The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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i 1 fit met every proposition with the announcement Personal Dr Henry Gardner of this city returned by the last California arrival from his trip to the Pacific and San rancisco He was in that city but 16 days and comes home in hearty good Mr Henry Sterns returned from Halifax by the steamer Mr James Dwight sails for Europe next week and will spend the winter in Paris ffg It snowed just the merest trifle in Boston Springfield and pretty much everywhere on Sun day WAVERLY HOUSE A' ORD ST 2 OR 011 MA IN The undersigned having purchased the abovo named place formally known as the and having thoroughly cleansed and refitted it throughout have opened it for an Eating House which they intend shall be second to none in the city They would invite their friends and the pub lie who may wish to favor them with a call as wo shall be happy to wait on them stiivo to please amilies supplied with Oysters by the gallon quart or pint SIMPSON 1 sept tfd HAVENS A NEW COIN WAKUOOM On West State St three doors from Merriam Chapin Book Store where will be found all kinds of wood Coffins also Skiff's patent Mo tallio air tight and air exhausted Coffins of all sizes Also all kinds of Burial Cloth ng A Hoarso and Carriages will be furnished it desired and all other assistance necessary on funeral occasions MOWRY VANHORN inly 8 6md tour in the South of rance the al 1 lusions were neither few nor pointless to I The British Nation understands I this She understands also that Louis Napoleon regards himself as the child of destiny and the impersonation of the spirit and cause of the first Napoleon The quarrel that died among the lucky solitudes of St Helenashe fears nay she knows will rise again and she talks as earnest ly now of the defenses of the country its weak nesses and its necessity for being placed in a stronger position as if the armies of rance were half across the channel Never did England dread war more than now and never did England look with more apprehension upon rance than at this moment The other great powers of Europe anticipate no direct hostilities with rance although they do not conceal their jealousy of the right of le gitimacy so coolly set aside by tho new Empe ror Their greatest fear is of a general war for which so many materials exist that rance has the power to set the torch to All believe how ever that the empire is war and not peace and that is our own conclusion Louis Napoleon has not yet played out his part of Napoleon and this part is to be played out in blood But are there no tears for republicanism thus crushed in rance1? Are there no tears for rance herself? None She chose a Napoleon for a President because he was a Napoleon and for the connected with his name That name which she so blindly worships she will follow No nation of true freemen no na tion fit for republicanism or having in it the true elements of a republic would submit to the usurp ations of the coming Emperor for a day There is not public virtue enough in rance to main tain a true republic for twenty four hours She has an eye to nothing but glory and grandeur and the pageantry and power of a well backed despotism She is not even in the possession of the fundamental principles of a true government or her the empire is no disappointment no frus tration of plans no usurpation She gave herself to tho glory of the name of Napoleon at first and follows blindly and not unwillingly wherev er that will the wisp may lead her We regard the future of Europe hinging di rectly upon tho present movement in rance as giving promise of trouble and confusion that will last for many years It is undoubtedly so re garded in Europe We have no doubt that Louis Napoleon thus regards it and thus intends it What old corrupt and rotten dynasties will be overturned in its progress what new forms of government will arise in its path what wrongs shall fall amid the clash of other wrongs and what rights shall be established on the ruins of other rights Providence in time will de termine A state of things exists in Europe for which harsh medicines are needed and blood let ting appears to be indicated as the very first re sort delphia on Monday evening as dramatized by Conway is now being played at the Boston Museum 1 William King Vice President elect is in a feeble state of health and late accounts are quite unfavorable to his recovery A young man named Nason broke Charles nose in Boston recently and then paid him $100 by way of settlement i Judge Hoar is recoveringfrom his ill I ness New Arrival ot resh and Beautiful Goods Just received from our agents In Livor aol Paris and Bremen by steamer Europa via flew York and Middletown custom houses a new and splendid variety of Winter Goods for Ladies Gents and Children consisting of a complete as sortment of Glcves Hosiery Mittens Tippets Coats Sh rts and Drawers and everything pertain ing comfort and adornment in the lino Ladies Merino Vests and Drawers a very splendid assort ment A beautiful assortment of Embroideries ancy Baskets Gaiters Carpet Bags Combs ami ancy Goods of all descriptions Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds we have as usual the best assortment in tho city or further par ticulars customers are respectfully invited to ex amine our stock at No 6 Block oct tfd AARON LORD CO Which are the Successful Candidates? Scott and Graham or ierce and King? a question let politicians solve The most success ful and popular Dagnerrean Establishment in tho country is without any question old es tablished Gallery in Block where strangers and others visiting our city during the Holidays this all and Winter will obtain the finest and most me iike Daguerreotypes ino estabiisnment in the country of nine years standing has sent out such uniformly good Pictures and we appeal to our innumerable patrons dispersed over every State