1798 Washington Co PA Direct Tax list

Archibald- Hanover, James -Donegal

John -Canton, John -Cecil,

John -Canton, John -Hanover,

Robert -Cecil, Samuel -Nottingham.

? Joseph of Smith???

1800 census index of PA Ralston in Wash Co PA

un 10/10-16/16-26/26-45/of 45 & up/same for females

Archibald 798 20010-10200-00

James 711 22010-22010-00

James 845 01010-50010-00

James 727 10010-20100-00

John 711 00010-20100-00

John 719 12101-00201-00---oldest male is 45 & UP

John 798 10101-00011-00---oldest male is 45 & up

John 727 00010-00010-00

Joseph 711 00010-00010-00**oldest male is age 26-45

Robert Jr. 727 10010-10010-00----oldest male is 26-45

Robert Sr. 727 00001-00001-00---oldest male is 45 & up

Rev .Samuel 834 00010-20100-00

~~~~~~1810 census Washington co PA M252-57

Hopewell twp 52-2 Joseph Ralston 01010-41010 sheet 614 & 615 = who is this??

53-32 “ William Ralston 20010-20010

Canton twp, 18-40 Samuel Ralston 00010-00000

Nottingham twp 73-25 Samuel Ralston 11020-21110 sheet 656 & 657 = believe this is the REV.

Donegall twp 106-5 Ralph Ralston 21001-00001

Buffalo 58—2, James Rolston 00100-00100

58-13 James Rosstan ? 12011-01111

“ 58-15 James Rolston 00010-10010

Hanover 44-19 John Ralston 20001-40010

Hanover 44-20 Archibald Ralston 21001-31010 = buried in Kings Creek cem Beaver co PA.

44-46 & 48 John Tucker jr. & John Tucker SR

Cecil twp, 23b 30 James Ralston 41010110100

Cecil twp 23b 31 Robert Ralston 22010400100

~~~~1820 Census index for Washington Co PA

J. p 150 Buffalo twp, James 150 Buffalo,

John 150 Buffalo

Ralph 147 Donegal, Rev Samuel 183 Nottingham

William 141 Hopewell twp, J. Ralton J. 138 Hopewell ??

William Ralson 222 Hanover John Rolston 222 Hanover

G. Ralsont 194 Cecil

~~~~1830 Census Washington Co PA=

Andrew p 245, in Chartiers twp 2m u 5, 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 30-40, 1f 10-15, 1f 20-30

Archibald p. 340 Hanover twp 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 60-70, 1 f 20-30, 1f 50-60 * Rev VET

Rebecca p. 340, Hanover twp 2m 10-15, 1m 20-30, 1f 15-20, 1 f 20-30, 1 f 60-70

William p. 346, Hanover twp 1m u 5, 2m 5-10, 1m 30-40, 1f u5, 1f 20-30, 1f 30-40

George p. 294, Donegal 3m u 5, 1m 30-40, 1f 10-15, 1 f 15-20, 1 f 50-60

James p 308 Buffalo twp * I only found 2 James listed below will have to check on this one?

James 302, Donegal

James 239 Cecil 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40, 1m 60-70

& the other James? 1m 15-20, 1m 30-40, 1m 60-70, 1 f 20 -30,, 1f 30-40

Samuel 165 Nottingham ? 1m 10-15, 3m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 80-90/ 1f 40-50, 2f 50-60, 1f 80-90,

?Rev Samuels family maybe?? He had his mother Ann Ralston buried there 80 yrs old, no dates...& wife Rachel Ferguson

William 286 Hopewell

William 287 Hopewell

on the film I found Wm p? 2m u 5, 2m 5-10, 2m 20-30, 1m 40-50 1f 5-10, 1f 15-20, 2f 20-30, 1f 50-60

William 1 m u 5, 1m 5-10, 1m 20-30, 1 f 15-20, 1f 20-30.

~~~~~~1840 Washington Co PA index-

Andrew p. 213, Hopewell twp

William p 206 Hopewell

George p 202, Donegal

James p 243 Buffalo

James 160 Cecil

John 160 Cecil

R. p 238 Chartier

John 30 Hanover,

William 30, Hanover

Susannah 193 Claysville

**1850 census of Washington Co Pa.

Cecil twp. 56-56-Thomas Ralston 38, $2500 b. in PA (1812)

Mary A. 29, Andrew 2, William White 14

60-60 John Ralston 45 $4000 farmer , wife Elizabeth 47,

10?-101 John Ralston 49 miller $6000 , wife Rachel 32, June or Jane 10

In Hopewell twp 6 Aug 1850 93-96 Paul Ralston 36, Catharine 29,

Joseph A. 6, one male cant read it 3, William 1/ 12

265- 207- Thomas Ralston 26, Jane 26, William 3, Robert 1, Margaret 50, William 71

154 - Ann Allison no age given, Andrew Ralston 47, Thos A. 23, James T. 21, Nancy E. 17,

Andrew 14, David H. 12, Ann M. 7, William W. 4.

In Hanover 40-40 William 54, Martha 52, Archibald 22, Robert 20, Jane 17, Margaret 14, Martha 11,

41-41 Can't make out first name? Ralston 25, Mary 21, Martha 1,

In North Strabane dated 29 Aug 1850= James Ralston 40, Harness Maker 200 b. PA

wife Mary 34, Sarah 12, James 5, William Wilson 21 studding for Ministry

In West Middlebrook 66- James Ralston 22 b. in PA Chair maker, living in home of Alex Wh??tta?? 30 ... shoemaker b. in Oh his family also listed there.

In Buffalo Twp 17 Sept 1850 156-157 James Hamilton, 70, Martha 45, Eleanor Taylor 35,Caroline 17, Theodore 6, Robert 4, Mary 2 Elizabeth Hamilton 4.

157-158 John Ralston 37, Eliza 27, Nancy J. 6, Eliza ? 13

159 James Ralston 66,(b. abt 1784**)-Nancy(??)58, James 24, Margaret 21, Rachel 16 or 14, James 12

160-168 David Mitchell 33?,Sarah 26.

In Carol twp p. 4544 20 Aug 1850 William Ralston 33 b. in PA,

Rebecca 32, Samuel 11, James H. 6, Martha 3, Margaret 1, Matilda 44,

Samuel Ralston 93 b. in Ireland***PROB the Rev Samuel of Mingo creek..?

Cross Creek Twp p. 925 Hough Ferguson 36, Rebecca 35, William A. 10, James L. 8,Theodore S.? 6, Andrew L 4, Mary ?F. Ralston 14, ?? 32, a m, Eliza 32.

In Peters twp 30 Aug 1850 Samuel Ralston 47, Phoebe 52, John 12, James 9, Phoebe 7,

Moses R. Fuggert 13, Nancy McClain 20,

** This Samuel b. Dec 25, 1801- d. Dec 12 1855 Canonsburg, m Jan 21 1833, Venice PA to Phoebe May

b. Aug 20, 1796 Venice Pa d. Dec 29, 1862 Canonburg, d/o John May b. 1760 & Phoebe Ross b. 1768

**DAR records online ancestory.com free search 2000..

p. 976 Donegal twp. 24 Sept 1850 Washington CO PA 43-43 Isabella Ralston 40 $2500

David 21, James 19 chair maker, Martha 18, George 14, Elizabeth J. 13, John 10, Susannah 7

44-44 neighbors: Martha Craig 62, James " 34, Charles 23/25, Margaret 23.

52-52 Robert Graham 70, Sarah 60, John 32, Robert 30, Mary ?6, Sarah 26, Margaret 17.

53-53 Ralph Realston ?95 or 25, Margaret 25, Elizabeth M. 1?.

p.1010, 4 Oct 1850, 307-307 Catharine McAdoo 64 b. Ireland, Elizabeth 27.

**note- Catharine McAdoo's daughter Catharine married Paul Ralston**

(Paul Ralston listed in Wash co Pa as member of the Conventors church. history of twps.

Paul has sons- Joseph, William & Paul?** what happened to them?

West Finley Twp 18 Oct 1850 Washington Co PA

197- Sarah Smith 63, John 16, Rebecca J. 1 ?, James 12, Analia 10

201-201 William Cochran 35, Cabinet maker, Mary 35, James 16, John 13, Mary E. 10, William 8,

Milton 5, Malita 1

Canton twp Washington Co PA

178- James Logan 56, b. Ireland, Mary 50, PA, Sarah 26, Samuel 22, Hugh 18, John 16, Thomas 14,

Lewis 10, Mary 6, Margaret 3.

