1. Confessions of Lady Mantis (1975) - Letterboxd
Confessions of Lady Mantis. 1975. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白. Directed by Yuji Makiguchi. Synopsis. Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor ...
Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor man’s life after another. Finally she seduces a professional killer, which brings a tiny bit of action into the comedy oriented film. Being a Toei production, Mantis Wife’s Confession looks like real movie rather than a cheap exploitation production. Unfortunately the storyline is running circles, and there’s little to get excited about. A couple of good jokes make you laugh a few times, and one surprise has found its way into the film; Ema Ryoko plays a housewife. She gets into a fight, but her shirt stays on and doesn’t even get ripped.
2. Confessions of Lady Mantis (1975) - The Movie Database
Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor man's life after another. Finally she seduces a professional killer, which brings a tiny bit of action ...
Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor man’s life after another. Finally she seduces a professional killer, which brings a tiny bit of action into the comedy oriented film. Being a Toei production, Mantis Wife’s Confession looks like real movie rather than a cheap exploitation production. Unfortunately the storyline is running circles, and there’s little to get excited about. A couple of good jokes make you laugh a few times, and one surprise has found its way into the film; Ema Ryoko plays a housewife. She gets into a fight, but her shirt stays on and doesn’t even get ripped.
3. 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白 : 作品情報 - 映画.com
Missing: film | Show results with:film
4. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 - My Movie Finder
Cast · Ryôko Ema · Shingo Yamashiro · Seizô Fukumoto · Hiroshi Nawa · Eizô Kitamura · Midori Satsuki · Yuki Morisaki · Goro Naniwa.
Midori Satsuki stars as a vamp who destroys one poor man’s life after another. Finally she seduces a professional killer, which brings a tiny bit of action into the comedy oriented film. Being a Toei production, Mantis Wife’s Confession looks like real movie rather than a cheap exploitation production. Unfortunately the storyline is running circles, and there’s little to get excited about. A couple of good jokes make you laugh a few times, and one surprise has found its way into the film; Ema Ryoko plays a housewife. She gets into a fight, but her shirt stays on and doesn’t even get ripped.
5. 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白 | 内容・スタッフ・キャスト・作品情報
6. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 - カンテレドーガ
Missing: film | Show results with:film
「五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白」を見るならカンテレドーガ!【初回30日間無料トライアル!】
7. 映画 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 (1975) - allcinema
Missing: film cast
映画 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 (1975) 監督:牧口雄二キャスト:五月みどり
8. 『五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白』作品情報 | cinemacafe.net
Missing: film cast
9. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白|カンテレドーガ【初回30日間無料 ...
Missing: film | Show results with:film
10. 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白の作品情報・あらすじ・キャスト
夫の浮気が発覚してから次々に男たちと交歓を結び、次々と彼らの人生を破滅させていく魔性の女を、五月みどりが実名のヒロインで大胆にして奔放に演じている。隣の家の主人 ...
11. 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白:映画作品情報・あらすじ・評価
Nov 1, 1975 · 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白(1975年11月1日公開の映画)の作品情報。あらすじ、上映スケジュール、評価・レビュー、関連ニュース。
12. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 | HMV&BOOKS online - DSTD-2467
コンビニ受け取り送料無料! Pontaポイント使えます! | 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白 | 映画 | シネスコサイズ/スクイーズ, 1975 | 国内盤 | DVD | DSTD-2467 ...
13. 五月みどりの かまきり夫人の告白(その他 / 1975) - 動画配信 - U-NEXT
14. 田中憲明の出演映画作品 - MOVIE WALKER PRESS
俳優「田中憲明」が携わった映画1作品を紹介。「五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白(1975年11月1日(土)公開)」の出演 (患者の子供 役)。
15. 玉割り人ゆき | 内容・スタッフ・キャスト・作品情報 - 映画ナタリー
毒婦お伝と首切り浅. 監督:牧口雄二 ; 五月みどりのかまきり夫人の告白. 監督:牧口雄二 ; 女獄門帖・引き裂かれた尼僧. 監督:牧口雄二 ; 徳川女刑罰絵巻・牛裂きの刑. 監督: ...