in the Union for the truth of our assertion Pictures taken at all times without regard to weather Give us a call and examine our large collection of National Portraits II COOLEY Nos 26 and 27 Block Comer Main and State streets sept 24 We have found it at last Now for the little ones Why will parents waste hours and davs in fruitless endeavors to got perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing but a poor miserable caricature? We would say come to our Excelsior Gallery and WO will guarantee to make you a perfect picture by our Electro Chemical process that works in from to 2 seconds We defy any Dagnerrean in Springfield or else where to compete with us as wo are the inventors and the process is used only in our different estab lishments in New England and Middle States or pictures of adults the silver medals we have received from the American Institute New York and ranklin Philadelphia together with tho nn merous premiums from county airs is sufficient proof that they are the Ne Plus Ultra of perfection We would call particular attention to our Tal botypes Daguerreotypes in Oil VUIjIuIXXkS cc 100 Cnestnut street Philadelphia Main st opposite site Hampden House Springfield I 1 1 7 T7 1 A i vr IV OO 4 z1 zl cl HU xyviiiuo i 1 1 igj vovuuju oct 23 tfdaw70 Central Eating Rooms cor ner Main and Sanford streets Springfield Mass Breakfasts Dinners and Snppers at all hours of tho day and evening and the best of Oysters served at short notice in every variety of style Oysters received twice daily and for rale by the gallon quart or pint nov 10 tfd Great Economy in Purchasers can at Haynes a very exten sive assortment of Cloths Cassimores Vestings and Trimmings which they can buy bj' the yard or pattenrat the smallest possible advance on cost and they can have them eut nod warranted to fit and in making the garments themselves savea very handsome per centage Those who have availed themselves ot this ar rangement consider it a great advantage ns they are required to pay for no more than they have ami have the satisfaction of knowing that their garments aie well rmido oct t'dawGSI Oak Hull Establishment SUMMARY NEWS The storm on Kake Erie ceased on Sat urday night last having laged with unprece dented violence for twenty four hours The pro 1 pellcr Samson belonging to Mr Sterling of Mon 1 roe Michigan was totally wrecked near Buffalo She lost some 2000 barrels of flour The schoon 1 er Bruce belonging to Wm Buckley of I Buffalo was also lost The propeller Globe was totally wrecked at Dunkirk The steamer St I Louis is reported wiecked Numbers of dead bodies were seen floating supposed to have been started up from tho place where tho Atlantic was I wrecked though a rumor was current that the I steamers Keystone and Empire State had come I In Ailnl nnllisinn 1 The City athers did but little last night Musical Journal announces but did that little Sidewalks and salaries Madamo hag made arrangements to were the main topics up and some matters were a of Qperag New hitched along a peg while more stood still The commence art of Januarv or the fir8t two branches have been quarreling ever since the i ebruary next galvi Badiali) Rocco and organization ot the City government over luu Pozzoiini are engaged also a chorus and orches A 1 A b'iA I ary bill and are still at xiav I tra of forty each with Carl Eckert fqr director I to terms as to the various salaries ity I yje Boston Transcript adds to this announce I officers they are now differing as to ow 1 1 I ment) that Madame Sontag will visit Boston with shall be passed whether in onvention wo I Operatic troupe in April next and that she branches as the officers are appointe or a ag gcnerougjy volunteered to sing in the oratorio I separate concurrent vote Doctors differ an of the Creati in aid of the organ fund of the both find authority for then opinions in the City Tho City Seal was established and po8U)ffi North BrooMeld above we give it a beautiful specimen ot art I I Inquiry was instituted as to Chapin was broken open one night last week and robbed and Hervey Hills fencing in portions of the High ot a small amount ot change 1 he store ot Geo way in certain parts of the The Aidermen established Emery Court and Holyoke streets as en open on Saturday night and the drawers City highways and refused to do the same for oreaien uh me cuuugu mey comamea Auburn and Vine streets all are out of North Orthodox meeting house was broken into but Main st An Ordinance was reported to estab tiling taken ana an unsuccessful attempt made lish sidewalks both sides of West State st on to break into the store of rancis Howe Ahorse which Mr Morris in the Common Council ex belonging to Elijah Bates and buggy owned by pressed the opinion that the City had no right to Howe of that town were stolen on the order the abutters to build sidewalks but that sarne night the City should build them and assess the ex De See 11 tatcd tnat a number ot tlie pense upon the One hundred and sev pamouc citizens or noston are getting up acom I enty five dollars was ordered out of the Common plimentary testimonial of their personal esteem School Appropriation for the adult evening nebiueui vwet me snape oi a moum school the coming A piece of South carriage together with horses and equipage com Main street was ordered discontinued and the plete all ot JNew England production lor the oc land sold for the benefit of the school fund ort I casion of his inauguration in March next If it st petitioned to be The Committee I is a fair question we should like to know how on the Revision of the Wards reported a new or many of these want some dinance defining the boundaries of the several office or other at the hands of Gen Pierce wards but making no changes from the existing I The books of subscription to the Mis lines Adjourned for a fortnight sissippi and Atlantic Railroad which were open ed in JNew xork last week were closed on Sat urday