179-180 William Logan 24 farmer Elizabeth 29, Samuel 9,

164-165 Sarah Smith 65, Elizabeth 37, Sarah 34, Samuel 22, Mary E. 5

165-166 Simon Wilson & family

166-167 Robert Wilson 64, 8550, Jane 50, Abner 23, Rachel Anderson 40,

167-168 James Wilson 31, Isabella 21, Mary ?2, A_anda 9/12


1860 Washington Co PA census index; (email lookup from [emailprotected] May 1998)

Andrew Ralston Independence p. 164 Elizabeth Cecil twp p 216 John Cecil p 209 Isabella Donegal p 353 James Chartiers p 271 Jane Chartiers p 271 Margaret- LOOK FOR OTHER PAGE 2

~~~1870 census index of Washington Co PA

name, age, birth state, township lived in Est on birth year by age listed…

Martha 72 PA E. Fallowfield, Twp abt 1782

Jeremiah 32 PA, E. Fallowfield twp 1838

James 49 PA, E. Fallowfield twp. 1821

David 42 PA W. Fallowfield twp, 1828

Will 48 PA Fallowfield twp 1822

Seth 17 PA W. Middlesex twp 1853 ** WHO IS THIS??

George 34 PA Donegal twp 1836

Isabella 62 PA Donegal twp 1808

Joseph 54 WV Smith twp, 1816

Joseph 79 WV Hanover twp, 1791 Hannah, Jane 7 & Joseph 5

Nancy 41 OH Buffalo twp 1829

Nancy 78 PA Buffalo twp, 1792

Paul 57 PA Independence Twp 1813

Samuel 44 WV Robinson twp 1826

Thomas 46 PA Hopewell twp, 1824

Wm 23 PA Hopewell twp 1847

John 54 PA Washington Twp. 1816


Index to Wills in Westmoreland Co. PA, 1773-1896 Vol. 1-9 by Bob & Mary Closson

1792 Robert Ralston 1-042 will 90, 17 May 1792, of Hempfield Co of Wash wife Jean,

son Robert, bro William son Jerimiah.

1811 David 1-259

1818 John 1-432 wife Margaret son William, Robert, James 2 dau Peggy & Mary

1819 Allen 1-448

1821 Robert 2- 046 Of Allegheny twp, wife Ann, Margaret & Polly James of Salem exec & John _?

1828 Robert 2-212 of Salem wife Martha dau Jane mentions brother in law John Craig

1840 Mathew 3-010*

1851 William 3-288

1883 John 3-183

1884 Margaret 3-183

George Ralston 5th corporal in Company K 140th PA Vol. in Civil War, captured as prisoner & held till Lee’s surrender d. Aug 28, 1874 buried at Claysville Cemetery of Donegal Twp Washington Co. PA Died from Consumption

Westmoreland Co PA 1800 Census- Ralston, name, page, census data.

David p93. 00100-00010-00

John 1193, 03010-20110-00

Robert 1223, 00101-10100-00

Robert 1193, 010100-30010-00

Armstrong co ; David 203- 00100-00100-00

Mifflin Co. William Ralsto? 515, 30100-20100-00

Philidelphia Co. Robert, 14, 00010-21010-00

Huntington Co. – John 164, 00110-0001-10

Northampton Co. Widow of Jonathan 523, 02101-100301-00

James 523, 00210-30110-00

Lancaster Co. - Paul 170, 20010-10100-00

Paul 523, 11411-01001-00

Bucks Co. -Issaac 295, 21200-10100-10

Chester Co. – Joseph = NEED TO GET THIS DATA_____KD

~~~~~~~~Early wills of Ohio- Ralston Wills;

Andrew 1-1827 JF wb2 p156 cpjfp.28 Andrew & Sophia?

Andrew w 1829 WR wb3p 40 bx15#4 check for this one??

Benjamin E 1818 RS c6643

David E 1821 BU ab1p 309 check for this one?

David E 1824 JF cpjbp 170 check for this one?

David E 1841 MN c1159

Esther E 1833 GU aedap 9

James E 1829 GU aedap 23

Joseph W 1828 BE wb D p 90* have this one* buried at the Crapapple graveyard

McCoy E 1813 GA wb1 & 2 p 266

Robert dd 1824 AD acd 8-10 1824

Robert E 1848 BR C 7790

Robert of Philadelphia PA W 1845 HM wb8 p 158 ca 6100

Robert W 18-5 RS c 7031

Thomas E 1850 AD 1b10p 94 ACD 4-17-1850

William of Washington Co PA E 1849 MW c 48 check on this one?

-------/OO\-----Yoo Hoo- where are you lil ancestor?

John Ralston of Richland co OH, will abstract 1813- 1873,– 6 Aug 1859- 30 March 1865