the whole amount $1530600 having been subscribed This road is the concluding 1 link of the great trunk Eaist and West line from the Atlantic coast to St Louis and the whole line of rails from New York to Terra Haute it is said will be completed a nd in use within the next sixty days The Canadian Parliament on the 5 th instant passed resolution ratifying and adopt ing the contract made last August by Mr Young for the establishment of a line of Ocean steam ers from Liverpool to Montreal and Quebec once in every fortnight during the navigation of the St Lawrence and from Liverpool to Portland once a month during the Winter season The amount agreed upon as that quota for the service was also appropriated An unmarried man aged about twenty five eloped from Syracuse one day last week with the wife of a fellow mechanic some ter years older than himself carrying with them about $250 of the abused money and the most serviceable part of his wardrobe The husband takes hisoss very coolly and says that his wife may run as far as she pleases if she will only return his money A meeting of the New York State Clay Monumental Committee was held at Metropoli tan Hall New York on Saturday evening last Among the officers of the Committee we notice the names of Martin Van Buren Washington Hunt Horatio Seymour William Seward Daniel Dickinson Wm Marcy and otlier distinguished individuals A telegraph pole fell directly across the wagon of a Yankee Notion pedlar while he was passing along the Troy road from Troy to Albany on Saturday last scattering tho contents of the same promiscuously about The pedlar fortunately escaped without serious injury Another foreign musical prodigy in the person of a Mr Sims Reeves according to the London correspondent of the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette is about to visit the United States on a professional tour He is said to pos sess the finest tenor voice in Europe 'The first liquor case in Braintree was tried on Saturday last The defendant was Dea Hollis a strong Maine Law man who was fined $10 and costs for selling quarts of ci der to a neighbor for which he received ten cents Mr avor of the ifiastport and St Express was robbe on Wednesday last of $2800 in bills of various denominations on the rontier Bank of Eastport and a package of bills of the same bank in sheets and not signed amounting to $2000 The ship Isabella Reed arrived at New York on Saturday morniig in twelve days from Port au Prince The Captain reports that the yellow fever was raging there to an awful extent when he left Three boys from twelve to sixteen years old broke into the store of Oren Hopkins Co in Baltimore on Sunday and had pack ed up several hundred worth of goods when they were discovered and arrested The two adjoining counties of Lancas ter and Berks in Pennsylvania gife the heaviest majorities in tho State the former Whig the latter Democratic Scott received 5059 in Lan caster and Pierce 4570 in Berks 'b opening a bale of cotton recently at Cincinnati the body of a negro was found press ed into it and so great was the pressure that the body of the man was not more than inches thick The President has appointed Dr Nich olls of New York as the physician of the new Lunatic Asylum at Washington and he will have the superintendence of the establishment the di rection of the plan of the edifice i The receipts of the Cleveland Colum bus and Cincinnati RailroadOompany for Octo ber amounted to the enormous sum of $95990 96 being an increase of $29961 66 over those of October 1851 A business firm in Rochester announce that they have succeeded in manufac turing a new article of Burning luid styled which gives a strong bright flame has no smoke and will not explode Jn the deaths of rancis Baylies of Taunton Myron Lawrence of Belchertown and David Henshaw of Leicester the Masonic ra ternity of the State have lost three of their most prominent members The new Bank of Commerce Acors Barns President and Charles Butler Cashier went into operation in New London on tho 8th instant The sportsmen of Addison County Vermont are making preparations for a grand bear hunt i i Snow fell as far South as Baltimore on TO RAILROAD Pro posals will be received at the office of the Now York and Boston Co in tho city of Middle town until tho 20th inst for tho grading and ma sonry for the road bed for a double track of tho and Proposals are invited for the first second and third divisions commencing at New Haven and ex tending Easterly about 71 miles Also for tho fourth division it' eparpd tune Profiles may be examined and specifications of the work can be hd by applying at the nHnA 11 JvLdOI i ros 4 City of Middletown Nov 1 1852 Uoy dtillNov2Q Three Days Later from Europe The steamer Atlantic from Liverpool the 3d just arrived at New York on Monday with 1 three later European newsr and a fair amount of freight and passengers There has been a slight decline in cotton The sum to be demanded from Par liament for the expenses of the Wellington fu neral is placed as high as £1 00000 The gales along the East coast of England during the week had been very destructive to shipping and life rom twenty to thirty vessels were totally wrecked and several crews wholly lost One ship had a cargo valued at £300000 I which was fallen on and plundered by the people along the coast Several other ships were plun dered in like manner A public meeting was held at London on Mon day evening Nov l'for the purpose as express ed in the bills of sympathizing with and aiding the foreign refugees at present in the metropolis The meeting is noticeable from the circ*mstance that letters were read from Kossuth approving of the objects of the meeting and from Mazzini and Louis Blanc opposing them The Nottingham Journal professes to beawGre that the Chancellor of the Exchequer financial scheme is to repeal the malt tax and the fluty of the 3 Uid ner pound on rental Vj reduce the tax on