John Ralston of Franklin twp RW3 p88, Daughter Jane Ralston, Dau Rachel Moore, Cassiah Sheffler, dau Margaret Gable? Gamble??, Christinna Maxim, son George, son Paul, Mary Jane widow of son Joseph Ralston $1.00 to grandsons John & Joseph Ralston- sons of Joseph deceased $500.00 each when of age, an equal share of estate not willed at deceased of testator. Joseph Henry Gable $100.00

~~~1850 census Richland Fanklin twp, p 304-305- #21 21 John Ralston 70 b. PA (ca 1780)

Martha 65 b. PA - Jane 40 b. PA

~1860 census= info would be helpful to see age listed on it **

~~ Zeiters cemetery in Richland Co OH John Ralston d. Mar 7, 1865 (est 1780) 85 yrs 8 mt 3 days husband of Martha Reed –

Their Son Joseph b. abt 1812 in PA d. abt 1859 maybe in Calif- married Mary Moore b. Dec 13, 1838 Mansfield OH & d. 1927 Luther OK,

Her daughter Margareet Ellen married 1st Henry Bathurst in 1858 Sananadoa ?sp?) Iowa

2nd to Zara Coston Clark in Lawrence Douglas Co KS…


*IGI listing on a Hugh Ralston son of Hugh Ralston C 15 Aug 1847 in Northampton, Co PA******

Mount Bethel Presbyterian Church (0535071 – 0430 batch #)- need to follow up & check into this HUGH?


Andrew Ralston a farmer from Fallowfield Township, Washington Co PA & married April 1863 to

Rebecca Buchanan Scott had 2 daughters Nancy A. Ralston born 28 Sept 1867 in Osage City Kansas & Alice May Ralston born 1869. 1.Nancy married Louis Merchant Dagg on 10 June 1886 she d. 26 Dec 1956 in Somerset PA She had 18 grandchildren & 25 great grandchildren. 2.Alice May born 1869 was a milliner, She married 1 Robert McKee, 2nd Michael Yochum, 3 Clarence J. Bebout.

Rebecca married George H. Klinefelter abt 1870 & they had a daughter Eva. Rebecca sold property in Claysville Washington Co PA she had inherited from her farther Joseph Scott = will book 14, p 120

Rebecca’s younger brother Joseph T. Scott was born 3 Jan 1845, died in Barely, Osage Co Kansas on 14 April 1924. *Rebecca d/o Joseph & Elizabeth Cozad Scott, Joseph b. 12 May 1808 d. 1 Jan 1893

info from Marcie Banks in New Wilmington PA July 1998, = [emailprotected]

Nancy Elizabeth Ralston born 1867 m before 1888 to Louis Merchant Dagg in Wash PA d. 1956 there.

Nancy obituary said she was a member of a pioneer Washington Co family. (Karen unsure which side?)

Her parents were Andrew Ralston no dates & Rebecca Scott Ralston Klinefelter b. 1841 d. 1896.

Nancy had 6 children; Homer Ralston Dagg b. 1888 her husbands grandfather, David Scott Dagg b. 1893, Alan Dagg b. 1896, Louis Merchant Dagg jr. b. 1899, John E. Dagg b. 1910, Mildred Dagg Eastman Dunning b. 1901. Karen Dagg 8828 Glen Lane, Tulsa OK 74131= 918-224-6293 email

Burlingame City Cemetery, Burlingame, Osage Co, KS

Andrew Ralston d. 22 Mar 1868, age 31 yrs 6 mo 9 days born at West Middleton, PA (b. est 1837)

Sue H. Ralston d. Jan 1871 IR only

http://www.interment.net/data/us/ks/osage/burl/burlingame_r.htm found online 5/7/01

State OF West Va. In the County Court. Will Book C page 102,

County of Hanco*ck towit; Feb 8th 1922 towit on this 8 day of February 1922 Mary H. Ralston & resident of Hanco*ck County WV presented to the Clerk of the County Court a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Alexander Ralston deceased late of Hanco*ck County WV with a codicil thereto and at this same time came M.E. Ralston one of the subscribing witness to said paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Alexander Ralston deceased. And on his solemn oat says that the signed said paper writing at the request of the testator Alexander Ralston deceased and in his presence I* in the presence of E.F Warwick the other subscribing witness to said paper writing purporting to be the alast will and testament of Alexander Ralston deceased, and that they believed him to be in sound mind and disposing memory to the best of their knowledge and belief and that they heard him declare said paper writing to the best of their knowledge and they heard him declare said paper writing to be his last will and testament and at the same time came Thomas C. Wheeler and ? Geo H. Wilson the two subscribing witnesses to the codicil thereto of the last will and testament of Alexander Ralston deceased and on their solemn oath say that they signed said paper writing with the codicil thereto in the request of the testator Alexander Ralston deceased and in his presence and in the presence of each other and that they heard him declare the said paper writing to be his last will and testament with the codicil thereto , and that they believed him to be in sound mind and disposing memory to the best of their knowledge and belief and it appearing from said paper writing that Mary H. Ralston was named as Executrix therein and that she not be required to furnish bond in her fiduciary capacity, the clerk after hearing all of the testimonies and the matters arising on said application of the paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Alexander Ralston deceased with the codicil thereto doth hereby admit said paper writing to probate and record for the true last will and testament of Alexander Ralston, deceased, with the codicil thereto Robert R. Hobbs, Clerk

Will =In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I Alexander Ralston, Do make and publish this my last will and Testament viz; Item 1st; I will and desire that first of all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid out of my estate, and as soon after my deceased is practicable.

Item 2nd I will and bequeath to each of my three children, Roena, wife of John Shubrooks, Elizabeth Jane, wife of Curtis Cable, and Samuel W. Ralston each the sum of Five dollars.

Item 3rd, I will devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary H. Ralston, all the rest and residue of my estate, of every kind, name and nature, real personal or mixed, wheresoever and whatsoever the same may be including the farm of 141 acres on which we reside situated in Hanco*ck County in the state of West Virginia, all to be hers absolutely.

I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife, Mary H. Ralston as Executrix of this my last will and testament without bond and direct the omission of the taking of any inventory or appraisem*nt of my estate. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of Nov AD 1899. Alexander Ralston seal,

Signed sealed and acknowledged by Alexander Ralston as his last will and testament in our presence by us signed as witnesses in his presence and at his request the day and year last aforesaid. W.F. Warwick ME. Ralston witness.

I Alexander Ralston of New Cumberland WV now being sound and disposing mind memory and understanding do hereby add thin to my last will and testament dated 8th day of Jan 1918 and witnessed by as a codicil thereto for the purpose of ratifying and confirming said will as written and to avoid any disputes which may hereafter arise and for the purpose of revoking and making null and void any other papers purporting to be my last will which may or might appear after my decease. Witness my hand and seal this 8dth day of January 1918 = Testator Alexander Ralston

At the request of Alexander Ralston we have subscribed our names to this codicil to him last will and testament as witness that the same is made in proper form and in accordance with his desire. Thos C. Wheeler & George H. Wilson witnesses.

State of WV county of Hanco*ck two wit- I Robert JR. Robb’s clerk of the county court of the county aforesaid do certify that the forgoing writing is a true copy of the last will and testament o Alexander Ralston deceased, together with the order admitting same to probate and record which was duly admitted to record on this the 8th day of Feb 1922.

Barbara Gow Gardner died at the home of C.C. Caleb in Bellaire at 9:00 Sat evening in the 87th year of age. Death being due to the infirmities of old age. Mrs. Gardner was born in Hanco*ck Co later removed to Steubenville; she lived in this city about 6 years living in Patterson addition to Elm Grove and 3 months prior taken to home of relatives in Bellair. Mrs Gardner was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Dawlston of Harvest Cove her husband having preceded her death about 4 years ago. The following brothers and sisters survive. Mrs. Margaret Smith of Harvest Cove. Mr. Alexander Ralston of Kings Creek, Mr. George Rawlston of Toronto OH & William & Frances Rawlston both of Harvest Cove, one brother {in Law?} James Gow is a resident of this city. No arrangements have been made for the funeral but the remains will be laid at rest near the old homestead at Harvest Cove WV

If born in 1817 from age in 1850 census & 87 yrs old when she died this could be in 1904 obit

Newspaper Obituaries sent to me from Bill Ralston of Pittsburgh, PA- from his files collected over many years- most have no dates on them.

James Ralston our Grandfather-

James Ralston died Dec 25th 1909 at his home near Pleasant Valley Church in Hanco*ck co WV. The deceased was born in Greene Co PA in 1828 but had resided in the neighborhood in which he died for the past 50 years. James Ralston was widely known for his uprightness, integrity and his love for his fellowmen. He was a man who had the respect of all the neighborhood in which he resided. He leaves the following to mourn his loss; His widow & 10 children & 2 sisters Mrs. Thomas Lowey of Burgettstown is a sister. Funeral services where held in Pleasant Valley ME Church of which the deceased was a consistent member. Interment in the Three Springs Cemetery Monday Dec 27th

Mrs. Sarah Ralston (Beloved wife of deceased above)