incomes from 7d per pound to 2d but to impose it on all incomes and wages about £50 per annum and to levy 5 per cent Vjx on all in comes of whatsoever amount from prop erty rance Two decrees have Been signed by the President one for converting the four and a half per cents into three per cenVj and the other fix ing the legal rate of interest at four per cent The employes of the EUysee take every oppor tunity of parading the pscific policy of the Em peror Preparations a re going on for the meet inn ot the Senate in tb hall used as the Cham ber of Peers under the restoration and under a part of the reign of Louis Phillipe It is believed the Senate will hold only four sittings that the vote on the Plebiscite will take place on 21st and 22d inst tbat the suffrages wi'l be counted by the Legislative corps on December 1st ana mac the procla mation of the Empire will be on the 2d Abdel Kader had had an audience of tho Pres dent at St Cloud by whom he was warmly em braced when the ex Emir renewed the oath he had trken never to return to Algeria Crowds of people surrounded his carriage and paid him every respectful attention and seemed rejoiced that he had been released from captivity Aliscellaneous A change of Ministry has taken place at Turin A Colonial Department is about to be estab lished by the Spanish Government Extraordinary exertions are being made by the Turkish Government to pay the loan aided by the voluntary contributions of the themselves Remittances are now on their way for entire restitution and everything will be sat isfactorily settled The Druses in Syria assisted by the Bedouins had commenced hostilities against the Turks by attacking the Turkish camp during the night An official dispatch that the insurgents had been defeated with loss of 2'jo killed and 400 wounded but this is doubted The Lone Star men of the United States are not very favorably spcJKen of by the Vienna pa pers and a hope is expressed that Spain will re ceive the support jt the jnaratime powers whose interest it cannczC be to let Cuba fall into the hands of an A Ssociation which takes the right of deciding peace or war out of the limits of tbO legitir 4ate authorities The Havana correspondent of the NO Picay ane says that during the interview between Jud ge Conklin and the Captain General the lat ter was exceedingly courteous in his demeanor 3 vl pi I of his extreme regret at the necessity which oblig ed him to take the course ne aia inai guv ernment of Cuba was an exceptionable govern ment and obliged to resort to exceptionable measures and that he as a subordinate onicer of the crown of Spain could not entertain any prop osition of any kind from a foreign power and that all communication or messengers from such parties must be sent to Madrid This is the sub stance of what Judge Conklin has communicated to his government and left in his despatches for Judge Sharkey A woman named Treadway was killed by her husband on Thursday last at Halltown four miles from Salem She had sued him for separate maintenance and having obtained a verdict in her favor he repaired to the house where she boarded and fired at her through the window killing her the ball passing through her heart It is estimated that $12000000 will be expended in the construction of Railroads in the State of New York this year and all this notwith standing those two great works the Erie and the Hudson River Railroads which have cost thirty or forty millions of dollars have just been com pleted if 1 In Rockbridge county Virginia there fe one town called and another called Hell Town We learn by the Richmond Enquir er that the Whigs carried Jerusalem and the Locos Hell Town I The New Orleans Della say tint ir rangements are in progress to give 1 uroer Smith a public dinner on tho next return of the Cres cent City to New Orleans There were sixty deaths from yellow fever and nine from cholera in New Orleans for the week ending Nov 8th i The population of the globe is supposed to be less than one thousand millions 737000 000 HAVE NOW IN STORE a good assort ment of Groceries of nil kinds which I will sell at a fair price and the Gords shall he as recommend ed nov 16 2wda3w73 SIMONS WOOL Dft Those plain all wool Do Laines at 25 cts a yard are a great bar gain TAYLOR nov No 7 State street New Stores Hutchinson Chaffee have removed their bookstore from opposite the Bap tist Church into the new block occupying the store adjoining and North of splendid establishment It is fit ted up in generous superb style and is an orna ment to the city and a credit to the proprietors who will undoubtedly reap their reward in in creased prosperity Wilson Co dry goods dealers have purchased of Mr Mills 40 feet from in Main st of the still unoccupied portin'" Hampden House site and will pr' ately to the erection of uceed initnedi storc for the accor iargo and beautiful which shall modation of their business w003 ival that of their neighbors Rock Co It is intended to have the store com pleted early in the Spring The lot purchased for is 115 feet deep and the price paid $8000 or $200 the foot front INSURABCE Joseph has been elected Treasurer of the Stock and Mutual ue Insurance Company of this city This company is at present doing a very large and safe busmess We take pleasure in calling attention to the statement in our columns of the Etna Insurance Company of Hartford which George Rice is the agent in Springfield This is one of the strongest companies now doing business as its exhibit shows DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 16 Europe is now engaged in watching the mm ments of the great rench usurper and in calcu latin tho events which may hinge upon his fu ture policy The great question whether the Re public of rance is io be changed to an i now regarded etiled It JC5 ago by shrewd the preliminaries He has completed his tour the South of rance and at the last dates was about starting for the North in order to awaken universally the popular echoes to the cry The Pope was retained years ago when tho rench army crushed republicanism in Rome and restored him to his temporal reign to play a part in this important occasion It is no matter of wonder that the powers of Europe regard the movements of Louis Napole on with deep apprehension He says that PmnirA neftCO tu6y DClieVU IV VU Gt a owviu luwatua piabiu uuv Da savs it is I State in the hands of Mr Clifford and his party ana peace His strides to tho throne thus far have been through perjuries usurpations and Whatever seemed calculated to advance the one great ead of his the re instatement of the he has adopted and used He has held Amos Bullen and Chauncey Clark are the Coalition candidates for representatives in Northampton to be voted for next Monday Mr Bullen is evidently anxious to be elected He ploughs patiently with the ree Soil heifer and sympathizes with his Anti Maine Law friends in their views of free trade and rights His extensive operations with the ree Soilers will hardly increase his chances for a high Custom House appointment or even insure him a re in statement in the Northampton Post Office He may play double for local purposes but the Ad ministration ot rank Pierce will use a clean knife and ree Soilisrn and all tainted with it will be carefully dissected off Mr Clark is a thorough ree Soiler and of course his high am bition is to the He has nothing to hope for from the National Administration and he can afford any course he may see fit to pursue But there are some people who cannot afford to throw away greater for lesser spoils and they mur jive us credit for the best of intentions in warning them of their danger in time Think of a delegate to the Baltimore Convention being a pcl*tical yoke fellow with Chauncey Clark Musical We learn that Prof Baker the well known musician will com mence the conduct of a Musical Convention at the Unitarian Church to day at two To this Convention the choirs of all the churches ir the city arc invited free with the privilege of at tending all its instructions and drills thro ugh four or five days The sessions after to day will be three daily and we trust that as many singers will attend as can possibly spare the time The evening sessions will commence to wght Mr Baker is to be remunerated for his labor by a concert given at the close of the Convention and we hope our singers and citizens will treat them selves and him justly and generously 1 JSThe Coalition ree Soil Maine law and liquor organ insinuates that the Whigs of Springfield want to make a Coalition with the Lpcofpcos and elect two of each party Representatives next Monday The idea is wrong tho proposition ts conception and most of its friends in the par ty of the Opposition One of their candidates despairing being elected by his own party is Ouw trying to get chosen by Whig votes hen he succeeds the skies will fall A correspondent of the New York I press writing from Valparaiso underplate of Oc I tober says that the Railroad from that place tb I "Santiago has been nominally started the corner I stone having been laid irhe road is to be 120 I miles long although the air line distance is but 65 miles and is estimated to cost seven millions of dollars four millions of which have already been subscribed The Raihoad from Caldero a flourishing Yankee town growing upon the coast to Copiapo and its silver mines is said to I be doing extremely well' The stock is up tb 140 for 100 paid in An extension is talked of sra I as to enable the working of silver ore less labii I rious and expensive than if it has to be brought I to the water on the backs of mules the effect of I which will probably be the bringing of more sil I ver to the United Sates than we have ever yet I had from tho Pacific coast Accounts have been received at New I I York from Central America giving the particil I lars of an outrage upon the American brig Lo thero at Belize by a wrecking schooner from Key West assisted by some three hundred Span iards' The Lothero having got ashore had been delivered up to the underwriters and sold for their benefit The purchasers proceeded to take out the cargo and strip the vessel when they were attacked and driven away by the parties men tioned The shin canal one mile in length which is to unite Lakes Superior and Michigan will soon be begun The surveys for its location have been completed arid the ground has been I found quite favorable for the easy and speedy of the work Congress provides that the locks shall be 250 feet long and 60 feet wide and the Michigan Legislature has power to enlarge its dimensions I CatharineWard was run over by a I Washington street omnibus in Boston on Sat I urday afternoon and' badly injured Also Ann I Dwyer fell upon the curb stone in Washington 1 street on Sunday and severely injured her head I and an unknown mad accidentally drove his I horse and wagon into the dock at Chelsea on the I same day killing his horse demolishing his wag I on and barely escaping with his own life Tlie Cry of Distress The Coalition papers of the State are in dis tress Their spirited and unintermitting appeals to the faithful and the unfaithful show how fully alarmed they are at the present aspect of the State That there is a fact in this encouraging to the Whigs of the Commonwealth is not to bo disputed It is a fact too that should nervo every Whig to the most powerful exertions in theat tempt to retain and increase the Whig majority in the Legislature It appears to us to be within the power of the Whigs to say whether tho State House shall again be made the scene of tho bar gain and sale of the offices of the State or wheth er the old straight forward honorable Whig leg islation shall be restored a Whig Governor plac ed in the chair so long honored by Whig Govern ors and a Whig Senator sent to Washing ton We trustrthat the Whigs in towns to elect on tho ourth Monday will