Mrs. Sarah Ralston died at the home of son in law Mr. George Plance in South Burgettstown on Wed nite, Dec 27 1916 aged 84 yrs she had been in ill health for sometime, Mrs. Ralston was born in Hanco*ck Co WV & lived there in said county all her live until she came to Burgettstown seven years ago. Her husband who was James Ralston died 7 years ago. She was the mother of 11 children, eight of who survive as follows; John B. Ralston of Steubenville Ohio, Dallas Ralston of Cleveland OH, Mrs. George Plance of South Burgettstown, Mrs. Viola Walsmith of New Staitsville OH, Mrs. Julia Truax of Hanco*ck Co WV, Mrs. George Plance of Florence PA, Mrs. John Virtue of Florence PA & Mrs. James Cameron of Fairview, Hanco*ck co WV. 1 sister Mrs. Margaret Craven of Cincinnati OH survives & 2 sisters in law, Mrs. Susan Lowry of Burgettstown, PA & Mrs. James Ayers of Hickory PA. To the friends who mourn the death of their mother you have my sympathy though fortunately for you your mother lived to guide the footsteps of her children, until manhood & womanhood. Years had crowned their intellect with judgment & fixed moral principles. It can truly be said that in the training of her family in the church, in the social circle she always did her duty nobly and was always pleasant & agreeable to all with whom she came in contact. Ripened in years and fully prepared for another state of existence. She passes on how to enjoy the reward of a live well spent on earth. Rest Spirit lives; she is the same good women that we know so well here. Funeral services were held Thursday evening at 7:30 conducted by Rev Hays at the Presbyterian Church. Funeral was held Friday morning. Interment at the Three Springs Cemetery…

John B. Ralston 88, died in his daughters Mrs. Benjamin Hisey of 1434 Belleview Blvd. With whom he made his home. At 9:30 pm Sunday, Death was attributed to a heart attack. Born in West VA Aug 16, 1862 he was the son of the late James & Sarah Ralston. Mr. Ralston was married 66 years ago last Christmas to the former Alice Anne Ralston who survives. Besides his widow & his daughter, he leaves 3 sons Wesley & Howard Ralston of Steubenville & Elmer Ralston of Carrollton. 7 grandchildren & 4 great grandchildren. A sister Mrs. Viola Walsmith of Florence PA & a brother Dallas Ralston of St. Clairsville. OH 3 daughters & 3 sons preceded him in Death. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 pm Wednesday in the Burford Funeral Home, Rev Charles W. Fulton will officiate. Burial will be made in Three Springs Cemetery Weirton.

Jeremiah Ralston one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this county, died at his home in Butler district on Saturday morning Nov 8, at 1 o’clock. Mr. Ralston was a man of the richest integrity, had was strictest and integrity? And was social and kind with all his neighbors and friends, and very hospitable in his own home. He was one of the old landmarks? Are fast passing away and one of those? Hard working farmers, which make a good community. The love and respect in which he was held by the people was shown by the large concourse which attended his funeral which was held on Sunday Nov 12 it being perhaps the largest funeral ever held in Butler district, the interment being made at Three Springs cemetery Deceased was 77 years of age, and has always resided in Hanco*ck col. Jerry Jeremiah Ralston b. 1825- d. 8 Nov 1903 married Jane Brice d/o Ephraim Brice & Frances Kinney..

May 8, 1934/

Mrs. Sarah I. Marquis

Mrs. Sarah I (Ralston) Marquis was born on Kings Creek, Hanco*ck County, and W.VA on November 3, 1820, died in the early morning of December 8, 1904. She had been an invalid for several years. Mrs. Dr. Marquis was the daughter of Robert and Nancy Ralston. She was brought up in the Presbyterian Church, with which she united in early life; was united in marriage to Dr. S. F. Marquis, of Cross Creek in April 1840 who died in California in 1858. Since that time she has lived a widow. Their home for many years was in New Cumberland, W.VA. where she had many dear friends. Later in life she lived in Steubenville Ohio. She went to Kansas in the summer of 1890 and made her home with Mr. And Mrs. George R. Cooper. She placed her letter in the Presbyterian Church of Wamego and attended when she was able. She retained all her mental faculties and could converse on any subject, although a great sufferer during all her long and useful life. She was faithful and as time passed on and life brought to her sorrow as well as joy her faith grew stronger and her hope was bright. She often said she was willing to go and be with her precious Savior as she often expressed herself. She was the last of her generation and mourned the loss of many loved ones. Her seat was vacant and she is greatly missed by many here and elsewhere among friends of earlier days. But even the silence of the tomb cannot extinguish the light of her Christian influence. Just six months and one hour before her death Mr. Cooper was called away one she loved and one who had cared so tenderly for her in her declining years. Death to God’s children is but the beginning of a new life. She died and was buried from the home of Mrs. Cooper, her niece. Funeral services held in the Presbyterian Church and conducted by her pastor, W.H. Course, assisted by Revs Fousman Wood and Louis. She was tenderly laid away in the Wamego cemetery Thus ended a long and beautiful Christian Life. Sleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. ? which none ever wake to weep. E.J.S.C.

First line is hard to read on this obit- here is what I can make out- A ? its opportunities ? aunt ? Marquis which took place last week at the home of her niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Cooper at Wamego Kansas, Mrs. Marquis whose maiden name was Ralston, was a native of Jefferson county and for a number of years made her home with Mr. Freshwater. About fifteen years ago she removed to Kansas where she remained until her death. Her husband died many years ago. No children survive her own family. She was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church of this place and a highly respected woman. Rev. R. M. Freshwater of Cleveland is a nephew. She was buried on Saturday.

Mrs. Josephine Cable- Mrs. Josephine Cable widow of the late Thomas Cable of Oakland and one of the oldest and most highly respected resident of the county died on Thursday last after several weeks illness with grip aged 76 years. The deceased was a devoted member of the Presbyterian church. Three children survive: Clinton, Charles and Mrs. Rev. Harsha of Pittsburg. The funeral services were held at her late home on Saturday at 10 o’clock. Interment in the Three Springs Cemetery.

Mrs. Julia Truax Dies at home in Weirton

Mrs. Julius Truax 74 of Weirton Heights Weirton, died at her home at 5:30 am Monday following several months illness. She is survived by her husband, Charles Truax and the following children. George Truax, James Truax, Albert Truax, Lillian Truax, Bert Truax, Jess Truax, Walter and Lewis Truax. She was born in New Cumberland and had spent her entire life in Hanco*ck County, W. VA. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday at the home, with Rev. G. M. Conners, pastor of the First M.E. Church and Rev. W.F. Grafton of the Free Methodist church in charge. Interment in the Paris cemetery.

Mrs. Jennie Lyons dies at Weirton Home. ~

Weirton, May 8 _ Mrs. Jennie Lyons 78 died Monday at the home of her daughter Frances Ralston, Main street, following an illness of complications. She was a native resident of Kings Creek district, Hanco*ck County. She is survived by her husband Samuel Lyons, daughter Mrs. Francis Ralston sons Frank of Weirton Heights and Crawford of Charleston, brother Joseph Ralston of Hanco*ck County and sister Mrs. William Walters of Burgettstown, PA. Five grandchildren also survive her. Funeral services will be held at 2p.m. Wednesday at the Ralston home with Rev. G. M Conner, pastor of the Cove Weir Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Interment in the Chestnut Ridge cemetery.

Following a week of illness of pneumonia, Samuel S. Lyons, 81 of the late Virginia Ralston Lyons died Saturday morning at 5:20? Oat his home near the Pleasant Valley Church, Hanco*ck County. He was born on Dec 22, 1854 in Washington county PA. He was a man of find character and was held in esteem by all who held his acquaintance. His death will be regretted by a host of friends. Surviving are three children Crawford Lyons of Charleston WV. Mrs. Francis Ralston Holidays Cove & Frank Lyons who resided with his father; five grandchildren, two sisters Mrs. Ioha? Treed of Steubenville, and Miss Lily Lyons of Pittsburgh, and one brother Robert Lyons Weirton. WV. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1:30 at the home of his daughter Mrs. Fancies Ralston? 650 Main Street Holidays Cove. Services will be in charge of the Rev King, pastor of the Pleasant Valley M.E. Church of which he was attendant, Interment will be held in Chestnut Ridge cemetery.

*Samuel S. Lyons b. 28 Dec 1854, d. 1936 married Nancy Virginia Ralston d/o George Ralston & Martha Jane Morehead Ralston Bill Ralston’s 3rd Great Uncle)

Mrs. Margaret Sanders who fell and broke her limb while coming downstairs the day before Thanksgiving died on Saturday morning? at 77 years. She ha d suffered greatly since her accident and death comes as a relief. Mrs. Sanders is ? and faithful worker in the Presbyterian church of which she had been a member for many years. She leaves one brother Hon. John Cunningham of East Liverpool and one son John and a daughter Mrs. Ade?? ? The funeral services were held at her late residence on Sunday afternoon. Rev Richeison officiating and interment took place Monday at Three Springs Cemetery.

No dates on obit.

May 6, 1944 Mrs. Lucy Work dies at Hospital Friday

Mrs. Lucy Ralston Work of Paris PA died at Ohio Valley hospital Friday at 7; 45 pm She suffered a cerebral hemorrhage Tuesday evening when she was removed to the hospital. She never regained consciousness. She was born March 31 1860 at Red Mill in Hanco*ck county WV where her father operated the mill. Her parents were Thomas H. and Rebecca Graham Ralston members of early and influential families of that section and both deceased. Her husband James D. Work died ten years ago, Surviving are two sons Fred at Pittsburgh, Charles at Home. One son James Clifford is deceased. Surviving also are a sister Miss Jennie Ralston of Paris, Three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was a member of the Cove Presbyterian Church the Woman’s Bible class and missionary and was a regular attending on the means of grace. She was held in high esteem in the community where she lived and her death will be a matter of regret to friends.