feel the responsibili ty resting upon them The Maine Law is made to do double duty the service of the Opposition so unscrupulous I it in the means it calls to its aid Read the fol lowing extracts from the Boston Commonwealth and Times 1 ri' pi every temperance man who shall lift his I fino er towards nlacinsr tho political power of the I be fully aware of tho responsibility under which I he acts Tho Clifford party is sold to liquor and I after the liquor vote obtained by that party on I Monday last the temperance man who shall I give any further aid to that party cannot by I hardly any stretch of charity be reckoned anything I other than a fool or a Commonwealth no promise sacred but that made to his own am I The Whigs would not repeal the Maine law bition He took his oath to maintain the Consti 1 piiey WOuld see that their triumph was owing to tution and then broke it He professed the pro the passage of that foundest love for the Republic and knew that he I excil0 aflinst themselves the fierce animosity of was coolly lying in his throat while he did so The I Times true friends of the the independent I One wing thus appeals to the sensibilities of patriotic men of the Nation he drove into exile I the temperance interest while the other labors Wherever a voice was heard that opposed his I wjth the rum interest One calls for votes for will that voice was hushed If it became neccs I yjann on temperance grounds the other for sary to strike awe into the heart of Paris her I votes for Bishop on anti temperance grounds In citizens were shot down like cattle The whole I way5 they hope to defeat the Whigs and in course of this great scoundrel of the age hao I event of such defeat they will take their leisure been from the first tending to the point which I and their own course in making new dick it is now so rapidly approaching Louis Napo 1 er Who fs t0 be Mann or Bishop Icon was never a better President than to day I pbe Commonwealth says that is no bar never a better republican I gain about Who is to be cheated then Do It is with such facts as these before them that I ibe temperance men know whether they are vo European powers are regarding the rench Presi I tjng for Bishop or Mann in supporting the latter 1 dent to day When he says one thing he means I no bargain is made they certainly do not another His word is without honor and his I Thig hag been the policy from the first in the pledges of amity are declarations of war Par I present State campaign The Democrats have ticularly England is troubled With a most sin 1 taken the Anti Maine law side and the ree gular foreboding the whole British nation looks I goiters the Maine Law and this has been done forward to the establishment of the Empire as I simpy) and afone for the purpose of defeating the signal for war upon herself During the tbe Whigs and perpetuating the Coalition rule When temperance and anti temperance men have been fooled and by chance the State car I ried for the Coalition then it is to be decided whether rum or no rum is to be Governor what offices are to be accorded to rum what to tem perance and what and who is to be cheated Can Maine Law or Anti Maine Law men be cajoled into the support of so foul a party scheme as this We hope not It is based on the foul est demagogism and party corruption and no permanent good can flow from it to any cause The Whigs have candidates whose character is their sufficient pledge that whatever questions may come before them will be decided on their merits and with well weighed and conscientious accordance with the highest intersts of the State We trust they may win the day and forever re deem the State from these bargainings and coali tions which have so disgraced it CAME INTO MY YARD on Monday tho 16th of Novembi a line dark Bay Horse 'Hie owner can have him by paving for this adver tisem*nt and expense of keeping him nov dtf LYMAN HITCHco*ck BONNET RIBBONS at Auction 1100 yards new styles will bo sold at 25 per cent less than usual prices at nov No 9 State street UPPER LEATHER for Custom Shoe Makers Oak Kip Sides and Wax not split cr sale by JOHN I HIXON nov 15 mihwiw The Oly Seal There is a tremendous pressure all over the State toward theconsummation of a Coal ticn between the Democrats and ree Soilers Our ree Soilers were called together last rjght for the sake of having the screws put to fhem and they were put hard The Democ rats jean have them if they wish for them Wm Boyington Jr a little boy of ten years of age fell in tho new building of Mr Bemis going up on the er Jrner of Chest nut and Lyman streets on Satv day last and had the sad misfortune to break bis thigh bone and otherwise to injure liimselt A doing well i The ship Kate Hastings Capt James Hatch arrived at San JiYancisco on the 14th ult Two Springfield William Sterns and James were on zoard Outside this morning a variety of very read able miscellany kl I During the present month there has been perfect rush of at the city lock up iri Boston some nights from 30 to 40 and a majority of them foreigners Of 132 per sons committed to the jail that city the last week 60 were more or less intoxicated and most of them common drunkards Isaac Coffin the teacher of the Win throp School Charlestown who was recent ly bound over for trial for unmercifully flogging one of his pupils has been invited to resign his charge over the school by the sjub committee of the same BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH for the Dally Republican More Disasters on Kake Eric Private advices from Dunkirk report tho pro pcllerPowhattan foundered on the Lake and every soul on board perished A number of pas books and papers had drifted ashore Nothing authentic probably too true The steamer Michigan lies fifteen miles below Cleveland with her smoke pipes carried away and in a bad condition The Empire State is safe at Toledo A dispat ih from Milwaukie says "that the schooners Twins and Roberts of Chicago are ashore at Muskegan and the schooner Gold Hun ter of Racine at Manito Island a total wreck A vessel is ashore near airport bottom up name unknown crew supposed to be lost Ten or twelve vessels are ashore at the mouth of the Detroit River most of which got off with slight damage The schooner Eagle lies at the mouth of the Welland Canal a total wreck cargo con sisting of eight hundred bushels of wheat lost nno lad also the remainder of the crew' some of whom were frozen endured much suffering The Canadian schooners Sovereign and Lady Bayot are ashore on Lake Huron the former a total wreck The propeller Ohio went ashore but by discharging her cargo got off and is at Buffalo safe A report was in circulation that a steamer was seen on fire on the north shore off Cleveland on Sunday night no reliable par ticulars i The Crescent City Affair The New Orleans Bulletin publishes a letter from Judge Sharkey to Capt Davenport of the Crescent City wnicn no says tne vaptain gen eral has received a communication from the Span ish Minister at Washington asserting that the Secretary of State assured him in the most posi tive manner ffiat Purser Smith should not return on the ship and that he authorized him so to state to the Captain General His Excellency express ed much regret that the pledge was not kept Judge could give him no satisfactory explana tion and remarked to him that Smith was prob ably not an officer of the Navy and the Govern ment had therefore no power to remove him The letter from the Snanish Minister was shown to Judge Sharkey and translated for him by Mr Savage Large ire in Loss from $15000 to $20000 About twenty minutes after 10 on Sat urday night last a fire broke out in the large brick building situated on the east side of the I alley between fifth and sixth streets and south of Albany street in Troy' The building which was I ev vV TLnlimnn1 Ar The schooner President Harrison of I Smith with its entire contents consisting of a ir intn off Watch Hill I steam engine machinery and stoves was entire Harwmh Mass was run into off Watch lydeg Long Island Sound by the propellor Osceola on jynsured or $i6 0oo Wednesday night last and soon filling with wa ter was abandoned the crew being taken off by Sir John ranklin Again the Osceola Sixty nine barrels of flour were af i The Picayune is informed by the officers of tho 1 oaeno ship Kennebec that on their passage from New terwards taken off by the captains of two passing Orleans t0 Diverpool in May last when near the schooners Grand Bank they discovered two vessels frozen A man in Middlesex county was last into an iceberg and asks whether they might not i be those of Sir John ranklin week fined eighty odd dollars and costs for poi 1 soning the hens of one of his neighbors A sim Respite ilar case occurred in Norfolk county a few years A special messenger from Madison Wis brings nar case that the postponement of the execution since It may bo well to remark pei haps that of conneliy and McDonald who were to have this offenste is a misdemeanor and punishable geen hnng on Monday bv imprisonment in the State Prison I 1 I itupnov i Ohio Legislature Rev Jonas Case? a young ap is ei adjourned session of the Ohio Legislature gyman was killed near Cross Roads I at Columbus on Monday Nothing of inter on the evening of election day by the falling est has as yet transpired of a decayed tree upon him while he was pass Itemg ing home Another man was knocked down It is announced in the Charleston pa but recovered and several others receive some I DeSaussure Senator from injuries will not be a candidate for re election The Bridgewater has been selected by the Charleston Mercury names Gen Hammond as a his successor Commissioners as a loo Uon for one of the Si 0 pauper alms houses and Tcwksbuiy near the I iunction of the Lowell and Lfiwrenco and oalem junction ui me xu The Masonic Grand Lodge of Pennsyl and Lawrence Railroad will probably be select Thomas Helm Grand Warden in ed for another place of George Mcarlan deceased on Mon The dead body of a man apparently day evening about 28 or 30 years of age was found lying Business etc on the ground in an ont of tho way place near Monday November At Boston Stocks: Boylston street West Roxbury on Sunday Vermont Central Railroad 17 Western 105 Bos rnnrnimr Ho bad probably been dead some two ton and Maine 107 Northern 60 Ogdensburg I 25 Vermont and Canada 105 Hadley 1 alls or three days Company 375 The receipts into the Treasury ot the At New orZ: Erie 89 Long Island RR United States from July 1st to September 20th 41 Stonington 56 Norwich for customs lands loans and miscellaneous sour Money easy rates declining I ces was $16686949 51 and the expenditures Mp a layer of Harvard Mass during the same time were $13866258 96 aed 75 was fonnd dead in his bed on Tuesday A person giving his name as John Mor morni last Ho had becn unwcii for some rin was arrested on board of the steamer Isaac jenglb of time "but recovered and voted at the Newton during her passage from New York to clection on Monday nc fet a little faint on go Albany on riday night last for breaking into cd and moinjng if0 was extinct 'the state room of one of the passengers Trinitv Building now troinff un on the The barn of Elliott Tuft near boutli I adjoining Trinity Church yard New York Bend Ind was destroyed by fire one mg ast wbjcb wd ad ord accommodations for a dozen or week and the remains of two boys who had morc business establishments has been rented for probably gone there to lodge for the night were sixty tbousand dollars a year found among the ruins Oliver Graves aged 92 Justin Morton rances Bartlet aged 10 of Newbu agcd fi and Consider Morton brother of Jus rvDort was terribly and fatally burned on Sat tin aged 94 of Whately in Massachusetts were toVino firn while in born in the same house voted for Gen Washing urday evening by ton and have voted at every Presidential election