OHIO TUESDAY OCTOBER- James Clifford Work died at his home 36233 Tallman avenue Holidays Cove, on Monday at 11 pm He had been in failing health for sixteen months and seriously ill one day. He was 47 years of age September 6, and was born at Florence, PA, a son of the late James Work. His mother, Mrs. Lucy Ralston Work survives and lives at Paris, PA. He was married October 22 1919 to Janet Denny of Rae. PA and they have resided at the Cove ever since. His widow and two daughters survive Erma, employed at the general offices of the Weirton Steel company and Mildred a Weir high student also two brothers, Fred at Pittsburgh and Charles at the Cove. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was employed in the electric Department at Weirton Steel Company. He was a veteran of the World war, serving overseas thirteen months, and he was gassed in the Argonne battle, He was a citizen of integrity who was respected by his fellow ma(n).

Mrs. Clifford Smith

Mrs. Margaret Smith, wife of Clifford Smith of East Liverpool died in the hospital in that city today at 3:30 am. She had been in failing health for eight months and seriously ill since Saturday. She was born in Steubenville, and would have been 23 years of age July 31, 1942. Her father Frank Smith is deceased. Her mother Mrs. Jessie Dray Smith, survives and lives in Steubenville. She was married to Mr. Smith five years ago and her husband survives with a daughter Nancy Priscilla, and these brothers and sisters; Emmett and Helen Smith of Steubenville; James at Little Rock Ark. Frank in US Navy at Corpus Christi Tex; Merle, James and John at home in Steubenville.

Lifelong Hanco*ck Resident Dies at 93 (Aug 30, 1960)

Miss Honor A Ralston 93, a lifelong resident of Hanco*ck County died Tuesday at 5:45, at the Fox Nursing home in Chester. Born July 11, 1867 on the Ralston farm, near the Pleasant Heights Country Club, Weirton, she was the daughter of the late William Ralston and Elizabeth Owings Ralston. She was one of the oldest members of the county. She was a member of the Cove Christian Church in Weirton. She leaves a niece, Mrs. Patrick Bradley of Weirton and four nephews. Services will be held Friday at 1 pm at the Turley Funeral Home in New Cumberland by the Rev. James Bailey of the Oakland United Presbyterian Church near Weirton. Burial will be in Chapel Hills Memorial Garden Cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral home after 7 tonight.

Mrs. John C. Ralston

Mrs. Mary C. Ralston 68 wife of John C. Ralston and resident of 1508 Clark avenue, Wellsville, died Tuesday afternoon in the East Liverpool City Hospital where she had been a patient since last Wednesday. Mrs. Ralston born in Decatur Indiana resided in Wellsville 43 years. She was a member of the First Christian Church and the Loyal Women’s Bible class, also the Daughters of America. Besides her husband, she is survived by an adopted daughter, Mrs. Charles W. Patterson of Wellsville, stepmother, Mrs. Ida Lauser, Pasadena, Calif, one sister, Mrs. Sophia Edgerly of Steubenville O, four half sisters Mrs. Mable Wilson Toronto; Mrs. George Grunet, Piqua; Mrs. Minnie Callender Pasadena Calif; Miss Sarah Lauser Pasadena; one half brother, Ed Lauser, McDonald Oho. Funeral services will be conducted at the Home Friday afternoon at 2 pm Rev. Roy L. Bolon pastor of the First Christian Church officiating. Interment will be made in Spring Hill cemetery.

Obit of John Ralston Passes away = found in Rezin Ralston’s papers & stuff by Bill Ralston of PA. = John C. Ralston one of the best known citizens of Wilkinsburg, died suddenly at his home, Nov at 616 Ross Avenue, of neuralgia of the heart at 11 o'clock Tuesday. He was 65 years old and for many years conducted a drug business in Wilkinsburg, but retired a few years ago. He seemed to be in good health and his death was very sudden. Mr. Ralston was born in Claysville, Washington Co PA. He was a citizen of Burgettstown for a number of years being engaged in the drug business on Railroad street, but moved to Wilkinsburg 21 years ago, where he resided up to the hour of his death. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Josephine M. Ralston, two sons & one daughter. They are Attorney William E. Ralston of Pittsburgh; J.C. Jr. Student at Washington & Jefferson college and Mrs. Bertha M. McClure of Long Beach Cal. He was a member of Orient Lodge, F& A.M of Wilkinsonburg, Bessemer Tent K.O.T.M of the same place & Major Lyon Post No 548, GAR He was also a member of the Wilkinsburg Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ralston was a member of a family of warriors and had an enviable war record. His father was Captain George Ralston, who served in the Mexican War. At the opening of the Civil war he enlisted in the famous old one Hundredth Penn Volunteers better known as the Roundheads; He served his term of enlistment, three years and immediately re-enlisted serving until the end of the war. He was wounded twice at Spottsylvania and at Welden railroad. His son William E. Ralston was a member of Company H. Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served in the Spanish -American War.

James S. Stephenson, of Weir Heights Dies.

James Stewart Stephenson 63 of 729 William Penn highway Weirton Heights died suddenly at 8:40 pm Saturday. He had served as first mayor of Weirton Heights. He was employed as a carpenter at the Weirton Steel company. Surviving are his widow Mrs. Sarah Stephenson one son Harry at home: a sister Mrs. Merle Ferguson of Paris Pa. Three brothers, Frank Stephenson of Paris PA, Clark Stephenson of Chicago and Fred Stephenson of Steubenville and two grand children. Funeral services will be held at the late residence at 2 pm Thursday. Rev. I.J. Howland pastor of the New Cumberland Methodist church, will officiate Burial will be in Three Springs cemetery. Friends may call at the late residence.

Mrs. Anna Kate Campbell 75 died at the home of her son J. Clark Campbell, 3115 West Street Weirton at 10: 45 pm Wednesday, She had been ill for the last two weeks of pneumonia. Born May 28, 1866 in Pleasant Valley Hanco*ck County she was the daughter of Thomas F. And Rebecca Graham Ralston pioneer local residents. Mrs. Campbell spent her entire life in this vicinity. Her husband Fred preceded her in death eight years ago. She was a member of the Florence PA U.P. Church. Besides her son J. Clark, she leaves two sisters, Miss Jessie Ralston & Mrs. James Work both of Weirton; Six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 pm at the Campbell residence, 3115 West Street with Rev. R.L. Biddie of the Florence PA U.P. Church and Rev. K. Logan Barnes, pastor of the Cove Presbyterian church officiating Interment will be in the Three Springs cemetery Weirton Heights. The body will be removed to the residence at 4 pm.

Charles Chuck Ross Ralston, 81 of Fenton Mo formerly of Wellsburg died Thursday Jane 28 1999 in St Anthony Medical Cemetery St. Louis Mo. He was a retired employee of Banner Fiberboard Wellsburg a former employee of Erkin Glass Wellsburg and a member of Wellsburg Christian Church. He was preceded in death by his parents - Lawrence and Mary Ross Ralston. Surviving are his wife Vera Waugh Ralston, a son Charles L. of Wellsburg; a daughter Mrs. Paul Marion Hoffman of Fenton Mo. with whom he resided a sister Marion Johnson of Brilliant five grandchildren; three great grandchildren. There will be no visitation. Services and interment will be held at the convenience of the family. Memorial contributions may be made to the Brooke county Easter Seal Society. Box 215 Wellsburg, WV 26070 Arrangement by Reasner Funeral Home 1515 Charles St Wellsburg.

Mrs. Catherine Ralston 60 wife of Elmer E. Ralston RD1 Carrollton died at the Aultman hospital, Canton, Tuesday at 1:35 am She had been in ill health the last 10 months. She was born June 2, 1884, in Birmingham England and resided for 23 years in Steubenville and the lst 16 years near Carrollton. She was a member of the Methodist church and Pythian Sisters lodge of Steubenville. She was married February 15 1906 to Mr. Ralston of Steubenville who survives with two son, Staff Sgt Lewis F. Ralston somewhere in the South Pacific and Elmer Ralston at Home; a daughter, Mrs Dorothy Slagle, Canton O and three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Malloy and Mrs. Lean Marlock, McKeesport PA and Mrs. Sadie L. Ditter, South Heights PA also four grandchildren and seven nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1 pm Friday EST at the Allmon Funeral home in Carrollton in charge of Rev. M. Ray Smith with burials in Union cemetery.

Announcement is made of the October twelfth marriage of Erma D. Work to Private Charles Kenneth May; USMC son of Mr. & Mrs. John D. May. PA avenue. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Clifford Work, Tallman Avenue Holidays Cove and the late Mr. Work.

The single ring ceremony was performed in the Presbyterian manse at Rockville Maryland. The Rev Henry K. Pasma officiated. …goes on to tell what she wore.

Paul Ralston New York, Paul Lewis Ralston 57 of Sarasota Fla formerly of Wellsburg, died Monday February 28, 2000 in New York University Cornell Medical Center, NY. He was head of the Sarasota Florida Chamber of Commerce, a Protestant and an Army Air Corps veteran of Peacetime. He was preceded in death by his father Gale C. Ralston his step father Ross Tennant. Surviving are his mother Marge Mains Ralston Tennant of Wellsburg, two daughters, Kimberly Miller and her husband David of Kennelton NY and Pamela G. Ralston of Seattle Wash. A sister Galene Liming and her husband Richard of Follansbee, two stepbrothers Ross Tennant & his wife Dorie, And Steven Tennant & his wife Joyce, both of Wellsburg, a step sister Pamela Tennant of Las Vegas NV; a grandchild; several nieces and nephews several great nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Brooke Hanco*ck County P.O. Box 671, Follansbee, WV 26037 Arrangements by Reasner Funeral Home, Wellsburg. Brooke Review Mar 16 2000

Kim Ralston Miller, 53 Ricker Road, Kinnelon NJ 07405 phone 973-492-9461

Email= ?


Mary, daughter of William and Sarah Morehead, was born at Holliday Cove, W VA. March 8, 1831. She was married to Rev. J. A Crayton November 1, 1849. To this union eight children were born, two of whom died in infancy, and one daughter Mrs. Lillian Carr, was called home in 1893. Now living three daughters, and two sons, Mrs. Emma Ingails of Westerville, Mrs. Ella Loveless, of Columbus. Mrs. Lizzie Carr of Ostrander, the two sons Albert and Edward, both of Columbus. All of whom are here present except Edward, who is in Florida because of ill health. The Craytons moved to Westerville in 1870. The husband and father Rev. J. A. Crayton for over 50 years a minister in the United Brethren church was called to his reward in the year 1904. He was a good man, faithful and sacrificing in those early days in seeking to build the Kingdom of God. Success was gainted him in the efforts made and through his ministry many were added to the Church. It was the writer’s privilege to know him as a man of God, ready at all times to do the bidding of his lord. He was a very close and warm friend of the now sainted J.B. Ressler, Bishop J.S. Mills, and other men of God. Mother Crayton was converted while still in her teens and united with the church. For fifty –three years her home was here among us and as long as health ?? was a faithful attendant at ? ege. (The First line at the top of the column is cut off & hard to read here.) The children w?? much to the home in which they were reared to manhood and woman hood. Much of what they are today as citizens and members of the Church must be attributed to the advantage and training in a Christian community and home. For many years mother Crayton lived alone in her home on East College avenue until six years ago when the children because of their love for her feared longer to leave her alone and she was taken to the home of her daughter Mrs. Ella Loveless at 129 Chittenden avenue, Columbus where for the past six years she has had the tender sympathy and ministry of children who loved her. During these years of residence in Columbus she has not been able to walk. Every consideration possible has been given to make her comfortable. She passed to her reward on last Friday evening. November ninth at eleven pm at the ripe old age of 92 years 8 months and 1 day.

The long earthly life has ended. She fought the fight kept the Faith and now test from labor. To you her children is given the fragrance of her memory. May you each have the blessings of mother’s Lord and Master until you too shall he called home. While we’re sitting here in sadness, For the loved one gone away, She is reaping only gladness. In the land of endless day. Sure when her gentle spirit fled To realms beyond the azure dome With Arms outstretched the angel said, Welcome to heaven home sweet home.

Ralston, Willis W. “Bill” 94 of Weirton, died Monday, Dec 8, 1997 in Weirton Medical Center. He was a retired mechanic and dairy farmer, and a member of the Oakland Presbyterian Church, Weirton. His Wife Frances Sutton Ralston died Wed Dec 10, 1997. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Mary Jane Ralston: three brothers, Tom, Les and Kenneth Ralston. Surviving are a son and daughter in law, Richard and Catherine Ralston of Moon Township PA; a brother, Fred Ralston of Fairmont W. VA; a sister Betty Bradley of Weirton; Three grandchildren, Julie Ralston and Edward Allen Ralston, both of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. George (Trisha) Miller of Erie, PA; a great granddaughter. Friends received 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Monday at Steel and Wolfe Funeral Home, 380 Penco Road, Weirton, Where services will be held at 10:30 am Tuesday. Interment in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Weirton. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oakland Presbyterian Church, in care of James Arnold, Treasurer, Route No 1 Box 171 B. Weirton, WBA 26062.

Ralston, Frances S. 91 of Weirton, died Wednesday Dec 10, 1997, in Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh. She was a member of the Oakland Presbyterian Church Weirton. Her husband Willis W. “Bill” died Monday Dec 8 1997. She was preceded in death by her parents, Henry Lewis and Fannie Myers Sutton; three brother, Frank, Kenneth and Atwell Sutton; two sisters, Mary Sutton and Gladys Jones. Surviving are a son and daughter in law, Richard and Catherine Ralston of Moon Township PA; three grandchildren, Julie Ralston and Edward Allen Ralston both of Pittsburgh, and Mrs. George (Trisha) Miller of Erie, PA; A great granddaughter. Friends received 2-4 and 7-9 pm Monday at Steel & Wolfe Funeral Home, 380 Penco Road, Weirton where services will be held at 10:30 am Tuesday. Interment in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Weirton. Memorial contributions may be made to the Oakland Presbyterian Church, in care of James Arnold Treasurer, Route no 1 Box 171B Weirton, W. Va 26062.

Weirton = Frances C. Ralston Weirton- Frances Caroline Ralston 91, died Thursday April 23, 1998 at the Barb Hatch Residential Boarding and Care. She was retired as a cook and kitchen manager at Pleasant Valley Country Club. She was born Nov 27, 1906, in Latrobe PA a daughter of the late William and Mary Margaret Murphy Bridge. She was also preceded in death by three brothers Maurice, Paul and Sylvester Bridge; and two sisters Estella Musick and Esther Reed. She was a member of Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church, Jefferson Grange, Northern Panhandle Pomona Grange, and West Virginia State Grange. She served as pianist at Pleasant Valley United Methodist church for many years, as well as holding various offices at the church. Surviving are her husband C. Chester Ralston, whom she married April 23, 1934, in St Mary’s W.Va.; a daughter Sylvia Resnik of Weirton; a son Charles L. Ralston of Weirton; five grandchildren and five great grand -

children. Calling hours are from 1-3 and 7-9 pm. Sunday at the Steel and Wolfe Funeral Home, 380 Penco Road; and from 10am until services at 11 am until services at 11 am Monday at the Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church, 101 Lisa Court with the Revs Patty Beagle and Betty Shaw officiating Interment will be in Chestnut Ridge Cemetery Florence PA. Memorial contributions may be made to Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 2482 Weirton, and W.Va 26062

Funeral Card of J. Ralston Born September 3, 1849 Died November 24, 1946 Services Wednesday Nov 27 2 pm From James Funeral Home Officiating Rev. O.J. Howearth, Interment Three Springs Cemetery.

J. Ray Ralston 97, Summoned by Death

J. Ray Ralston 97, of 2200 Main Street, Wellsburg, formerly of Hollidays Cove, one of the oldest residents of the West Virginia panhandle district, died at 9:30 pm Sunday in the Wheeling hospital where he had been confined for two weeks. He was born September 3, 1849 in Pennsylvania and had been employed in the tin mill of the Weirton Steel company until his retirement in 1925. He formerly resided in Hollidays Cove, but for many years had resided with his half-sister, Miss Jennie Ralston in Wellsburg. Surviving are his half-sister Miss Ralston, a brother, Wilson M. Ralston of Pataskia O and several nephews and nieces including, Mrs. Lucy Sanders of Follansbee, Clarence and Galen Smith of Wellsburg, and Mrs. N. C. Nicholas, Chicago Ill. A half sister, Mrs. Lucy Smith preceded him in death. Friends may call at the James funeral Home, 1245 Main Street. Follansbee after 7 pm. Today. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday in charge of Rev. O.J. Hawearth. Burial will be in Three Springs cemetery Hollidays Cove.

Sarah Jane Ewing, 79 died at the home of her nephew M. L Ralston, Swearingen hill

Weirton at 9:30 pm Thursday. She suffered a stroke two weeks ago. A native of Hanco*ck county she had lived most of her life in and around Weirton. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Lucy Ralston Weirton Heights; two nephews, M.L. And J.E. Ralston both of Swearingen hill; and two nieces, Mrs. James Stephenson Weirton Heights, and Mrs. Oliver Murray, Chester. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Lorenzo Ralston 56, of Swearingen Hill, Weirton, died this morning at 1:50 at the Presbyterian hospital in Pittsburgh. He was the son of the late Mannie and Dora Ralston. He was born July 25, 1887 and was a life long resident of Hanco*ck county, Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Daisy Cassidy Ralston, a daughter Mrs. N.A. Sutton, a brother Edward Ralston and two grandchildren Elaine and Eugene Sutton, all of Swearingen Hill. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Harold C. “Sam” Ralston 56, of 600 Florida Ave. Chester, died of an apparent heart attack early this morning while at work at the Kopper’s plant in Monaca. He was employed as a foreman at the boiler house and watch engineer. Mr. Ralston was born Oct 24, 1911 in what was then Hollidays Cove, W. VA. Son of the late Frank Ralston and Mary Clary Ralston. He resided in the Chester area for about 24 years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Jack (Gayle) Anderson of Chester, a son Donald A. Ralston of Paris, PA two brothers Leroy Ralston of Charleston W.VA and Joseph Ralston of Las Vegas and two grandchildren. Services will be held Saturday at 2 pm at the Chester Arner Chapel Burial will be in Union Cemetery, New Manchester, Friends may call at the Chapel Friday and Saturday up to the time of service. Harold Cecil Ralston obit. 1968.

Clyde Leonard Len Cameron 61 of Pughtown, a retired employee (SP) of Weirton Steel Co, died this morning at 2:40 at City Hospital after a long illness. A native of Pughtown, Mr. Cameron was born Nov 5, 1904. He resided in Pughtown his lifetime and was a member of the Fairview Presbyterian Church of Pughtown. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Volga Ann Ferguson Cameron at home; three sons Richard Cameron, Leonard Cameron and James Cameron and a daughter Mrs. William Robb, all of Pughtown, and six grandchildren. Services will be held Friday at 2 pm at the Turley Funeral Home in New Cumberland by the Rev. Gerald Dietch, minister of the Pughtown First Christian Church. Burial will be in Union Cemetery, Pughtown. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 pm today.