the act of putting a stick of wood in the so since including that of the 2d inst There is but little hope of her recovery Omnibuses in San rancisco offer to born" passengers with their baggage to and At Greenfield 10th a son to Simeon Phillips from anv of the principal hotels and thus pro Jr tect the public from the extortionate prices of modesty for you I MARRIED 1 Woodbury the musician was up set in a skiff on Wenham Pond near Beverly on Tuesday last and came near losing Lis life DIED He was nearly exhausted when rescued At Otis 13th Bavil Seymour 70 Arnone the heretofore unannounced At Norfolk Va 11th Spencer 3 youngest oj i' son of Rev Child Rector of Christ Church brihiant Whig victories of the 2d instant accord i ing to the New York Express is the election of a At Middiefield 3d Lorenzo Heath 23 Whig constable in the 18th Ward of New York At Brattleboro 13th Jenner Eugene 5 son of Laie advices from South America an W'SilM nounce troubles between Gen Urquiza the new plillipg Dictator of the Argentine Confederation and the 1 1 LJE? consul special A lad of eight years named James 1 Charles Sykes Organist of Christ Church Neil came to his death on Saturday last in the of Piano orte and Organ Residence upper part of New York city by falling into a Anitin House m0J limekiln i 1 Notice All those who may be curious to PTE a know the future events which may distinguish The dwelling house Ot Jonn A jvm I their lives as relates to Business Courtship Mar at Jamaica I was burglariously entered and riage Sickness or Absent riends may obtain i i ntkar orfmke correct information by calling on MADAME robbed of $500 worth of plate and other articles yoUNG at the American House Room No 28 on the night of the 10th instant She will also give Phrenological examinations Charles Hughes one of the recently Terms 50 cts 56d elected members of Congress from New York Under Shirts and A very large TT nr assortment of these indispensible articles of every State is a son of Mrs Hughes the actress at Bur I varjety) niay be iound at the Park Clothing Hour Theater New York' I selling at prices which will make it an object for James Shirley living near redonia NY killed bis wife 0 riday night by Mor beating her brains out with a hatchet no was great Scrofula wnoso success in supposed to be insane 1 tie treatment of Scrofula and all Chronic diseases ttt1i Waw VnrV I nas been unparalelled is still at the old stand 40 Wilham Bryant of the New Yoik rod9NorthotheDept Evening Post sailed for Europe in tho steamer Office business only attended to Arctic intending to be absent during the Win oct 4 d6w The Grocery Stores and Markets will ien close at 8 commencing Monday Two burglars Davis and Cook ot the jov 15th and ending April 1st 1853 gang that have infested Utica for some time nov 112 8d were arrested on Saturday last while engaged in Supporters and Shoulder Braces of near nr i I lv all the different varieties 1 or sale by robbing the gun shop of Morgan James STEBBINS On the Cleveland and Pittsburg Rail 1 oct tfdaw70 1 4 Warrinsr House road one car is always reserved for the exclu i 100 sive accommodation of gentlemen with ladies Hands wanted at Haynes A River was announc ed to take place at the Chinese Museum Phila apply to John Popkins or ikan i i iiv RON PORTER TEACHER THE PIANO ORTE i Applications to bo made at the Music Saloon of irffirAdev The best references given i a aomu 'WM WAREROOW (in Sanford St next door to the Republican office BURIAL CLOTHING of all kinds constantly ol Mctalic Burial Cases of Sail sizes furnished to order Hearse Carriages and in short all arti oles and assistance necessary on funeral occasions jan lydaw HODCrhi resh Malaga raisins i have this day received 200 whole half and quarter box es fruit price high nov 16 6da3w73 SIMONS SUGAR BOlfoE SYRUP of superior qual ity for sale by SIMOnS Also for sale by tho Bbl in Barrels nov 16 6da3w73 DRESS Beautiful Dross Silks plain brocade and stripo Algo a largeassort ment of just received at No 7 State street the old stand of Rockwood Co nov 16 3d TAYLOR KNITTING YARN A full assortment of superior quality at 8 State street nov 16 WILCOX Lump Egg Stovo and Nut sizes of Mountain Sugar Loaf Lackawana and Lehigh for sale by the subscriber in large or small quantities screened and in perfect order 1 BEMIS nov 16 3wd Near Railroad Depot BAKING PLATES White' Blue Edged and all shapes and sizes 500 dozen in store and for sale Also Yellow firo proof Nap pies Bowls all so essential for Thanksgiving Operations which wo will sell at wholesale or retail at the low est prices and having the largest stock to be found purchasers will find it for their interest to give us a call HAMILTON CHAI IN No 5 Block nov 16 Post copy) 2wdaw73 SOLAR LAMPS GIRANDOLES AND GAS IXTUJIES We have now on hand a very large and complete assortment of Solar Lamps of all sizes patterns and pncas having added very largely to our stock this all Wo have also the best and handsomest lot of girandoles ever oflered for sale in this embracing many new patterns which we sell in pairs or setts at a lower price than ever before these goods are of the very best quality and persons about purchasing will find it for their interest to call and examino our stock GAS IXTURES of every description both rich and plain always as low as Boston or New York prices and the goods are warranted of tho' first quality Also Shades all sizes plain and cut Chimnies Wicks Camphene and luid Hanging and Side Lamps of all Knds HAMILTON CHAPIN No 5 Burts Block nov 16 (Post copy) 2wdnw73 NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS MISS SELECT SCHOOL for young Ladies will commonoa its Winter Tenn on Monday Nov 29 in tho school room occupied last term entrance 1) Block Applications should be made previously at Mrs Stock bridge street nov 5d 4r rp I I.

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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.