Clyde Cameron 1966 Evening Review Jan 19, 1966.

Albuquerque Journal January 26, 2004

Bernice M. Ralston, 83, a resident of Bernalillo, Died Saturday, Jan 24, 2004. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ford A. Ralston. She is survived by her sons, Richard A Ralston & wife, Avery and Cecil D. Ralston and wife, Jodi, all of Bernalillo; daughters Barbara Aguilar and husband, Cayetano of Albuquerque, Sandra Houston and husband Sam of Bernalillo and Cindy Gutierrez and husband, Joseph of Rio Rancho; grandchildren, Sherri, Cece, Melissa, Ray, Rick, Ronnie, Wendy, Billie, Sheri, Christy, Aubry, Wesley, Pam, Jan, Gregory, Mark, Scott, Jeff and Robin; 31 great- grandchildren; 4 great-great grandchildren; and brother, William E. Breeze and wife, Jackie of Albuquerque. Services will be held Wednesday, 1:00p.m., at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-Bernalillo Ward, 325 Avenida De Bernalillo, with Bishop Brenton L. Fewoz officiating. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Park, 924 Menaul Blvd. NE. Pallbearers will be her grandsons. Friends may visit French Mortuary, University Blvd. Chapel Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. French Mortuary 1111 University Blvd. NE 843-6333



Mrs. Ruby Ralston, of Slippery Rock PA who wrote a book “Our search for Ralston Ancestor in PA before 1800”. I Interviewed her for a college English paper on my family history by phone with Kim in 1995,& by letter too I sent her some of the info I had on the family & she wrote me back, sending a few copies of some of the pages in her book on the chapter of our Joseph Ralston, she had listed a Joseph as son of our Samuel & Martha & I had found info that disagreed with her findings- this Joseph went to Wood co OH & was from Armstrong co Pa according to a bio on him I found in a Ohio history book, he was the son of Ann Ralston who came to the US in 1803 with her children & was not included in Ruby’s book as she arrived in US after 1800. * ** Ruby believed that our Samuel might be a son of Samuel & Martha- because our Samuel named a daughter Martha- **But at that time- I didn’t know of the Samuel & Elizabeth Parks marriage & that they had a daughter Martha too??

Page 80, Ruby Ralston’s book “Search for our Ralston Ancestors in PA before 1800” Chapter on Joseph Ralston of Kings Creek – PA Third Series Vol 3 under a list of Virginia Entries as page 545 is Joseph Ralston entered April 15, 1783 400 acres Kings Creek. In the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia is found the following record of a warrant Joseph Ralston Sr. Ohio County in the fork of Kings Creek as the head of Lick Run Dec 3, 1795.

Both sons Joseph Ralston jr. & Samuel Ralston served in the Revolutionary War. A Record of Samuel Ralston service is found in the Pa Archives, Third Series Vol XXIII as follows

Ranges on the Frontier 1776-1783 p. 322 Thomas Moore’s Company Sam’l Rawlston

p. 324 Dennis Springers Company Samuel Rawlston

The service of Joseph Ralston is not listed in the PA Archives, but his name appears in H. J. Eckerode’s list of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia. He is not listed among the records of the War Dept of Washington DC but the Virginia Records show that he was in the 15th Virginia, later the 9th Regiment, with Lt. Springer on the line of the Continental Establishment. It also states that he enlisted in December 1775 for the time of the war, and the certification was made from Allegheny County PA, which would indicate his residence in that section of the country. This fact, plus his service being under the same LT. Springer as was his brother Samuel’s, clearly shows that this particular Virginia record concerns the Joseph Ralston of Kings Creek.

The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Feb 5, 1923,

Mrs. D. E. Copp, 900 De Kalb St, Norristown PA .

Dear Madam;

I have your letter of January 10 re the Ralston family. My full name is Joseph Hughes Ralston. I presume there is practically no connection between my immediate family and yours.

I have been a Presbyterian minister for many years. And was to be interested in noticing the name of Dr. Grier Ralston of Norristown. There has been far many years one Presbyterian minister beside myself by the name of Ralston in the Presbyterian Church.

I have never been able to trace my family history very far. The original Joseph Ralston probably came from Scotland or England about 1730. He had two sons, and he settled on Kings Creek (in Virginia) a stream entering into the Oho River near Steubenville O. The two sons, Joseph and Samuel were in the French and Indian War. Joseph, my ancestor was captured and carried a prisoner to Canada, and after his release he came into the section mentioned. Both of these sons had large families. Joseph had a son named Joseph and he had seventeen children, eleven by a first wife and six by a second. My father James was of the first marriage, the mother was a McCready was a godly Scotch woman. She tried to rear her children in the virtue and adesition?? of the Lord in the good, old way, and I believe most of them turned out well. I never saw any of them except my father, and he died when I was very young. He married in 1844 the daughter of a Presbyterian minister. Rev. Joseph Harper, and moved away from Kings Creek region and our family had very little connection with the Ralston’s after that.

I will be greatly pleased to have some clever ser connection with your family, but fear that I cannot establish it. There is little doubt but that the Ralston’s came from a common stock in Scotland, but we must go back quite a number of generations. If you ever get trace of our connection between your Ralston connection and these I have mentioned I would be delighted to have the information. I am now connected with the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and am not a young man. I have out lived an out worked nearly all my college and seminary classmates, but as still active. Very cordially, J.H. Ralston

J.H. Ralston= Rev. Joseph Hughes Ralston, son of James & Angelina Ralston,

Grandson of Joseph & Ann, Gr. Grandson of Joseph & Jean.

Included in Ruby Ralston’s book were some early tax listings in the back & - for Joseph listed;

1737 Jno Ralston -Vincent L ls9d

1747 Joseph - Bethel

1749 Jno - Free Vincent

1749 John - Vincent

1750 Joseph - Bethel

1768 –Joseph

1771 Joseph p. 730 Louden Britian 15 Acres

1774 Joseph p. 42, Loudon Britian 3 Acres, 1 horse 1 cattle.

1790 census Vincent, Chester PA, M637-8,

p 38 line 10 Ralston, Robert Esqr 3 male 16 & up, 2 males under 16, 3 females 16 & up 4 under 16

p 38, line 11 Ralston, John Esqr 2 males 16 & up, 4 males under 16, 4 females 16 & up 0 under 16.

1775 WILL of Joseph Ralston Chichester- yeoman, = I have copy, no family data, wit by;_____________

Chester County PA Wills 1713-1825 ancestry.com search 4-17-01, *more to check on=

Lettice Evans, Vincent Aug 27, 1786. To daughter Martha, wife of Abraham Lewis $20.

To grandau Elizabeth Pain, wife of Wm Gen Pain. 50 acres of my plantation whereon she now lives.

To granddaughter Margaret Fitzsummons $30.

To grandson George Fitzsummons 10 shillings when of age.

To granson Samuel Fitzsummons 10 shillings when of age.

To grandau Lettice Fitzsummons $200. etc when of age.

To my brothers’s daughters Ruth Beagle $10.

To Ruth wife of Amos Thomas of Radnor, brass pan.

To Robert, son of John Ralston $10 when of age.

To St Peters’s church in the great Valley $30.

To the Baptist church near Yellow Springs $5 for repairing graveyard fence.

Executors; John Ralston, James Joh. Guardians for granddaughter Lettice; Robert Ralston, Thomas Willson.

John Adam, Vincent Aug 2, 1791 Dec 1, 1791 Exec to sell real estate & divide proceed among 3 sons John, Conrad & Henry Miller. Remainder to 5 daughters Mary Rowwalt or Rosowalt, Catherine Ralston, Hannah Essick, Elizabeth Essick, Sarah Watkins, Executors Brother John Hawse, nephew Peter Miller of Vincent,


Index to the will books & interstate records of Lancaster Co PA 1729-1850

page 94 Joseph Ralston year 1812 * NEED to order this one****

Paul Ralston 1813

Paul Jr Ralston 1829, Book E, Vol 1 page 78

John R. Ralston 1815, Book L Vol 1 p. 529


The Trail of Our Ralston Roots from Kings Creek Brooke co VA & the data collected on my search has been a labor of love over the years. Only with the help of some of Barbara A. & my super wonderful distant cousins Bill & Dale who have helped research the county records is this possible to put together and is is a works in progress. It is my an attempt to pull together the historical records of our Ralston family & their branches that descend from our first Joseph & wife Jane who came to the US before the Rev war according to the Beers history of Washington Co PA, they came to western Pa to Fort Pitt (Pittsburgh) when their 2 sons were young, & then they settled on the land on Kings Creek with their 2 sons Joseph & Samuel in 1783 and their families branched out from there.

The data included on our Ralston family & those who married into the family has been gathered from the early History books of the area, Beers History of Washington Co PA, Family Bibles, county marriage records, birth & death, early tax listings, land deeds, cemetery records, death certificates, newspaper clippings, tombstones at the Three Springs Cemetery near Weirton, Hanco*ck Co WV & the court house records of Brooke, & Hanco*ck Co, & any other records I could get my hands on –some from the internet also that I have tried to verify or that we might have come across in our search along the way. We have found a few more cousins that come from the many branches of the 2 sons Joseph & Samuel & combining of all these many family records the Family tree has stretched out many directions. It has been gathered in a labor of love & with tears of joy along the way over the years as new info is added to help color the picture of our Ralston’s lives back so long ago on Kings Creek.

If you find a mistake or have more info please contact Kim… the following descendants who have searched many-many-many-records of the county of Ohio, Brooke, Hanco*ck, VA/WV & Washington Co PA. & Richmond VA & have shared with me their findings are:

*Barbara Aguilar= email; 3809 Goodrich NE, Albq NM 87110

from George, >Warren Samuel,> Alexander > Samuel & Elizabeth line>

*William Bill Ralston, PA 920 Arch Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

15234- 2204 from Rezin line > Joseph & Sarah > Joseph & Jane

* Dale Patterson = 181 Baldwin Rd., Carnegie, PA 15106

from Francis Ralston’s line= brother of My GG Alexander

* Diane Taylor= [emailprotected] 28755 Forest Rd, Willowick, OH 44095-5021

from Thomas Holmes line> Joseph & Lucinda Holmes> Joseph & Ann> Joseph & Jane

* Gene Truxall? 3946 Highview, Trenton, Michigan 48183 ph 734-676-6694

from Cooper, Robert & Nancy Wilson Ralston > Joseph & Ann> Joseph & Jane.

* Joyce Lafquish, 3409 Camden Dr. Longmont, Co 80503, phone# 303-678-0963

GG granddaughter of Alexander Porter & Catherine Ralston by son Scott Tucker & Rachel Cassidy.

Tom Greene, Tgreene469 @aol.com - same lines from Scott Tucker son-

Ron Ketch, PO Box 703, Scott City KS 67871 Whitson Lines

Denise White- Wm. Anderson & Keziah Ralston lines

* Milt Ralston who located the Rev war bounty land warrant papers on Joseph in Richmond library on his lunch hours for me. Milt is from a different line of Samuel & Ann Curry Ralston, Pendleton Co VA branches. 232 Chatham Grover Lane, Richmond VA 23236, email=

Typed by :>) ~*Kim Ralston Dresser, Rt.3 Box 168, Hydro, OK 73048

phone 405-663-2044 or email

from Pete>Warren & America> Alexander> Samuel & Elizabeth Ralston >

1810 census of Hopewell twp, Wash Co PA sheet 614-615, microfilm M 252-57

Joseph RALSTON =1 m 10-16, 1 m 26-44 & 4 females un 10, 1 f 10-16, 1 f 26-45

William RALSTON= 2 m u 10, 1 m 26-44, 2 f u 10, 1 f 26-45

1810 Brooke co VA= census begin 6 Aug 1810.

Each had 1 loom, 100 yds woven, Samuel had 1 smith in the household & 1 not Taxed?*

Joseph 52310-0101 Samuel 20202-31110-01

1 m 26-45 =1766-1784 1 f 26-45 (1766-1784) 2 m over 45 before 1765 1 f 26-45 (1766-1784)

5 m u 10 (1800-1810) 1 f 10-16 (1795-1800) 2 m u 10 (1800- 1810) 3 f u 10 (1800-1810)

2 m 10-16 (1795-1800)* wife Ann? 2 m 16-26 (1785-1794) 1 f 10-16 (1795-1800)

3 m 16-26 (1785-1794)* 1 NOT TAXED? 1 f 16-26 (1785-1794)


1820 Brooke co VA= begin 7 Aug 1850

Joseph Gent. 431201/20010/0600 in agri Samuel 010001/30001/0200 in agri

1 m 45 & up before 1775 1 f 26-45 =1776-1794 1 m 45 & up before 1775 1 f 45 & up before 1775

4 m u 10 =1810-1820 2 f u 10 =1810-1820 1 m 10-16 =1805-1810 3 f u 10 =1810-1820

3 m 10-16 =1805-1810 wife Sarah?

1 m 16-18 =1802-1804

2 m 16-26 =1795-1804 ?

Joseph Jr 100010/00010/0001 in Manufacture Joseph 200010/10010/0100 in Agri

1 m 26-45 =1776-1794 1 f 26-45 =1776-1794 1 m 26-45 =1776-1794 1 f 26-45 =1776-1794

1 m u 10 =1810-1820 wife Lucinda P.?? 2 m u 10 =1810-1820 1 fu 10 =1810-1820

Robert 200010/00010/0100 in agri James 010001/01501/0101 1 in man 1 in agr

1 m 26-45 =1776- 1794 1 f 26-45 =1776-1794 1 m 45 & up = bef 1775 1 f 45 & up bef 1775

2 m u 10 =1810-1820 1 m 10-16 =1805-1810 1 f 10-16 =1805-1810

IN WELLSBURG 5 f 26-45 =1776-1794


1830 census = begin 15 June 1830, key= 0-5,5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-30,30-40 etc..

Joseph Sr. p 166 1011001/011001 Samuel p 166 11001/1101 (15-20)

1 m 40-50= 1781-1790 1 f 30-40 =1791-1800 1 m 20-30 =1801-1800 1 f 20-30 =1801-1810

1 m u 5 = 1825-1830 1 f 5-10 =1821-1825 1 m u 5 =1825-1830 1 f 5-10 =1821-1825

1 m 10-15 =1816-1820 1 f 10-15 = 1816-1800 1 f u 5 = 1825-1830

1 m 20-30 =1801-1810

Joseph p 166 21101/01001 (20-30) Joseph o, 167 011101/211000 (20-30)

1 m 30-40 =1791-1800 1 f 20-30 = 1801-1810 1 m 30-40 =1791-1800 1 f 20-30 =1801-1810

2 m u 5 =1825-1830 1 f 5-10 = 1821-1825 1 m 5-10 =1811- 1815 2 f u 5 =1825-1830

1 m 5-10 =1821-1825 1 m 10-15 =1816-1820 1 f 15-20 =1811-1815

1 m 10-15 =1821-1825 1 m 15-20 =1811-1815

Samuel p 167 10001/1101 (15-20??) Samuel p 167 100010/1101 (20-30)

1 m 20-30 =1801-1810 1 f 15-20* = 1811-1815 1 m 20-30 =1801-1800 1 f 20-30 =1801-1810

1 m 5-10 = 1821-1825 1 f 5-10 = 1821-1825 1 m u 5 =1825-1830 1 f 5-10 =1821-1825

1 m u 5 = 1825-1830 1 f u 5 =1825-1830

Martha p 167 10001/002 =10-15 ?, 1 50-60

1 m u 5 = 1825-1830 2 f 10-15 = 1816-1820 * Samuel INV 1824- was Martha pregnant?

1 m 20-30 = 1801-1810 1 f 50-60 =1771-1780 land deed in 1829 list 4 sons-

Robert p 166 011001/12001 (30-40) Andrew p 167, 2001 0001 is 15-20

1 m 30-40 =1791- 1800 1 f 30-40 = 1791-1800 1 m & f 15-20 =1811-1815

1 m 10-15 =1816-1820 2 f 5-10 =1821-1825 2 m u 5 = 1825-1830

1 m u 10 = 1821-1825 1 f u 5 = 1825-1830

Alexander 12121 20-30 (1801- 1800) & 001001 30-40 (1791-1800)


1840 census Brooke co VA = begin 1 June 1840, = looks like I need to double check Joseph SR.?

Joseph p 16 (50-60?) 00102001/00102001 Joseph p. 16, 1102001/0011001

1 m 70-80?? =1761-1770 1 f 50-60 =1781-1790 1 m 40-50 =1791-1800 1 f 40-50 =1791-1800

1 m 30-40 =1801-1810 2 f 20-30 =1811- 1820 2 m 15-20 =1821-1825 1 f 15-20 =1821-1826

2 m 20-30 =1811-1820 1 f 10-15 =1826-1830 1 5-10 =1831-1835 1 f 10-15 =1826-1830

1 m 10-15 =1826-1830 1 u 5 =1835-1840

? 0010200001 –10th spot would be 70-80????

Joseph p. 17, 0001201 / 11210001 Samuel p. 17 220001/ 111101

1 m 40-50 =1791-1800 1 f 50-60 =1781-1790 1 m 30-40 =1801-1810 1 f 30-40 =1801-1810

1 m 20-30 =1811-1820 1 f 15-20 =1821-1825 2 m 5-10 =1831-1835 1 f 15-20 =1821-1825

1 m 15-20 =1821-1825 2 f 10-15 =1826-1830 2 m u 5 =1835-1840 1 f 10-15 =1826-1830

1 f 5-10 =1831-1835 1 f 5-10 =1831-1835

1 f u 5 =1835-1840 1 f u 5 =1835-1840

Alexander p. 42 0002101/0001001

1 m 40-50 = 1791-1800 1 f 50-60 =1781-1790

1 m 20-30 =1811-1820 1 f 15-20 =1821-1825

1 m 15-20 =1821-1825


1843 will of Joseph; listed; Joseph, Robert, Alexander, Samuel, dau Jean Wilson, John, William, Andrew kids Jesse, Isaac & David, land by William Morehead, Son James left the sawmill & carding machine, son David’s dau Ruth Ann, & Kids still living at home: Anne, Melinda, Elizabeth, George, Resin, Jeremiah left the farm, & wife Sarah the house. Wit. Jas Cochran & John Sheets. (* John Sheets wife left land to Belinda, Anne, Eliz, George, Resin, & Jeremiah.

*?interesting could she be related- to Sarah?or Joseph?

Tombstone rubbing Joseph d. 1843 = 78 yrs old –b. est 1765

Joseph’s Children with Ann:

Joseph 1791, Robert 1792, Alexander 1794, Samuel (((?Oct 1795-96,? Or 1801?))

Dau Jean Wilson ?, John, William abt 1801-1805, Andrew d. by 1843, James Jan 1806,

David, Inv 18 ? McCready abt 1812 ?/d. 1840 age 28 yrs./ d. 1842 INV.

Joseph’s children with Sarah _Greer/Greir

Sarah Anne 1813- 1882 70 yrs old / George 1814 -1897 age 83,

Resin Oct 16, 1816- d. 1890 74 yrs / Belinda 1819- 1899 80 yrs old

Elizabeth 1823or Oct 1822 -1909/ Jeremiah 1825-1903

Samuel & Martha’s kids; 4 sons & 8 daughters @according to Beers history.

Joseph 1791, Samuel ? b. Nov 24, 1801? – 1881 m Elizabeth McConnell ,

Andrew- listed in deed 1829 “Joseph equal in right of bro Andrew & Mary his wife”?*

Jane 1795 55 in 1850 census, - d. 1867, m by 1817 William Wilson,

Mary 1796 – 54 in 1850, m James Cochran, m by 1829.

Margaret 1798 - 1880 82 yrs old m William Cochran by 1829

Catherine 1808 -1879 m Alexander Porter moved to Carroll co OH-

Eliza Ann b. ? signed deed in 1850 Eliza Nosken/James Nosken

Henrietta m Timothy W. Kelly by 1829 deed, assignee of _______in 1850 deed.

Sarah M. b. ? rec lot 9 21 yrs m William Morehead bef 1829 deed

Martha ? got a lot of land in 1829, deed for sell by Richard Porter & Martha to _ , a Richard

Porter gets land same time as Alexander Porter, / a Martha & Abraham Morehead m in Brooke co 1841? A Martha Morehead b.1822-23/ 28 in 1850 Carroll co OH?? D. June 6, 1860 age 37 yrs 7 m 9 days, /a Martha Ralston married Abraham Morehead in Brooke co VA 1841,

John -got land in 1829, sells to Samuel in 18--?? Wonder if he moved to Wellsburg?

A John Ralston /b. 1823? (would have been 6 in 1829?) m 1846 Keziah Lewis, listed in Brooke co 1850 census, he is gone by 1860 census- listed as lot owner in Wellsburg cem, no dates on him, ?

Joseph 1791-1846 married Nov 13, 1817 to Lucinda P. Holmes d. 1845/46,

Elia d. at 2?, Isaac 1819-1849, Joseph 1823-1846, Thomas 1826, Caroline 1832, Mary 1821, William 1832

Joseph 1791-aft 1870 married 18 Feb 19, 1812 to Mary Morehead

Mary A. ?, Sarah ?, Margaret 1828, James 1828 Obetta 18??= m 1812-1828=10 yrs ?could have more kids?

Samuel 1801-1881 married 18 —? Elizabeth McConnell, d. 1875 70 yrs old

Barbara 1817-1835 ?, Martha 1825, Alexander 1826- 1922, Margaret 1830, James 1836, William 1839, Frances 1842, Eliza 1837

Samuel 1795-96- d. Jan 4, 1867 71 yrs 3 m 20 days, 18 married Elizabeth Parks

Sarah A. b. June 25, 1825/26, Catherine Mar 31, 1828, Andrew Marshall 1830-1898, Joseph M. 1832 OH-1861 age 32 yrs 3 m 23 day, Robert P. 1835-1862, Elizabeth 1837, Phoebe A. 1842, Martha 1841, Rebecca F. I 1843-1851 at 7 yrs, Manerva J. 1847, /maybe son or grson? William M. 1854-? m Wealtha J. Brown 1886.

1850 census – Hanco*ck co VA.

William 45 (1801/*-1805?) & Ractinia, James 42 (1808?/1806*) & Angeline,

Resin 32 (1816) & Ellen, George 34 (1814) & Martha, Jeremiah 24 (1825) & Jane,

Thomas 24 (1825) & brothers & sisters. Joseph 59 (1791-aft 1870) & Mary,

Samuel 50 (1801-1881) & Eliz 40, Alexander /Seth 22 & Rachel 15 living with her parents.

Wilson 26 Mary 33 & Hannah 10, Joseph 33 & Hannah 33, Samuel 35 & Catherine 30

(Samuel & Eliz Parks in Seneca co OH 1850 census their 1st 3 kids b. Brooke= Sarah 1825, Catherine 1825, Andrew 1830)

April~ 2002~On the Trail of My Ralston Roots from Kings Creek, Brooke co VA/WV-& the Family Data collected along the way~with (2024)


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